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RCACF Flypaper

Stay updated with RCACF's latest news and projects. President's message, treasurer's updates, field maintenance, and more. Enjoy flying this spring!

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RCACF Flypaper

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  1. RCACFFlypaper • The Official Monthly Newsletter April, 2014 Cover photo: John Kennedy with his mighty AT-6 John found this aircraft on RCUniverse. He had been looking for the right plane to put a large Saito engine in that he had purchased several months ago at a swap meet. This seemed like the perfect plane. The manufacturer is K2-RC. The consensus is that there were only two of these made. When John took delivery he soon found thatthere was a lot of work to get her ready to fly. It’s an all composite fuselage and built-up ply wings. An awesome 101” wingspan and weighs in at around 30 lbs. A 3 cylinder Saito 450 Radial engine converted to gas putting out a massive 8.5 hp. This is definitely not one of those easy-peazy ARFs. John had to do lots of crafting and building. The cowl was constructed from a Ziroli Corsair. It was much larger than needed, so he had to cut it down, glass it up, and painted to match perfectly. I can’t wait to see her take flight and hear that mighty 3 cylinder radial engine. Nice job John.

  2. Board Members/Officers Greg Foushi  President   Brian Provost  Vice President   Bill Wilson  Membership Chairman  Bill Freeland   Treasurer    Tim Len   Secretary   Gary Zaffino    Facilities Chairman Jim Lackey Chief Flight Instructor John Kennedy Safety OfficerBarry Vaught   Photographer Michael Vivona    Webmaster  • President’s Corner • Greg FoushiPresident A letter from the President – Greg Foushi Hello everyone and welcome to RCACF. It’s nice to see spring arrive! The weather has been great to fly at the field. I hope all of you are taking advantage of it and getting some flights in. Speaking of getting some flights in beautiful weather, this year’s Florida Jets event was fantastic. It was great to see so many of our members flying and coming out to support and watch some awesome aircraft fly. I spoke to Frank Tiano and he told me this year was the most pilots he had ever had attend the event and a record amount of spectators as well. The next event for Frank will be TOP GUN coming April 30th – May 4th. Now, with spring here the maintenance at field really begins. The last few months we have had to cancel the work parties due to rainy weather. So, this month we are going have to hit it hard. We need to get the canopies sealed up and get the grass cut. So, we will need your help. The more help we can get the quicker we can knock these projects out. I hope to see you all there and don’t forget about the awesome lunch the club will be providing to all workers. Speaking of projects, our team leaders are working hard to finish up the remaining projects as well. I would like for all the members to be able to take the summer off and enjoy the fruits of our labor! Lord knows we have put a lot of work into the club the last few years and we have an awesome club to enjoy! If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact me at gfoushi@aol.com or by phone at 407-453-1060. Have fun and fly safe!!! Greg Foushi President RCACF

  3. Bill Freeland • Treasurer It has been a very busy last 8 weeks.  I have been helping an older gentleman name Walt Carnes finish a Hawker SeaFury for the Top Gun event coming up in May.  He is 83 years old and is still building.  He has built several planes for the Toledo show over the years and still finds it enjoyable.  Greg Foushi flew his Stearman in last years Top Gun event and will be flying this one this year.  It has a 93 “ inch wingspan and is powered by a Moki 250cc radial engine.  He has mad a pretty cool hatch for all switches and fill accessories and it will be painted in the Sawbones scheme like the Reno Racer. Here is a link to his website: www.Waltsrchanger.com Check it out. Bill Freeland Treasurer RCACF

  4. Tim Len • Secretary Hi everyone, I'm currently working on a giant scale Cessna 182. Its a TMMY 120” wingspan. Will have DLE 111 installed, weighs in at 45 Lbs and is painted in US Coast Guard Scheme. This airplane will be flown at top gun in Pro Am Sportsman. Should be out at the field soon with it for some flights. I’m sure glad warmer weather is on the way, I'm looking forward to flying this airplane soon.. This is a picture of the real one. I’m very devoted to making mine be just as official looking. Happy Flying ! Tim Len

  5. John Kennedy • Safety Officer Well fellow modelers, since I have pounded safety, rules and regulations at you the first several months in office. I am confident you all are following the rules, guidelines, fly zones, range checks, buddy systems, etc. Correct? Well I thought I would share some winter projects with you fellow modelers and flyers to change it up a little.I have had two large projects in the works this winter. One is a 101 inch Reno Racing Texan that I had at the last meeting which took plane of the month honors facing all the stiff completion that showed up. “it was the only plane in there. LOL“. It is a beautiful plane which you saw in the front page of this flypaper. The second project is this Bud Nosen Giant 102 inch P-51 I purchased. I stripped it to bare bones over the winter as one of two projects I started. It was purchased from a gentleman in Daytona who had it for 15 years. It was in nice shape, just needed some TLC.Well like most thing, I always overdo it per the house arrest boss. LOL, so I started to do some small structural repair issues and ended up gutting the whole plane and stripping it to almost bare glass and then started patching, cutting, sanding and re-sanded. I primed and painted the entire plane with spray cans of Dupli-color primer lacquer paints and clears. All the strips etc. are painted on less the stickers. I redid the cowl to match the paint and lines. Installed a Brison 96 CC engine with a new 6 inch spinner and a 24x12 Xoar prop. Cleaned and touched up the detailed cockpit and put in a map of Japan so pilot would not forget his mission.  I also replaced all new tanks, hoses, switches everything. I Also added a Sullivan smoke system, gota have the smoke. I replaced all the servos with Hitec HT servos and controls. Rebuilt the original scale Annco retracts. I spent about 6 months redoing the plane and it has not been flown yet. I have had it to the field for a run up and tested it a couple times working out bugs on the ground. It’s about ready, but still having slight issues with the spring down retracts. I will hopefully have it in the air soon. Fly safe, be cautious to fellow flyers and God bless all.

  6. Barry Vaught • Photographer Hello Pilots, March has been roaring like a lion with Fl Jets, and the Tangerine Pattern contest. It is really refreshing to see all the younger pilots which are the future of Model Aviation. I would like to thank RCACF President Greg Fushi for his support and announce that his T-45 Goshawk will be featured on the upcoming Model Aviation Jet Issue Viewfinder page. Photographs from Fl Jets 2014 will be posted at a later date, however here is a sample. Support your RCACF and spread the love. Does anyone have any airplanes they would like to photograph, or photographs they would like to show us? Make sure you visit the website often, and read The Flypaper. Thank you, Barry Vaught RCACF Photographer 407-256-2240 vaughtenterprise@aol.com

  7. The Grill Masters of the RCACF Left to right -  Bo Swope, Hank Field, John Foushi, Charles Sutyak, Al Yager.. This is a shot of the gang that fed us on the last weekend work party. These guys are cooking all the time for us. Along with Joe Hooker, they keep us fat and happy. Each month we look to our members to pitch in and help maintain our club property. Things like mowing, edging, painting, etc. We really need your support in keeping our field in good working order. If each of you could just give up one day a year to come out and join us in a work party it would mean so much. Members that come out and help are definitely remembered and respected. Wish more would take part. Here’s the best part. The work only lasts a short time, then it’s time to dig into a great lunch provided by the club. And on those special occasions, you might even get to sample Joe Hooker’s World famous BBQ’d Ribs! “No one who cooks, cooks alone. Even at their most solitary, a cook in the kitchen is surrounded by generations of cooks past, the advice and menus of cooks present, the wisdom of cookbook writers.” Joe Hooker

  8. Monthly 50/50 Raffle Congrats to Fred Hale as he won the 50/50 raffle at last months club meeting. I have seen Fred win before not too long ago. I think he has some sort of secret formula worked out. Money in his hand and a million dollar smile on his face. Another great reason to come to your club’s monthly meetings. I know it’s not a ton of cash, but it’s a great reason to show up on April 12th at 10AM. • Monthly Airplane Raffle At last month’s meeting, Michael Gibiliscowon an Great Planes U-Can-Do SF 3D ARF All Balsa and Ply construction with Wingspan: 59” Length: 58” Weight: 7.25 lb This was one bad-assed airplane. Make sure you attend on April 12th at 10AM to get your chance at the plane below. • Next Airplane Raffle This month we have an exciting new plane to raffle off. It’s an FMS 1400mm F3A OLYMPUS PNP. Wingspan 55.1 in Length 61 in Weight 5.3lb Comes with 4258-KV550 motor, and an 60A ESC. Has digital metal gear servos already installed. Runs on a 5 or 6 cell 3200 LiPo battery. Make sure you attend the next club meeting to get your chance to win. Next meeting is April 12th at 10 AM in our beautiful club house center field.

  9. Thanks to Jim Lackey for replacing our windsock. • We love members that care. Jim noticed that our old windsock was tattered and in need of replacement. He took the initiative to just get it done. These sorts of gestures are what • makes the RCACF a great group of people. It may seem like no big deal, but it makes all the difference in the World to have members that not only come out and fly, but have that sense of ownership for their club. • It’s easy and a welcomed part of being part of the family. Please show you care. The next time you walk by a full barrel of trash, or see something laying on the ground that shouldn’t be there, just stop and make it your desire to help. Grab the first person you see standing by and say “hey, please help me carry this trash barrel to the dumpster”. I guarantee the response will be “Sure thing my friend, glad to help”. • Believe me when I say these gestures don’t go un-noticed.

  10. Gary Zaffino • Facilities Chairman Being that we have taken the last few months off from maintaining our field I thought I would show you what I have been working on through the Winter months. Here's what I have on the workbench. This is a 30cc Goldwing  74"  Sbach 342 with a DLE 30cc engine, all Futaba 9155 servos with 6volt LiFebatteries. The fuel tank is 16 oz. Should fly for 10-15 min. I'm eager to bring it out soon for a engine test run. Gary Zaffino

  11. AIRSHOWS • Michael Vivona • Webmaster/Chief Editor Take a break and enjoy some full scale action. Gather up the family or friends and visit one of the exciting airplane events that Central Florida has to offer in the month of April. Sun'n Fun Fly-In April – 01 thru 06 Lakeland Linder Regional Airport, Lakeland, FL (More info here) Mustangs & Mustangs April - 5 Polk City, FL (More info here) Planes, Trains & BBQ April - 12 Wooton Park, Lake Dora, Tavares, FL (More info here) Tavares Seaplane Fly-in April - 26 Wooton Park, Lake Dora, Tavares, FL (More info here) R C A C F Next general club meeting – April 12th10AM A great big THANK YOU to everyone who supports our great club. We could not do it without your continued help. Have a wonderful day… Come Fly With Us

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