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TAIEX. Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument of the European Commission. Institution Building Unit DG Enlargement. Mission Statement. Supports beneficiary countries in understanding, transposing, implementing and applying EU policies, legislation, rules – the acquis.

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  1. TAIEX Technical Assistance and Information Exchange Instrument of the European Commission Institution Building UnitDG Enlargement

  2. Mission Statement Supports beneficiary countries in understanding, transposing, implementing and applying EU policies, legislation, rules –the acquis

  3. TAIEX: a success story • Ownership – demand driven • Gap-filling - Focused on the EU acquis • Responsiveness - Short-term and flexible instrument • Peer-to-peer→ Expertise from EU MS

  4. Beneficiaries • Pre-accession assistance (IPA): Candidate countries and Potential Candidates • Countries covered by the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) and Russia • Turkish Cypriot community

  5. Beneficiary groups • Central Governments, Ministries, Government bodies, Regulators • National Parliaments • Judiciary and Law Enforcement Bodies • Social Partners and Private Sector Associations

  6. Areas covered • Agriculture and Food Safety • Internal Market • Environment, Transport and Telecommunications • Justice and Home Affairs

  7. Internal market - 2011

  8. Justice and Home Affairs - 2011

  9. Agriculture and Food Safety - 2011

  10. Environment, Transport and Telecommunications - 2011

  11. TAIEX events per beneficiary - 2011

  12. Expertise • Mobilised experts are almost exclusively Member States’ public-sector officials • Commission’s and other EU Institutions’ officials often involved

  13. Experts mobilised in TAIEX activities

  14. Participants at TAIEX activities

  15. TAIEX events since 2007

  16. Main forms of assistance • Seminars/Workshops (single or multi-beneficiary) • Expert Missions • Study Visits

  17. Costs covered by TAIEX Workshops • Hotel and travel costs for speakers coming from the EU Member States • Meeting room rental (if in a hotel) • Interpretation (including equipment) • Catering (lunch, coffee)

  18. Costs covered by TAIEX Expert Missions • Limited to 10 - 15 participants • Duration of maximum one week • No interpretation in principle • TAIEX covers flight costs, hotel and daily allowances for EU MS expert • Only experts from national administrations of the EU MSs

  19. Costs covered by TAIEX Study Visits • Limited to maximum 3 participants • Duration of maximum one week • Interpretation (only in exceptional cases) • TAIEX covers flight costs, hotel and daily allowances for participants

  20. Activation • Requests are primarily generated by the beneficiary countries • Suggestions from Commission services are also considered • Suggestions from MS cannot usually be taken into consideration

  21. How long does it take? • TAIEX can quickly deliver the requested assistance • From the moment the application is approved, a minimum of 6-8 weeks for the dispatching of an expert and of about 10 weeks for the organisation of a seminar

  22. How are requests processed? • All applications are submitted for opinion to the National Contact Points, the EU Delegation and the competent Commission services. Applications concerning ENPI countries are sent to the directorate general development and cooperation (devco) • The Institution Building Unit of DG Enlargement, takes the final decision • IMPORTANT: Quality of applications (clear, complete and pertinent to the EU acquis)

  23. How to apply? • Application forms available via the website http://taiex.ec.europa.eu • Letter, fax, e-mail (under the condition that the basic information requested in the application form is provided) through the National Contact Point

  24. European Commission Directorate General Enlargement Institution Building Unit TAIEX Instrument e-mail: elarg-taiex@ec.europa.eu Website:http://taiex.ec.europa.eu

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