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Campus Master Plan 2008 Update

Progress Briefing for Outreach Forums February 23, 2009 February 24, 2009 February 25, 2009 February 26, 2009. Campus Master Plan 2008 Update. Tonight’s Agenda Pre-Presentation (20 min. +/-) Sign-In, get Comment Form Interaction with Exhibits and Staff Progress Briefing (20 min. +/-)

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Campus Master Plan 2008 Update

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Progress Briefing forOutreach ForumsFebruary 23, 2009February 24, 2009February 25, 2009February 26, 2009 Campus Master Plan 2008 Update

  2. Tonight’s Agenda Pre-Presentation (20 min. +/-) Sign-In, get Comment Form Interaction with Exhibits and Staff Progress Briefing (20 min. +/-) PowerPoint Feedback Q & A (up to 40 min.) Interaction (up to 40 min.) Exhibits and Staff 2008 CMP Update

  3. Progress Briefing forOutreach ForumsFebruary 23, 2009February 24, 2009February 25, 2009February 26, 2009 Campus Master Plan 2008 Update

  4. Tonight’s Agenda Pre-Presentation (20 min. +/-) Sign-In, get Comment Form Interaction with Exhibits and Staff Progress Briefing (20 min. +/-) PowerPoint Feedback Q & A (up to 40 min.) Interaction (up to 40 min.) Exhibits and Staff 2008 CMP Update

  5. What is the Campus Master Plan? Supports the goals, strategies and initiatives of the NAU Strategic Plan Vision for the physical development of NAU’s Mountain Campus Focus on overall, campus-wide concepts and systems Development strategies for Land Use & Transportation Design guidelines for Bldgs./Grnds. 2008 CMP Update

  6. What the CMP is NOT NOT an Implementation Plan Details on space allocation, project designs & schedules NOT an Academic Plan Details on academic programs NOT a Budget Plan Details on financing strategies, project budgets 2008 CMP Update

  7. Why do master planning? Prepare for the future Establish balance – specific groups & overall campus community Provide consistency over time Provide a general ‘roadmap’ Guidance to decision makers Assist in development of coordinated implementation plans 2008 CMP Update

  8. Objectives of 2008 Update Enhance the 2005 CMP Integrate other new planning studies Refine transit spine concepts Refine parking strategies Expand land use strategies Develop traffic congestion solutions Advance 3-D visualization mapping Enhance community connections 2008 CMP Update

  9. Project Process 5 Workshops with Steering Cmte. #1 to 4 complete; #5 = late March Stakeholder Feedback Students, faculty, staff, neighbors Draft & Final Report Action pending by Steering Committee and President Haeger Roll-Out Presentations of the final report 2008 CMP Update

  10. Project Process 5 Workshops with Steering Cmte. #1 to 4 complete; #5 = late March Stakeholder Feedback Students, faculty, staff, neighbors Draft & Final Report Action pending by Steering Committee and President Haeger Roll-Out Presentations of the final report 2008 CMP Update

  11. Steering Committee Campus Representation Consultants NAIPTA City of Flagstaff Coconino Community College 2008 CMP Update

  12. Steering Committee Campus Representation Organizations & Organizational Units Academic Affairs/Provost’s Office, Academic Chairs Council, Administration & Finance, ASNAU, Athletics, Capital Assets & Services, CSAC, Economic Development, Enrollment Management, Faculty Senate, Institutional Effectiveness, Interfraternity Council, Parking & Shuttle Services, Pan Hellenic Council, President’s Office, Research, Residence Hall Association, Residence Life, SPAC, Student Affairs, Student Life, Sustainability Office, University Advancement, University Police, Young Voices 2008 CMP Update

  13. Steering Committee Campus Representation Students: Paige Cooper, Genevieve Davies, Kristine Haglin, Colleen McGillicuddy, Dereck Omo, Zach Toubman Faculty: Liz Grobsmith, Laura Huenneke, Debra Larson, Roy St. Laurent, Richard Lei, Sandra Lubarsky, Barry Lutz, Ray Michalowski, Ron Pitt, Tom Rogers 2008 CMP Update

  14. Steering Committee Campus Representation Staff Karen Appleby, Rich Baron, Mary Blackett, David Bousquet, Rich Bowen, Rick Brandel, Will Carlstrom, Tom Carpenter, Paul Davila, Marianne Davis, Mark Flynn, Mason Gerety, Mary Lou Galyon, Pat Hauser, David Hook, Jane Kuhn, MJ McMahon, Mark Neumayr, Sgt. Wm. Niles, Rich Payne, Jack Shambaugh, Kathe Shinham, Lindsay Wagner 2008 CMP Update

  15. Steering Committee Planning Consultants Ayers Saint Gross (Lead) Kristina Abrams, Scott Miller, Sean Rosebrugh, Aleks Webster Martin/Alexiou/Bryson (Support) Graham James 2008 CMP Update

  16. Steering Committee City of Flagstaff Jeff Bauman, Bob Caravona, Amber Speer, Kimberly Sharp, David Wessel NAIPTA Ron Knights, Jeff Meilbeck, Jim Tuck, Jim Wagner Coconino Community College Mark Easton 2008 CMP Update

  17. Project Process 5 Workshops with Steering Cmte. #1 to 4 complete; #5 = late March Stakeholder Feedback Students, faculty, staff, neighbors Draft & Final Report Action pending by Steering Committee and President Haeger Roll-Out Presentations of the final report 2008 CMP Update

  18. Schedule Outreach and supplemental parking study scheduled for Oct 08-Feb 09 WS#5, draft report rvw and final report rescheduled for Mar/Apr 09

  19. Key Items Integration Coordination Transit Spine Parking Garages Travel Demand Management Neighboring Community Issues Land Use Balance Traffic Congestion Solutions 2008 CMP Update

  20. Report Integration Sustainability

  21. Report Integration Athletics Master Plan

  22. Spine Alignment 2005 Alignment

  23. Spine Alignment 2008 Alignment

  24. Recommended Alignment Spine Alignment • Final Layout

  25. Recommended Alignment Spine Alignment • Final Layout

  26. Wall Aquatic – “before” Photo - 2008

  27. Transit Spine at Wall Aquatic Rendering - Future

  28. Parking Recommended Garage Locations

  29. Parking Where will we park in Fall 09? COMMUTERS

  30. Travel Demand Management Ideas Matrix

  31. Land Use – Green Space, Bldgs, Pkg Photo - 2005

  32. Land Use – Green Space, Bldgs, Pkg Modeled – Future

  33. Land Use – Green Space, Bldgs, Pkg Progress! Union/Raymond/Aspen today

  34. Recommended Solutions Traffic Congestion Dupont Drive Bicycle lanes due for removal Parking Lot P16 Entry direct from Knoles Drive University Drive Crosswalk improvements San Francisco Street / University Drive Add southbound right turn lane Knoles Drive / McConnell Drive Add southbound right turn lane Improve pedestrian crossing Move southbound bus stop Knoles Drive / McConnell Drive Add southbound right turn lane Improve pedestrian crossing Move southbound bus stop Runke Drive / ROTC block cut-through traffic Pine Knoll Drive Restripe for northbound bus lane Move northbound bus stop Increased permit management Not shown on map

  35. Project Process 5 Workshops with Steering Cmte. #1 to 4 complete; #5 = late March Stakeholder Feedback Students, faculty, staff, neighbors Draft & Final Report Action pending by Steering Committee and President Haeger Roll-Out Presentations of the final report 2008 CMP Update

  36. Stakeholder Feedback Campus Groups Progress Brfng. CSAC Executive Board – 8-20-08 CSAC – 11-12-08 Interfraternity Council – 1-27-09 ASNAU – 2-5-09 Residence Hall Association – 2-16-09 Associated Council of Chairs – xx-xx-09 Faculty Senate – xx-xx-09 Pan-Hellenic Council – xx-xx-09 Young Voices – xx-xx-09 2008 CMP Update

  37. Stakeholder Feedback Forum Progress Briefing Students – February 23, 2009 Students – February 24, 2009 Students – February 25, 2009 Community – February 26, 2009 2008 CMP Update

  38. Project Process 5 Workshops with Steering Cmte. #1 to 4 complete; #5 = late March Stakeholder Feedback Students, faculty, staff, neighbors Draft & Final Report Action pending by Steering Committee and President Haeger Roll-Out Presentations of the final report 2008 CMP Update

  39. Draft and Final Report Draft Report In development (not finished) Will include outreach feedback SC to review draft, provide comments/edits Final Draft SC recommendations to President Haeger President Haeger to review & approve final Final Report Ready to roll-out 2008 CMP Update

  40. Project Process 5 Workshops with Steering Cmte. #1 to 4 complete; #5 = late March Stakeholder Feedback Students, faculty, staff, neighbors Draft & Final Report Action pending by Steering Committee and President Haeger Roll-Out Presentations of the final report 2008 CMP Update

  41. Tonight’s Agenda Pre-Presentation (20 min. +/-) Sign-In, get Comment Form Interaction with Exhibits and Staff Progress Briefing (20 min. +/-) PowerPoint Feedback Q & A (up to 40 min.) Interaction (up to 40 min.) Exhibits and Staff 2008 CMP Update

  42. Questions?Comments?Suggestions? Speak up Group & one-on-one interaction Fill out comment form handout Submit at drop box at sign-in table NAU mail to address on the form Go to the CMP webpage Submit electronically 2008 CMP Update

  43. In Closing … Thanks for getting involved Showing up Becoming informed Providing feedback 2008 CMP Update

  44. In addition to this forum: Go to the CMP webpage https://www4.nau.edu/cas/Plan-Dev/NAU_MasterPlan.html View CMP documents 1990, 2005, 2008 Links to other related info Strategic Planning, Sustainability Submit comments electronically use the Q/C/S link 2008 CMP Update

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