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Vocabulary. The Spirit of Reform. The Reform Movement. Fighting Slavery. Equal Rights for Women. Seneca Falls Convention. Vocabulary. The Spirit of Reform. The Reform Movement. Fighting Slavery. Equal Rights for Women. Seneca Falls Convention. $100. $100. $100.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vocabulary

  2. The Spirit of Reform

  3. The Reform Movement

  4. Fighting Slavery

  5. Equal Rights for Women

  6. Seneca Falls Convention

  7. Vocabulary The Spirit of Reform The Reform Movement Fighting Slavery Equal Rights for Women Seneca Falls Convention $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

  8. People who favored ending slavery

  9. abolitionists

  10. People who wanted to bring about change in areas such as women’s rights, the treatment of the mentally ill, and education.

  11. reformers

  12. A philosophy which taught people to use emotion and intuition.

  13. transcendentalism

  14. These are paid for by taxes and managed by local government

  15. public schools

  16. The formal statement of injustices suffered by women was called the

  17. Declaration of Sentiments

  18. The revival of religious feeling and belief in the 1820’s and 1830’s

  19. Second Great Awakening

  20. The central figure in the transcendentalist movement

  21. Ralph Waldo Emerson

  22. He lived in the woods for over two years to get close to nature.

  23. Henry David Thoreau

  24. Transcendentalists warned people about the dangers of political ___________.

  25. parties

  26. Transcendentalists warned people against the dangers of organized ________________

  27. religion

  28. Debtors were often thrown into jail for years. What’s wrong with that?

  29. How can they repay the money owed when they’re in jail?

  30. True or False? Both boys and girls attended school in equal numbers in the early1800’s

  31. False

  32. True or False Those deemed to be “insane” in the 1800’s were placed in cages and at times whipped.

  33. True

  34. She worked to improve conditions for prisoners and the mentally ill

  35. Dorothea Dix

  36. He fought to reform schools in America

  37. Horace Mann

  38. This religious group stopped owning slaves in 1776.

  39. Quakers

  40. Joined the anti-slavery movement due to his religious beliefs

  41. William Lloyd Garrison

  42. Founded his own newspaper, North Star, to spread the evils of slavery.

  43. Frederick Douglass

  44. A former slave, she gave speeches throughout the North against slavery

  45. Sojourner Truth

  46. Women in the early 1800’s could not vote nor hold _________.

  47. office

  48. In the early 1800’s, why were there more men in medical school than women?

  49. Most medical schools would not accept women.

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