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Relativity and Introductory Particle Physics. Hilary Term, 2010 S. Biller. www pnp.physics.ox.ac.uk/ ~ biller/particle_course. Introduction to Special Relativity Rindler (good, basic text). Particle Physics Martin & Shaw (very nice!). Suggested Reading List.
RelativityandIntroductoryParticle Physics Hilary Term, 2010 S. Biller wwwpnp.physics.ox.ac.uk/~biller/particle_course
Introduction to Special Relativity Rindler(good, basic text) Particle Physics Martin & Shaw(very nice!) Suggested Reading List Introduction to Elementary Particles Griffiths(a bit more mathematical) Nuclear and Particle Physics Williams(less mathematical but very good) Introduction to High Energy Physics Perkins (some very good sections... worth a look) Quarks Femtophysics (a bit mathmatical for this course, Bowler but contains some real gems !) TheStrong Interaction Leptons Facts and Mysteries in Particle Physics Veltman (Historical - a good read!) Particle Physics:A Very Short Introduction Close (Handbook of basic concepts) Scientific American articles (generally written at an extremely good level)
Outline XI. Weak Interactions Cross-Section and the W Coupling Cabibbo Angle and CKM Matrix Parity Violation Kaons and Mixing CP Violation VII. Symmetries II Charge Conjugation Time Reversal CPT Theorem Baryon & Lepton Number Strangeness III. Tools of the Trade High Energy Units 4-Vectors Cross-Sections Mean Free path (M&S: sec 3.1-3.4, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6) (M&S: sec 4.51, 8.1; chap. 10) (Rindler: sec 20, 22, 26-31) (M&S: sec 1.5; append. A & B) I. Experimental Foundations of Special Relativity Michelson-Morley Hamar Kennedy & Thorndike Alvager & Others Time Dilation (Rindler: sec 1-5; 8-11) IV. Antiparticles & Virtual Particles Klein-Gordon Equation Antiparticles & Asymmetry Yukawa Potential & The Pion The Bound State of the Deuteron Virtual Particles Feynman Diagrams VIII. Quarks I Strangeness Meson & Baryon Multiplets 3-Quark Model & The Meson Nonets XII. Electroweak Theory Kaon Regeneration & Oscillation The Mass of the W Massless Photon & Broken Symmetry The Higgs Mixing and the Weinberg Angle The Mass of the Z Z Decay (M&S: sec chap 3, 6.2) (M&S: chap. 9, 10) (M&S: chap. 1, 11.4.2) XIII. Detectors Visual Track Detectors Electronic Ionization Devices Cerenkov Detectors Calorimeters Photomultiplier Tubes & Scintillators Tricks With Timing Generic Collider Detector IX. Quarks II Quarks and the Baryon Multiplets Colour and Gluons Confinement & Asymptotic Freedom Quark Flow Diagrams V. QED; Symmetry Bohr Magneton Off-Shell Electrons Vacuum Polarization Divergences, Running Coupling & Renormalization Yukawa Scattering & the Propagator (M&S: sec 6.2, 6.3, 7.1) (M&S: sec. 4.3, 4.4, 4.5) (M&S: sec 5.1, 5.2, 7.1.2) II. Relativistic Space-Time Lorentz Transformations Invariant Intervals & Proper Time EM Unification Equiv of Mass & Energy Space-Time Diagrams Relativistic Optics (Rindler: sec 6-7; 19-21; 15-18) VI. Symmetries I Symmetry & Unification Space-Time Symmetries Gauge Invariance in EM Noether’s Theorem Isospin Parity XIV. Solar & Atmospheric Neutrinos X. Quarks III The November Revolution Heavy Quark States Truth R (M&S: sec 6.4, 7.23, 7.3, 8.23) (M&S: sec 5.3, 6.1; app. D.1, D.2) (M&S: sec. 2.3, 11.1)
Websites of Interest www.anu.edu.au/Physics/Searle Visualising relativistic optics, including movies (cool!) particleadventure.org Nice overview of various things at basic level pdg.lbl.gov Particle Data Group : The Bible of particle properties, limits, formulae, reviews... www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/ Nifty physics Java applets (not strictly particle physics) - check out the Bose-Einstein Condensate section! www.fnal.gov/pub/inquiring/ Overview and lots of interesting stuff (including live displays of CDF & D0 events with explanation!) www2.slac.stanford.edu/vvc/ Nice discussion of linear colliders etc. www.cern.ch CERN !! (enough said) hepweb.rl.ac.uk/ppuk/ Particle physics news and links www.ep.ph.bham.ac.uk/user/watkins/seeweb/bubblechamber.htm Bubble chamber pictures with explanations and excercises!
Standard Model The Standard Model
Lecture 1:Experimental Foundations of Special relativity Michelson & Morley Hamar Kennedy and Thorndike Alvager and Others Time Dilation Useful Sections in Rindler: Section 1-5, 8-11
Relativity review Special Relativity Review
Einstein’s postulates Einstein’s Two Postulates of Special Relativity: I. The laws of physics are identical in all inertial frames II. Light propagates in vacuum rectilinearly, with the same speed at all times, in all directions and in all inertial frames
Michelson & Morley 1 speed relative to mirrors speed relative to mirrors d c L c c-v 2 c+ v v t1 2 v v v v v v v L L + c-v c+v 2L/c 2L/c 1 - v2/c2 1 - v2/c2 Michelson & Morley (1887): ct1 = 2d t2 = c2t12 = 4d2 = 4 ( L2 + v2t12/4) t1 = t2 =
M&M results 1/8th predicted displacement !! data
M&M Conclusions Conclusions: 1) Aether moves with the earth (“aether drag”) or • Length contraction occurs for all • objects moving through the aether • (Lorentz-Fitzgerald hypothesis)
Hamar Eliminates 1st explanation Hamar (1935): (also, no aberation of starlight due to motion with respect to earth’s aether)
Kennedy & Thorndike 2 1 v 2 30 km/s Eliminates 2nd explanation 30 km/s Kennedy & Thorndike (1932): Any length contraction alone will affect the distances (hence, the phases) for paths 1 and 2 to different extents, unless the frequency also changes to compensate (i.e. time dilation)
Alvager test lead-glass scintillator calorimetric Cherenkov measurement (Eg > 6 GeV) charged particle veto p0 2 g prompt timing signal proton collision with Be target to make pions thin lead converter collimate beam Magnets sweep out charged particles Detection points spaced according to bunch structure (105ns x c) sweep charged particle again from grazing interactions Absorb swept particles
Alvager results D = 0.005 ± 0.013 ns (out of 105 ns separation) Thenk < 10-5 If c´ = c + kv
Expected? Well, Is There Any Reason To Expect Anything Different ??
Possible QG effect A Test Of E L EQG c t Amelino-Camelia et al., Nature, 25 June 1998
Astrophysics, abstractastro-ph/9811018 A time varying speed of light as a solution to cosmological puzzles Authors: Andreas Albrecht, Joao Magueijo Comments: To be published in Physical Review D. Note added referring to John Moffat's early work on VSL theoriesJournal-ref: Phys.Rev. D59 (1999) 043516 We consider the cosmological implications of light travelling faster in the early Universe. We propose a prescription for deriving corrections to the cosmological evolution equations while the speed of light c is changing. We then show how the horizon, flatness, and cosmological constant problems may be solved. We also study cosmological perturbations in this scenario and show how one may solve the homogeneity and isotropy problems. As it stands, our scenario appears to most easily produce extreme homogeneity, requiring structure to be produced in the Standard Big Bang epoch. Producing significant perturbations during the earlier epoch would require a rather careful design of the function c(t). The large entropy inside the horizon nowadays can also be accounted for in this scenario.
G. & V. Sokolov, 2007: Orbital Experiment with a Femtosecond Laser for Testing Light Speed Invariance Iman Joudaki, 2007: Test of Special Relativity Using Nano Technology
Einstein’s postulates Einstein’s Two Postulates of Special Relativity: I. The laws of physics are identical in all inertial frames II. Light propagates in vacuum rectilinearly, with the same speed at all times, in all directions and in all inertial frames
The Start of Insanity From this, Insanity Follows...