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编辑信息“课程 + 分数( 5,4,3,2,1 ,最高分 5 分,最低分 1 分)”(例如:听力 +5 )发送至“小马公开课”微信,为老师打分,将有机会获得小马过河送出的精美礼品一份。. 3月听力 点题 ( 3 ). 小马托福听力主讲教师:苏显嘉. 14 年 3 月听力点题. 140305 听力点题 1 :听力机经 + 练习方法 140312 听力点题 2 :听力机经 + 笔记指南 140318 听力点题 3 :听力机经 + 听力做题. 14 年 3 月 五 大听力话题. ( 一)环境科学 / 地球科学

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  1. 编辑信息“课程+分数(5,4,3,2,1,最高分5分,最低分1分)”(例如:听力+5)发送至“小马公开课”微信,为老师打分,将有机会获得小马过河送出的精美礼品一份。

  2. 3月听力点题(3) 小马托福听力主讲教师:苏显嘉

  3. 14年3月听力点题 • 140305听力点题1:听力机经+练习方法 • 140312听力点题2:听力机经+笔记指南 • 140318听力点题3:听力机经+听力做题

  4. 14年3月五大听力话题 (一)环境科学/地球科学 • TPO 23 L2 Earth Radiation Budget • TPO 29 L4 Carbon Nanotube

  5. 14年3月五大听力话题 (二)人类学/考古 • TPO 07 L3 Iroquois people • TPO 24 L3 Megafauna

  6. 14年3月五大听力话题 (三)生物学 • TPO 26 L3 Carbon Cycling • 经典加试Rafflesia

  7. 14年3月五大听力话题 (四)天文学 • TPO 30 L3 Jarosite • TPO 26 L3 Comets

  8. 14年3月五大听力话题 (五)艺术 • TPO 16Lecture 2 Piano • TPO 21 Lecture 4 Alice Neel

  9. 第三期机经

  10. 新增机经1 一个男生找女教授说自己要去读 MBA 啦,男的说上个假期做了实习(有题,问难 的为什么说这个,选他 想表明他符合 MBA 要求。)教授恭喜。男生找她的主要 目的是问选课的事情(有题)。他想修一门 french business 的课,但是教授说这个 课和我这学期上的 french film 都是 F301(貌似)的课,这个类别的课不能选两次 (有 题,多选,另一个选项选他这学期他这学期将完成这个 french的课程)。补充 一下,教授之前说 french这个课 有五个必修,一个选修,而男的要选的 F301 都是 选修的。男的其他五门都修完了。男的是 business 专业的, specialize in french。 男的表示政策不好。后男的说那我可以去找教授做单独的 independent research,女教授说 不行,这个只允许 french专业的同学选(有题,选他的申请可能不会通过)。

  11. 新增机经2 开始给了张地图 说一种 XXX 人搬到一个什么地方,这个地方条件不好,冷(考点), 所以人们需要工具。 然后就引到下面的 artificial 工具了,主要讲一种确定某 artificial 物品的方法,大概是用炭 14 来确定的。开始 说这方法的好处,后来根据 研究发现 contradiction 了。某物品被确定是 3000 年前的,但用是那种方法确定 的 是 2000 年前(数字不确定),所以发现问题了,后来又说炭 14 的方法不好: (1) 太阳的照射会破坏原本的炭 14 level 大概这个意思 反正跟阳光有关 (2) 不能再原来的物体上用这种方法作测试

  12. 新增机经3 Environmental science。教授在讲 restoring water。先讲了 deforestation 的不 利(有题,选人们的活动破坏)。 然后讲 levee,人们建它但是它对生态不好(有题), 举了个 salmon 的例子。然后讲了美国一个地方建个工程, 是便于他们排放污染 物的(有题)。最后他讲了一个衡量标准的问题,很多人认为是预算还有是否按时 完成, 但是并不是一个有效的标准。他最后提了他的同事们提出了 5 个 criteria, 下节课将举例工程符合这 5 个 criteria 成功的例子。

  13. 新增机经4 有个从加利佛尼亚要新来的女的 basketball coach。要欢迎么,然后现在这个男 教练叫了一个女学生来,这 个女生好像是之前受伤了还是怎么了,反正就是需要 恢复(有题,是说这个女的恢复情况怎么样,什么时候 能重新打球,当时听见那两人 情绪能么激动,就选了个恢复的比预想的好)。然后接着说那个欢迎会,好像那 个 男人的儿子有什么事,然后就是反正最后只能弄一个 informal 的 party(有个双 选题,另一个选项忘记了, 只记得有一个是说这个要举行 party 的地方能放映,有 个大荧幕)。 还有一个双选题,也是记得一个选项,就是那个学生们对这个要新来 的女教练不咋熟悉。为啥来着?好像是 那个女的以前没带过女子的队,大家不认 识?

  14. 新增机经5 电子乐 electronic music 的发展。第一,有 tape,还有一个什么东西,人们就可以 用那个东西来弄出音乐。 然后还有一个合成器吧,就有个男生说这个东西像电子 钢琴,老师说也不完全这样,反正你按那个,他就发 出一些特殊的音,然后也就弄出 音乐了。最后就是电脑,有软体了,人们在电脑里面录歌,听见哪儿不对, 就停下来, 在那修改,调高音量,音调,或者调低音量、音调。

  15. 新增机经6 MM 到图书馆问关于 interlibrary 的事,就是如果学生借的书本校图书馆没有,图 书馆回向临近的图书馆借。 MM 说流程是不是在往往填个表然后 submit 就行 了。图书管理员说是的。MM 说但是我一周前 request 了一 本书,到现在也没回 音。管理员问她有没有点网页底部绿色的 submit 方框。MM 说点了,管理员说 通常是一 周内就能有结果,但是图书馆楼顶漏水了,淹了很多书,可能会有影响。 他说可以让 MM 到楼上一个 officer 那里去查一下她的书的状态,因为电脑系统 有故障,所以电脑里查不到,officer 那里有 printout。

  16. 新增机经7 关于 beneficial bacteria。主题是讲它们对人类的益处。例如帮助消化,同坏的bacteria 争夺食物等。 开头说细菌有好有坏,好细菌的好处有: (1) 细菌可以提供 人体所需的维他命;(2) 与坏细菌竞争营养. 供给人体 (3) 人体 INFECTION 后,好 细菌可以帮助产生 ANTIBODY(还是说的吃了 ANTIBODY 会把好细菌消灭, 记 不清了);(3) 优酪乳中有很多好细菌,帮助人体消化然后说有些洗手液会杀死一些好细菌

  17. 新增机经8 American culture 真假哥伦布。哥伦布在17XX 年(貌似是在他登陆后的第300 年)被第一次纪念因为那个时候美国需要宣传爱国主义,和脱离了英国统治。别的人比如华盛顿不太适合作为这个 hero 是因为他们还活 在~或者自己不愿意。 但是那个被英雄化的哥伦布是有虚构的。因为他的作品貌似很晚才公诸于众。 所以美国人虚构了一个反对王权压迫~追求自由~白手起家~获得幸福的哥伦布 形象(事实却是他的探险当年是受到某国 国王资助的)。虽然那样的“假”哥伦布是不可取的,但是通过了解当时美国人是从那些方面塑造了虚假的方面可以了解当时美国人的理想形象和当时美国的文化。

  18. 新增机经9 讲了欧洲 1400s 光学仪器 optical devices,例如眼镜 spectacles 在绘画的应用,改变了绘画方式。本来画 画是平面的,没有立体感,没有阴影。后来使用了光学仪 器 optical instrument,就开始画的特别立体 three-dimensional,虽然这个时间和光学仪器传入欧洲的时间不相符(此处有题)。这种绘画方式需要很高的技巧(有题),一不小心就会出错,即由于失焦 blur 而模糊 obscure。举例,照相机,当聚焦 focus on 一个地方的时候,其他的就模糊了。出现了一个人的绘画作品,从作品里可以看出,桌布画的特别精细,不过仔细看的话,就会发现它有失焦的错误。当你看桌布的这前一部分的时候,远处的桌布就会变得模糊,所以从这个错误也可以看出当时画家使用了光学仪器(有题)。

  19. 6 大出题点及范例 见上期PPT

  20. 第5、6题 注意开放式结尾

  21. TPO 22 L2 6. What is the professor’s attitude about the bright-young-Sun solution? A. He is surprised that it is not more widely accepted. B. He feels that it raises too many unanswerable questions. C. He is confident that future research will determine whether it is true. D. He expects that other possible solutions to the paradox will be proposed.

  22. TPO 25 L1 6. What is the professor’s attitude toward the effort to save the Florida torreya? A. She is glad that some conservationists are willing to take a chance on assisted migration B. She is concerned because it may have unintended consequences C. She is surprised because other species are more endangered than Florida torreya is D. She expects the effort will have to be repeated several times before it succeeds

  23. TPO 20 L2 5. What is the professor’s attitude toward industrialization? A. He thinks that its effect on Earth’s climate will decrease over time B. He is worried that it may speed the arrival of the next ice age C. He thinks that it may reduce the effect of agriculture on Earth’s climate. D. He is unsure about its long-term effects on Earth’s climate.

  24. TPO 15 L2 • 6. What does the professor say about future researchers? • They may not agree that humans have had an important effect on Earth’s surface • They will not have reliable evidence of what is happening today • They will determine when the Anthropocene epoch began • They will make predictions about when the Anthropocene epoch will end

  25. TPO 24 L4 6. What is the professor’s opinion about the theory that Venus' volcanoes are active? The theory has recently been proved by direct observation At least two kinds of evidence support the theory The data collected so far about the theory are contradictory New findings have made the theory quite unlikely.

  26. 做题方法 • 1、听 • 听得懂——当中文听,找层次 • 听不懂——跟随复述 • 2、笔记 • 分层

  27. 做题方法 • 3、做题步骤=阅读 • 看题目,翻译成中文 • 在笔记或记忆中找到定位,思考上下句联系,找到答案 • 心中有了答案再看选项 • 把错误选项排除的最好方法:翻译

  28. 题目 1. What is the lecture mainly about? A. The effect of ice ages on the development of agriculture B. A theory about a change in Earth’s climate cycle C. Strategies to prevent Earth from entering another ice age D. Some effects of industrialization on Earth’s atmosphere

  29. 题目 2. What does the professor imply about Earth’s climate over the last several million years? Click on 2 answers A. Ice ages have alternated with warmer periods. B. Recent ice ages have not been as cold as earlier ice ages. C. Interglacial periods have become cooler and cooler over time. D. Previous interglacial periods were shorter than the current interglacial period.

  30. 题目 3. According to the professor, what factor is extending the duration of the current interglacial period? A. A shift in the locations of wetlands and forests B. The relatively mild temperatures of the most recent ice ages C. The increased absorption of certain atmospheric gases by farm crops D. An increase in the quantity of certain gases in Earth’s atmosphere

  31. 题目 4. According to the professor, what activities associated with the beginnings of agriculture may have slowed or prevented the onset of a predicted ice age? Click on 2 answers A. The clearing of trees B. The burning of fossil fuels C. The domestication of certain animals D. The cultivation of certain grains

  32. 题目 5. What is the professor’s attitude toward industrialization? A. He thinks that its effect on Earth’s climate will decrease over time B. He is worried that it may speed the arrival of the next ice age C. He thinks that it may reduce the effect of agriculture on Earth’s climate. D. He is unsure about its long-term effects on Earth’s climate.

  33. 题目 6. What does the professor imply when he says this: A. Theorists sometimes make careless predictions B. Theorists were unaware of some of the effects of human activities. C. Technology of the 1970s was not sophisticated enough to detect the earliest stages of an ice age. D. Scientists in the1970s overestimated the speed at which ice ages progress.

  34. 口语中的听力笔记

  35. 结构概念

  36. Task 3 sample University Announces Change in Campus Tour Guides Traditionally, staff members from the admissions office have led the campus tours for secondary-school students who are considering attending the university. Beginning next semester, however, current students will lead these guided walks around the campus instead. The staff of the admissions office no longer have time to lead the campus tours. We need to focus our resources on our other responsibilities?

  37. Task 3 sample Explains Christine Tanner, the director of admissions. Furthermore, we feel that current students will offer unique and valuable insight to our visitors during these campus tours. Q: The woman expresses her opinion about the university’s plan. Briefly summarize the plan. Then state her opinion about the plan and explain the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.

  38. Task 3 sample

  39. 结构概念

  40. Task 4 sample Irrational Commitment When people have devoted time or resources to a certain project, they generally want to see it succeed. However, they may grow so attached to the idea of a successful outcome that even if it starts to look like the project will fail, and the disadvantages are outweighing the benefits, they will nevertheless increase their commitment to the project rather than give up. This is known as irrational commitment.

  41. Task 4 sample This tendency to continue with a project when it would make better sense to quit can be especially strong when people feel they may be judged by others for their eventual success or failure with the project. Q: Explain how the example from the professor’s lecture illustrates irrational commitment.

  42. Task 4 sample

  43. 结构概念

  44. Task 5 sample

  45. Task 5 sample Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.

  46. 结构概念

  47. Task 6 sample

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