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Evolution of a Teacher Professional Development Program that Promotes Teacher and Student Research

Evolution of a Teacher Professional Development Program that Promotes Teacher and Student Research. Stephen M. Pompea, Steven M. Croft, and Catharine D. Garmany Public Affairs and Educational Outreach Department National Optical Astronomy Observatory Tucson Arizona.

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Evolution of a Teacher Professional Development Program that Promotes Teacher and Student Research

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  1. Evolution of a Teacher Professional Development Program that Promotes Teacher and Student Research Stephen M. Pompea, Steven M. Croft, and Catharine D. Garmany Public Affairs and Educational Outreach Department National Optical Astronomy Observatory Tucson Arizona

  2. Kitt Peak National Observatory

  3. TLRBSE Research Projects

  4. Professional Development for Teachers:Research Experiences Aid Retention and Renewal

  5. Evolution of a Teacher/Student Research Program at NOAO • Research Based Science Education ( almost 10 years ago, 3 telescopes) • Teacher Leaders in RBSE (start 5 years ago, add another telescope plus mentoring and retention component) • Teacher Observing Program (start 2 years ago, add travel and science fair) • Spitzer Teacher/Student Research program (start 1 year ago, add an infrared space telescope) • Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (expand audience and data sets)

  6. Spitzer Space TelescopeResearch Program for Teachers • 37 applicants-12 chosen • Workshop at NOAO • Workshop at AAS meeting • Second cohort being selected

  7. Three Day Workshop in Tucson in November, 2004

  8. Teachers and Students Doing Research: More Questions than Answers What is real (authentic) research? Must teachers be involved in all aspects? How can it be brought to the classroom? How can we make major strides in content and process? How frustrating should the authentic research experience be?

  9. Teachers and Scientists: Two Cultures • Different vocabulary (research, proposal or grant application) • Different demands on time • Role of criticism different

  10. More Questions • How can we evaluate and publish student research? • What is the model for teachers on research teams? Equals (e.g. grad. students) or teacher VIPs? • What is the mix of the mentoring team at NOAO?

  11. Answers • We have a good model at NOAO, but • You must rely on program operational (practical) answers. • Answers are largely goal driven. (e.g. How hard should medical school be?)

  12. Non-answers • If you meet the Buddha on the road … • Rilke: We must live the questions …These are important questions that must be grappled with.

  13. Designing a Research Program for Teachers:Avoiding an Impedance Mismatch Little things make the difference!

  14. Conclusion • NOAO has a robust program for teacher/student research • We are always trying something new • Focus on value-added for the teacher and classroom • Our answers are not “the” answers, but might apply to other research organizations

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