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Archetypes. What is a hero?. Definition of archetype:. the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype.

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  1. Archetypes What is a hero?

  2. Definition of archetype: the original pattern or model from which all things of the same kind are copied or on which they are based; a model or first form; prototype. Example: Frankenstein , Dracula are both archetypes that have influenced subsequent horror stories – i.e. Freddy Krueger "archetype." Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1). Random House, Inc. 23 Aug. 2008. <Dictionary.com http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/archetype>.

  3. 3 Different Practical Archetypes Situation Archetype Character Archetype Symbolic Archetype

  4. Situation Archetypes The Quest The Journey The Task The Initiation The Fall Death and Rebirth The Battle between Good & Evil

  5. The Quest the search for someone or something (a talisman) which, when found and brought back, will restore fertility to a wasted land, the desolation of which is mirrored by a leader’s illness and disability. Note:  “fertility” does not necessarily mean “reproduction” or “fruitfulness.” It can and often does mean prosperity, peace, harmony. . http://raresoundtracks.iespana.es/images/thelionking.jpg

  6. The Journey  The journey sends the hero in search for some truth or information necessary to restore fertility to the kingdom.  a.      The hero descends into a real or psychological torment.b.      He is forced to discover or face the blackest truths about himself (usually).c.      He accepts responsibility for his faults and acknowledges his mistakes.d.      He returns to the world of the living. http://www.the-reel-mccoy.com/movies/2001/images/FellowshipOfTheRing_poster.jpg

  7. The Task To save the kingdom, to win the fair lady, to identify himself so that he may resume his rightful position, the hero must perform some nearly superhuman deed. This differs from the Quest in that in the Quest, the ultimate goal is to restore fertility; here the goal is to gain something (power, the girl, wealth, etc.) http://www.virginmedia.com/microsites/movies/slideshow/top-ten-movie-wizards/img_6.jpg

  8. The Initiation This usually takes the form of an initiation into adult life.  The adolescent comes into his or her own maturity with new awareness and problems along with new hope for the community.  This awakening is often the climax of the story.  It does parallel the Ritual. http://www.southshields-sanddancers.co.uk/photos_posters/harry_potter_calendar_photo.jpg

  9. The Fall This archetype describes a descent from a higher state of being to a lower state of being.  The experience involves a defilement and/or a loss of innocence and bliss.  The fall is often accompanied by an expulsion from a kind of paradise as penalty for disobedience and moral transgression. http://www.nashvillescholars.net/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/arthur

  10. Death & Rebirth This is the most common of all situational archetypes.  It is the parallel between the cycle of nature and the cycle of life.  Thus, morning and springtime represent birth, youth, or rebirth; evening and winter suggest old age or death. http://morris-photographics.com/photos/TheFourSeasons.jpg

  11. The Battle Between Good & Evil Obviously, the battle between two primal forces.  Mankind shows eternal optimism in the continual portrayal of good triumphing over evil despite great odds. http://rangersin08.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/sauron1.jpg http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51BD7HCN0TL.jpg

  12. Character Archetype The Hero The Initiates Mentors Father-Son Conflict Loyal Retainers Devil Figure Creature of Nightmares Woman Figure

  13. The Initiates These are young heroes or heroines who, prior to their quest, must endure some training and ceremony.  They are usually innocent and often wear white.   http://spencerpeet.files.wordpress.com/2007/10/karate-kid-se-sleeve.jpg

  14. The Mentor These individuals serve as teachers or counselors to the initiates.  Sometimes they work as role models and often serve as father or mother figure. (1) (2)

  15. Father – Son Conflict Tension often results from separation during childhood or from an external source when the individuals meet as men and where the mentor often has a higher place in the affections of the hero than the natural parent • http://p7.p.pixnet.net/albums/userpics/7/0/308370/1178083764.jpg • http://www.mymovies.it/filmclub/attori/3994.jpg

  16. Archetype Activity • Get in groups of four (4) by finding the other people who have a character from your story.

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