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  1. Supplementary Figure 1. A: Myelin ensheathment organizes the domains of the node of Ranvier. B: The end-loops of the successive myelin wraps adhere to the axolemma through Nfasc155 binding to caspr1 and contactin (cntn) forming axo-glial junctions. Caspr1 and cntn associate with II/II spectrins, protein 4.1 and ankyrin B (ank B) which tether transmembrane proteins to the cytoskeleton. Paranodes separate ion channels of the node from Kv1 channels of the juxtaparanode. The voltage gated Na+ channels of the node (Nav1) are stabilized by Nfasc186 and NrCAM which are supported by a protein complex of ankyrin G and IV spectrin.

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