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Uurimistöö disain ja -strateegiad. Uurimistöö disain – üldine plaan, kuidas pöörata uurimisküsimus uurimisprojektiks Täpsustab: e esmärke a llikaid piiranguid Uurimuse eesmärk – “ M ida su uurimus peaks tegema ?”. Uurimuse eesmärk. E ksploratiivne / avastav uurimus.
Uurimistöö disain – üldine plaan, kuidas pöörata uurimisküsimus uurimisprojektiks • Täpsustab: • eesmärke • allikaid • piiranguid Uurimuseeesmärk – “Midasuuurimus peaks tegema?”
Uurimuse eesmärk. Eksploratiivne/ avastav uurimus • Eksploratiivne/ avastav uurimus sobib hästi selleks, et: - uuridavälja, mistoimub; - saadauusiperspektiive/laiendadaarusaamu; - küsidauusiküsimusi; - hinnatanähtusiuuesvalguses …misselle probleemi olemus täpselt on • Kuidas läbi viia: - Kirjanduseanalüüs - Valdkonna”ekspertide” küsitlemine - Fookusgrupiintervjuud
Toward a ScientificInquiryintoSuperstitiousBusinessDecision-Making • Authors: Tsang, Eric W. K. • Source: OrganizationStudies (2004), Vol. 25 Issue6 • Author-SuppliedKeywords: • Chinesebusinessdecision-makingfengshuirationalitysuperstitionuncertainty • Abstract: ThisarticlepresentsthefindingsofanexploratorystudyoftheroleofsuperstitioninChinesebusinessdecision-making. Thestudyconfirmsthegeneralperceptionthatsuperstitionconstitutes a crucial part ofbusinesslifeinChinesesocieties. SuperstitionhelpsChinesebusinessmencopewithuncertaintybyproviding a senseofcertainty and alleviatingtheanxietyassociatedwithuncertainty. Althoughsuperstitionisoftenregardedasirrational and unfounded, practitionerstrytojustifyit on thegroundsofsuperstition'ssubstantivevalidityorinstrumentalvalue. Interestingly, half-believersofsuperstitionadmitthattheyexperiencecognitivedissonance: theyshouldnotbasetheirdecisions on superstitionbuttheydo. Anotherimportantfindingisthatfengshuiexpertsplaytheirrolesasexpert, provocateur, legitimizer, and comforterinstrategicdecision-makingwhenprovidingadvicetotheirbusinessclients.
Kirjeldav uurimus • …anda täpne profiil mingis kontekstis huvipakkuvatest inimestest, sündmustest või olukordadest • „…ja mis siis?“ • Eelfaas mõnele teisele uurimusele • Pigem vahend kui eesmärk
Foreign Investment and Ethics: How to Contribute to Social Responsibility by Doing Business in Less-Developed Countries • Authors:Bardy, Roland, Drew, Stephen, Kennedy, TumentaS • Source:Journal of Business Ethics; Mar2012, Vol. 106 Issue 3 • Abstract: Do foreign direct investment (FDI) and international business ventures promote positive social and economic development in emerging nations? This question will always prove contentious. First, the impacts differ according to context. Second, the social consequences and spillover effects of knowledge diffusion and technology-sharing may be limited and hard to measure. Third, contributions to enhancing social responsibility and improving living standards in host countries are delayed in effect, causally complex, and also hard to measure. Outcomes often critically depend on collaboration of governments, international institutions, the business world, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Research in this area is challenging and requires interdisciplinary collaboration between economists, financial experts, sociologists, ethicists, and other specialists. This paper explores: (1) the evidence to support the proposition that FDI and international business improve social conditions in less-developed countries, and: (2) how these improvements are linked to strategies of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethical business practice. The paper draws insights from development, FDI, poverty alleviation, and bottom-of-the-pyramid (BOP) literature. Applications are demonstrated using examples from poverty-stricken areas of Sub-Saharan Africa. The paper attempts not only to argue theoretically but also to provide practical evidence. The approach is simultaneously descriptive, analytical, and prescriptive in order to address a wide audience. It also highlights issues and trends for further academic research and presents the viewpoint that some limitations lie in the nature of ethics frameworks widely referenced in business and that these often fail to consider the compatibility of ethical constructs with relevant incentives. In this vein, we explore the application of Homann's framework for advantage and incentive-based ethics.
Selgitav uurimus • …püüab leida põhjuslikke seoseid muutujate vahel
StrategicInnovationDecisions: WhatYouForeseeIsNotWhatYouGet • Authors: Moenaert, RudyK.,Robben, HenryAntioco, Michael,deSchamphelaere, Veroniek, Roks, Eveline • Source: JournalofProductInnovationManagement; Nov2010, Vol. 27 Issue6 Abstract: • Thisresearchattemptsto (1) identifythefactorsthatinfluencestrategicdecisionmaking (i.e., a choice made amongvariousstrategicoptions), and (2) establishtheirrelativeimportanceinthecontextofnewproductdevelopment. Hence, thisstudy'sresearchquestionisformulatedasfollows: from a descriptiveperspectivewhatfactorsprevailinmanagers' strategicdecisionmaking on newproductdevelopment, and from a normativeperspectiveisthisbehavioroptimal? Anexploratorycaseresearchstudygenerated a four-dimensionalframeworkofstrategicdecisionmaking. In 17 companies, thedecision-makingprocesses and subsequentimplementationof 22 businessinnovationprojectswerestudied. Managers' choices are determinedbytheassessmentof (1) thebusinessopportunity, (2) thefeasibility, (3) thecompetitiveness, and (4) theleverageopportunitiesprovidedbythestrategicoption. Theresearchquestionwasthenfurtheraddressedin a fieldsitesurveyof 144 managersofChemCorp, a global, multidivisionalchemicalscompany. Theexanteconjointstudy shows thatfeasibility and businessopportunityprevailovercompetitiveness and leverage at thedecision-making moment. UsingPLS-Graphrevealedthat a manager'sidiosyncrasies and thecurrent and thefuturecontextofthedivisiontowhichtheybelongedbarelyaffectedtherelativeweightofthedecision-makingcriteria: onlythedivision'scustomerpower and thethreatofnewentrantssignificantlyinfluencepositivelythesupportforbusinessopportunityassessments. Thisraisedanimportantquestion: iffeasibility and businessopportunityappearasbeing, overall, thetwomostimportantstrategicdecision-makingcriteriaexante, are theykeydifferentiatorsbetweensuccess and failureex post? Anex post criticalincidentstudywasconducted on 75 successfulinnovations and 69 failedinnovationsreportedbytheChemCorprespondents. UsingPLS-Graph, thisstudy shows thatthecompetitivenessof a strategicoptionis a veryimportantpredictorofnewprojectsuccess. Whilethefindingsawaitreplicationinotherindustries (e.g., industriesof a lesscapital-intensivenature), they are intriguing: strategicinnovationdecisionmakingmaybeofftrackwhenrealityisaccountedfor.
Uurimisstrateegiad • …kas see strateegia vastab su uurimisküsimusele? • …valik vastavalt: • uurimisküsimusele • olemasolevatele teadmistele • ressurssidele/ajale • „maitsele“ – kvalitatiivsete või kvantitatiivsete meetodite osas Strateegiad ei ole vastastikku välistavad
Eksperiment • Kausaalsed seosed – kas muutus ühes sõltumatus muutujas toob kaasa muutuse teises sõltuvas muutujas • “kuidas”- ja “miks”-küsimused • Katse- vs kontrollgrupp • Uuritavate gruppidesse jagunemise juhuslikkus • Sisemine vs väline valiidsus; eksperimentide piirangud
A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO SMART BUSINESSEXPERIMENTS • Authors:Anderson, Eric T., Simester, Duncan • Source:Harvard Business Review; Mar2011, Vol. 89 Issue 3 • Abstract: The power of analytics in decision making is well understood, but few companies have what it takes to successfully implement a complex analytics program. Most firms will get greater value from learning to do something simpler: basic business experiments. Managers need to become adept at routinely using techniques employed by scientists and medical researchers. Specifically, they need to embrace the "test and learn" approach: Take one action with one group of customers, a different action (or no action at all) with a control group of customers, and then compare the results. The feedback from even a handful of experiments can yield immediate and dramatic improvements. In this article, the authors provide a step-by-step guide to conducting businessexperiments. They look at organizational obstacles to success and outline seven rules to follow. INSETS: Overcoming Reluctance to Experiment;Idea in Brief;How One Retailer Tested Its Discount Strategy;Slicing an Experiment
Küsitlus (kaardistus) • “kes”-, “mida”-, “kus”-, “kui palju”-, “mil määral”- küsimused • Eelised: • mahukad andmestikud • suured populatsioonid • ökonoomne • standardiseeritud vahendid: valimite võrdlemine • usaldus :P • lihtne selgitada ja mõista (?) • kvantitatiivselt analüüsitav • võimalus ehitada seoste mudeleid! • kõrge kontrollitase uurimisprotsessi üle • esinduslikkus
Juhtumianalüüs • uurimisstrateegia, mis sisaldab endas mingi kindla nähtuse empiirilist uurimist selle ilmnemise kontekstis, kasutades selleks mitmesuguseid allikaid • … ja veelkord, kontekst! • “miks-”, “mis-” ja “kuidas“- küsimused • Tehniliselt kirju (intervjuud, vaatlused, dokumentide analüüs, küsimustikud) • Triangulatsioon – ühe uurimuse raames eri andmekogumistehnikate kasutamine -> võimaldab kindlaks teha, et andmed ütlevad sulle seda, mida sa arvad, et nad ütlevad • Juhtumianalüüsi liigid: üksik/mitmene; analüüsiühikust lähtuv
A business sustainability model: a European case study. • Authors:Høgevold, Nils M.Svensson, GöranSource:Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing; 2012, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p142-151, • Abstract:Purpose – "Business sustainability" refers to the total effort of a company – including its demand and supply chain networks – to reduce the impact on the Earth's life- and eco-systems. The objective of this paper is to describe a business sustainability model based upon a case study of a European manufacturer. Design/methodology/approach – A case study approach was applied describing the efforts of business sustainability in the demand and supply chain networks of a Norwegian office chair producer. It is based upon a series of semi-structured in-depth interviews with top executives of the company as well as observations and content analyses of internal and external documents about the company's efforts of business sustainability. Findings – The case study shows that business sustainability is not about doing just one thing, but that a multitude of simultaneous efforts (e.g. actors, resources and activities) should be in place. Furthermore, business sustainability is not only about a company's own business operations, but its whole demand and supply chain networks which need to be included and taken into consideration. Research limitations/implications – The case study in focus is limited to just one company's effort of business sustainability and its demand and supply chain networks. It provides a business sustainability model that offers opportunities for further research. Practical implications – Focusing on the corporate impact of the natural environment can be highly profitable. Business sustainability and by extension the carbon footprint of demand and supply chain networks is becoming a criterion in the decision-making process of customers across industries. Business sustainability is a concern to everybody in society as the indicatives of climate change and global warming become more evident and troublesome. No one can have missed the fact that the weather is becoming more extreme, causing damage around the globe. Originality/value – The authors argue that research into business sustainability needs at this stage of development to be inductive rather than deductive – it may be an irreversible mistake to try to re-package existing theory into business sustainability, as climate change prediction and the poor condition of the Earth have not been fully understood or comprised in previous theory.
Tegevusuuring • Uurimise ja tegevuse seotus: uurimine seotud tegevusega, mitte uurimus tegevuse kohta • Koostöö, partnerlus uurijate ja praktikute vahel • Tsükliline iseloom: diagnoosimine, planeerimien, tegutsemine, hindamine (…ja otsast peale) • Tulemuste ülekantavus teistesse kontekstidesse • Tegevusuuringutugevused: • Rõhuasetusmuutusele • Arusaam, et sellesaavutamine võtab aega • Töötajateseotusuurimuse/muutuseloomisegakoguprotsessijooksul(kui töötajad on muutuse loomise juures olnud asjaosalised, siis on tõenäolisem, et nad on ka enam nõus seda ellu viima)
Põhistatud teooria • …käitumise ennustamiseks ja seletamiseks • …rõhuasetus teooria arendamisel • …andmekogumine algab ilma eelneva teoreetilise raamistikuta • Andmestiku genereerimine -> ennustuste genereerimine -> ennustuste testimine läbi täiendavate andmete -> ennustuste kinnitamine/ ümberlükkamine
A GROUNDED THEORY STUDY ON THE BUSINESS MODELSTRUCTUREOFGOOGLE • Ming-Hone Tsai, Yu-De Lin and Yea-Huey Su • International Journal of Electronic Business Management, Vol. 9, No. 3 (2011) • ABSTRACT • Business is a system. When business is perceived as a system, business model could became a • system configuration issue and designable. Business models are the creations of entrepreneurs • or scholars of business schools. How to quickly design of new business model has become an • important issue. If the academia can propose methodology about business model design • principle, then practitioners or entrepreneurs are able to create their new business without • burning huge money to try-and-error. One of the important issues for business model design is • to understand the business model structure of a firm. The purpose of this research is to propose • a new systematical method for identifying a specific company’s business model structure. We • chose Google as our case to demonstrate our new systematical method. Google has run an • innovative business model that is very different to traditional business model and thus Google • is a case worth to investigate. Grounded theory qualitative research method with causal map, • cognitive mapping, core element analysis, and social network analysis were imported to • analyze various data of Google from 1996 to 2008 when businesses migrated from telephone • age to network age but not yet to fully mobile age. By deeply exploring Google’s business • model structure, we understood how Google do business from the perspectives of business • system. This comprehensive would give researchers the industrial insights and contribute the • practitioners with the way of understanding the business model structure of a company along • with the business model design principle in a dynamic context. Once a company understands • its business model structure, the company could design its business model to face the future • challenges.
Etnograafia • … kirjeldada ja selgitada uuritavate sotsiaalset maailma sel viisil, nagu need uuritavad seda ise kirjeldavad ja selgitavad.… • …uurida nähtust selles kontekstis, kus see ilmneb, ning mitte kasutama andmekogumismeetodeid, mis seda nähtust üle lihtsustavad • (…natuke lihtsalt hängimise moodi)
Investigating the Behaviour of Small Businesses: An Empirical Case for Ethnography • Authors:Mouly, V. Suchitra1Sankaran, JayaramK.1Source:Small Enterprise Research; 2006, Vol. 14 Issue 2 • Abstract:A review of the extant scholarly literature reveals that ethnographic methods have seldom been employed in the study of the behaviour of small businesses. This perhaps derives from the impression, belied by published ethnographies, that insofar as small businesses are often run by a single person or a very small group of individuals who try on various hats and fill various roles, they have little or no time for a fieldworker. Besides, the size of small businesses stands in inverse relation to their number, thus tending to accentuate concerns about the generalizability and external validity of the findings that are engendered by fieldwork-intensive ethnographies of single settings. Our objective in this report has been to make an empirical case for injecting qualitative research methods, specifically participant observation, for studying small business behaviour. We consider two radically different contexts: (i) small, neighbourhood outlets that retail groceries and (ii) small businesses that are spawned by government privatisation. With regard to the former, we draw upon secondary ethnographic data to build a rich theory of financial success that features less obvious antecedents such as the control over shoplifting as well as associated tactics. In relation to the latter context, we elucidate patterns of behaviour that deviate from the norm of ‘simple’ structures. Specifically, such businesses can manifest not-so-simple structures owing to a reversion by members to prior statuses and divisions of labour that obtained in the parent government organisation.
Arhiivandmetel põhinev uurimisstrateegia • … administratiivsed andmekandjad; dokumendid; kõikvõimalikud talletatud materjalid • Küsimused muutuste kohta • Probleemid: - kättesaadavus - salastatus - detailsuse aste - ei pruugi olla terviklikud
The Business Value of IT: A Synthesis and Framework of ArchivalResearch Authors:Masli, Adi, Richardson, Vernon J., Sanchez, Juan Manuel, Smith, Rodney E. • Source:Journal of Information Systems, 2011, Vol. 25 Issue 2 • Abstract: This paper synthesizes recent empirical archivalresearch investigating the link between information technology investment and business value. It examines (1) financial and nonfinancial measures to represent different elements of business value, (2) IT investment measures and links with firm performance, (3) IT and business complementarities that affect firm performance, and (4) the impact of business context and IT alignment with business strategy on resulting performance. The review of prior research is guided by a balanced scorecard framework that places IT in a business context and highlights the role of potential drivers and contextual factors that impact the association between IT and firm value. The paper concludes by proposing several broad avenues of future research that may be of particular interest to archival accounting information systems researchers.
Hulgimeetodid – kombineerides kvantitatiivseid ja kvalitatiivseid tehnikaid ja protseduure Hulgimeetod: - Kvantitatiivne vs kvalitatiivne uurimus Segameetod või kombineeritud meetod: - Segameetodi uurimus - Segamudeli uurimus
Ajaperspektiiv • Ristläbilõikeuurimus - “snapshot” - Sageli küsimustik kui strateegia • Longituuduurimus • Küsimused, mis on seotud muutustega • Kontroll uuritavate muutujate üle • Võimalus kasutada varasemalt kogutud andmestikku
Kodune töö • Kodutöö: mõtle oma uurimisküsimuse peale – kirjuta lühidalt ja argumenteeritult, milline uurimisstrateegia võiks olla sinu küsimusele vastamiseks kõige sobivam. Kes oleks sobiv valim ja miks? • Pikkus: max 1 A4 • Tähtaeg: saata vähemalt 24 tundi enne meie järgmist loengut meiliaadressil arro@tlu.ee