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A ngioplasty to B lunt the rise O f troponin in A cute coronary syndromes R andomized for an immediate or D elayed intervention. A Multicenter Randomized Trial of Immediate Versus Delayed Invasive Strategy in Patients with Non-ST Elevation ACS.
Angioplasty to Blunt the rise Of troponin in Acute coronary syndromes Randomized for an immediate or Delayed intervention A Multicenter Randomized Trial of Immediate Versus Delayed Invasive Strategy in Patients with Non-ST Elevation ACS G. Montalescot, on behalf of the ABOARD investigators Funded by the Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique (French Ministry of Health) Sponsored by Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris (AP-HP) Led by the A.C.T.I.O.N. group (Academic Research Organization) Coordinating Center: Pitié-Salpêtrière University Hospital Data Management and Statistics: URC Lariboisière University Hospital Additional support from Eli-Lilly G. Montalescot, disclosure: research grant, consulting or speaker fee from BMS, Boston scientific, Cordis, Daiichi Sankyo, Eli Lilly, GSK, SAG, MSD, The Medicines Company, Medtronic, Novartis, Portola, Schering.
Background • Randomized trials have demonstrated that an invasive strategy is superior to a conservative strategy in NSTE-ACS • The optimal timing of intervention remains a matter of debate • A “primary PCI” approach of NSTE-ACS has not been tested yet
Study objective To determine whether immediate intervention (“primary PCI strategy”) is superior to delayed intervention (“next day strategy”) in patients with moderate-to-high risk (TIMI score > 3) non-ST segment elevation ACS.
ABOARD study design NSTE-ACS 2 of 3 Criteria: Ischemic symptom, ST-T change, troponin rise with TIMI score > 3 IVRS RANDOMIZATION Next day cath Immediate cath All PCIs on abciximab 1-month Follow-up
ACS Antman EM et al – NEJM 1996 Nienhuis MB et al - CCI 2008 1.35 (1.13-1.60) ALL PCI Troponin during hospitalization « The preferred biomarker for myocardial necrosis is cardiac troponin »
Outcomes Primary MI: defined as the peak of troponin I during hodpitalization Secondary Death (any), new MI (CK-MB) or urgent revascularization (PCI or CABG) Death, new MI, urgent revascularization or recurrent ischemia Individual parameters
Statistical Analysis Study Power: 352 patients: 80% power to detect an effect size equal to 0.3 Randomization: Central 24 hour IVRS Analysis: Intention to treat; Tests: Mann-Whitney test for non-gaussian quantitative parameters, Chi-square or Fisher’s exact probability tests for qualitative parameters . Follow-up: 100%
Peak values of troponin I in the 2 groups Median, IQR 2.1 (0.3-7.1) 1.7 (0.3-7.2) p = 0.70 Primary EP (peak of troponin I)
% P=0.94 P=0.31 Key secondary EP Composite Ischemic Endpoints at 1 month
% P=0.08 P=0.09 P=0.32 P=0.57 P=0.28 P=0.62 Individual Ischemic Endpoints at 1 month
Sites of Major Bleedings n One patient had 2 bleeding events
Median differences and Hodges-Lehmann CI for the primary end point (peak of troponin) Immediate better Delayed better Subgroup analysis (primary EP)
Hospital stay P<0.001
Conclusions A « primary PCI strategy » in NSTE-ACS (compared with a rapid intervention on the next day): • is feasible, but does not reduce the risk of MI (primary outcome) • is not associated with significant differences in other efficacy or safety outcomes • does not benefit to a particular subgroup of patients • shortens significantly hospital stay