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4/11/12. Character Quote: “The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more.”-Jonas Salk Brain Tease Question: Which is a bread from India: pita or chapati ?. Answer: Chapati . Rafer Reminder : Be sure that you are a respectful student.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 4/11/12 • Character Quote: “The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more.”-Jonas Salk • Brain Tease Question: Which is a bread from India: pita or chapati?

  2. Answer: Chapati. Rafer Reminder: Be sure that you are a respectful student.

  3. Any 8th graders interested in purchasing a 8th grade t-shirt we have extra shirts for sale in the office for $15. • Hey 7th graders!    It’s almost time to sign up for you electives for next year... and AVID needs some really GOOD prospects to fill our 8th grade AVID openings.  If you have goals of going to college and would like to have help in staying organized and being successful in school... AVID may be the right elective for you.  Flyers will be passed out this week...  so check it out!   If you are interested..  see Mrs. Johnson... to get an application or if you have questions.  :) • 8th grade students let your parents know there is a party planning meeting this Friday at 4p.m. in the library. • 8th grade Panoramic Photo on Friday, April 20th. $20.00 must be paid in the office by that date. You will receive a copy of the dress code today. • Please check your library book due dates, many books are due, and pay off your fines. • At this time please stand and be respectful as your room representative leads your class in the flag salute.

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