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Elliptic sentence. Elliptic sentence adalah kalimat yang dibentuk dengan cara menghilangkan beberapa bagian kalim a t yang memiliki kesamaan tanpa mengubah makna aslinya .
Elliptic sentenceadalahkalimat yang dibentukdengancaramenghilangkanbeberapabagiankalimat yang memilikikesamaantanpamengubahmaknaaslinya. Penghilanganbeberapakalimat in digunakanuntukmengubah agar kalimatmenjadilebihpendek. Elliptic sentenceseringdigunakandalampercakapanmaupuntulisan.
PENGGUNAAN TOO DAN SO Toodanso digunakandalamklimatpositif yang samapredikatnya, termasukobjekdanketerangannya. Adapunrumusnya: Subject + verb (be) ............ and + subject + verb (be) ....... + too. Subject + verb (be) ............. and + so + verb (be) ....... + subject.
He will go to Jakarta. I will go to Jakarta. • He will go to Jakarta and I will go to Jakarta too. • He will go to Jakarta and I will too. • He will go to Jakarta and so will I.
Andi likes reading a novel. I like reading a novel. Andilikes reading a novel and I like reading a novel too. • Andi likes reading a novel and I do too • Andi likes reading a novel and so do I.
He is clever. I am clever. • He is clever and I am clever too. • He is clever and I am too. • He is clever and so am I.
PENGGUNAAN EITHER DAN NEITHER Either dan neither digunakanuntukmenggabungkanduakalimatnegatif yang samapredikat, keterangan, danpelngkapnya. Adapunrumusnya: Negative statement + and + subject + negative auxiliary/be + either Negative statement + and + neither + positive auxiliary/be + subject
Rudy will not come here. Anne will not come here. Rudy will not come here and Anne will not come here either. • Rudy will not come here and Anne will not either. Rudy will not come here and neither will Anne.
I don’t go to school. He doesn’t go to school. • I don’t go to school and he doesn’t go to school either. • I don’t go to school and he doesn’t either • I don’t go to school neither does he.
He was not diligent. Anita was not diligent. • He was not diligent and Anita was not diligent either. • He was not diligent and Anita was not either. • He was not diligent and neither was Anita.
PENGGUNAAN BUT • Butdigunakanuntukmenggabungkanduakalimat yang berlawanan (baikpositifdannegatifmaupunnegatifdanpositif) denganbentuktenses yang sama. • Contoh: • I can speak English very well. Andi can’t speak English very well. • I can speak English very well, butAndi can’t.
Agus is a clever student. Andi is not a clever student. • Agus is a clever student, butAndi is not. • Haidaris a diligent boy. Agus not a dligent boy. Haidaris a diligent boy, butAgus is not.
PENGGUNAAN BOTH ....AND... • Both .... and ....... digunakanuntukmenggabungkanduakalimatpositif yang samakatakerjanya, keterangannya, dansebagainya. • Contoh: • Fida is sweeping the floor. Ajid sweeping the floor. BothFidaandAjid are sweeping the floor
PENGGUNAAN EITHER...OR+POSITIVE AUXILARY • Penggunaan Either ... Or + Positive Auxiliary (Modal) • Either ... or + possitive auxiliary (modal)untukmenyatakansalahsatudariduaperbuatanperbuatandalamduakalimat yang mempunyaibentuktenses yang sama. • Contoh: • I like reading a short story. I like reading novel. (Sayasukamembacacerpen. Sayasukamembaca novel.) • I like reading either a short story or a novel. (Sayasukamembacacerpenatau novel.)
You will go to Semarang tomorrow. I will go to Semarang tomorrow. Either you or I will go to Semarang tomorrow. • You will turn on the radio. I will turn on the radio. Eitheryou or I will turn on the radio.
PENGGUNAAN NEITHER....NOR...+ POSITIVE AUXILARY • Penggunaan Neither ...... nor .... + Positive Auxiliary (Modal) • Neither ...... nor .... + Positive Auxiliary (Modal)inimempunyaiarti “keduanyatidak”. Kalimatdenganungkapaniniharusmempunyaitenses yang sama. • Contoh: • Jamari is not a teacher. Jamari is not businessman. • Jamariis neither a teacher norbusinessman • Andry can’t make a short story. Ummi can’t make short story. • NeitherAndrynorUmmi can make a short story.