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AOD/PAT for Higgs analyses. N. De Filippis - LLR-Ecole Polytechnique. AOD usage survey. Questions and answers. 1) Which fraction of your group analyses are currently starting from the AOD ? (Give some example of important analysis starting / not starting from AOD)
AOD/PAT for Higgs analyses N. De Filippis - LLR-Ecole Polytechnique
Questions and answers • 1) Which fraction of your group analyses are currently starting from the AOD ? (Give some example of important analysis starting / not starting from AOD) • 1 group starts from AOD as a prime source (VBF Htt) • 4 groups (HWW, MSSS Htt) run on RECO and AOD • 21 others groups run mostly on RECO • 2) Which fraction of your groups analyses CANNOT start TODAY from the AOD (Give motivation for some key cases) • Hgg • AOD is insufficient (RecHits, different kinds of Clusters) • AOD has been insufficient (hits for isolation studies); this seems to be solved in 3.1.x
Questions and answers (2) • 2) Which fraction of your groups analyses CANNOT start TODAY from the AOD (Give motivation for some key cases) • HWW • AOD is not sufficient for conversion studies • Until 3x, mostly used RECO; now turning to AOD • AOD has been missing GEN-level info • RECO is used for detailed electron reconstruction studies • AOD has been insufficient for lepton isolation and eID optimizations • AOD is used for analysis; RECO is used occasionally for some specific studies • HZZ (can run on RECO and enlarged PAT-tuples) • AOD is insufficient for detailed electron reconstruction/optimization studies • AOD is insufficient for detailed vertexing studies (transient track / extrapolation) • development of skim code requires RECO) Other examples in the summary table
Questions and answers (3) 3) Briefly describe the dataflow for your group dataset(s) production at T2, assuming to start from a secondary dataset (or central skim)/ Table 1: Signal-like Skims Table 2: Skims of control samples to be used for evaluating background rates, measuring efficiencies, fake rates, resolutions, etc. Table 3: Possible SDs
Conclusions • Most Higgs analysis well established with RECO objects. • AOD content is not sufficient to support many studies oriented to physics object reco and algos • Usage of PAT in • ○ H tt analyses fully integrated with PAT • ○ H 4l analysis which uses both RECO and PAT • RECO is the current baseline, while PAT is under validation; in other cases migration to PAT and PAT tuples is planned. Previous review by M. Bluj: http://indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/access?contribId=11&sessionId=0&resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=59936
Tutorials: http://indico.cern.ch/materialDisplay.py?contribId=14&sessionId=4&materialId=slides&confId=57695 http://indico.cern.ch/materialDisplay.py?contribId=51&materialId=slides&confId=59620 Appendix A complete example: HZZ analysis
Workflow of the HZZ analysis Three leptons (e or ) above some PT thresholds H1/HLT selection + Skimming CMSSW / EDM Format Triggered + Skimmed Reco. Data (1 Mev / fb-1; 100 kB/ev) (or triggered only data + skimming flags) Eliminate QCD multi-jet background Select 4l candidates Pre-selection CMSSW / EDM Format Triggered + Skimmed Reco. Data (1 Mev / fb-1; 100 kB/ev ) + Common pre-selection Root-tuple + PAT-tuple (or pre-selected events only) Optimise common working point i.e. loose lepton ID and Isolation, ambiguity resolving etc. Selection CMSSW / EDM Format Pre-selected Reco. Data (1 Kev / fb-1; 100 kB/ev ) + Analysis Root-tuple + PAT-tuple Optimise common baseline i.e. topology dependent lepton ID and Isolation, PT(li) and M(Zi) cuts, global kinematics etc. Provide MH independent results Perform MH dependent selection, MVA analyses, Perform fits and statistical analysis Analysis
PAT-tuple event content for HZZ • The content of the PAT input file is like:
PAT samples: signal and bkg Go to: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/HiggsZZMCsamples twiki Pick the samples for signal and bkg from local DBS: