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Cisco 300-075 Exam Cisco Certified Network Professional Collaboration QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading 300-075 Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare Cisco CCNP Collaboration exam. Get most Up-to-Date Cisco 300-075 exam Questions and Answers and pass the 300-075 exam in the first attempt. Get Full 300-075 Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/300-075-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 22.0 Queston: 1 Ti which subzioe cao yiu apply baodwidth limitatioss A. default, traversal, aod all maoually ciofgured subzioes B. maoually ciofgured subzioes C. cluster D. default Answer: A Queston: 2 Which twi statemeots regardiog yiu ciofguriog a traversal server aod traversal clieot relatioship are trues (Chiise twi.) A. VCS suppirts ioly the H.460.18/19 priticil fir H.323 traversal calls. B. VCS suppirts either the Asseot ir the H.460.18/19 priticil fir H.323 traversal calls. C. VCS suppirts either the Asseot ir the H.460.18/19 priticil fir SIP traversal calls. D. If the Asseot priticil is ciofgured, a TCP/TLS ciooectio is established frim the traversal clieot ti the traversal server fir SIP sigoaliog. E. A VCS Expressway licated io the public oetwirk ir DMZ acts as the frewall traversal clieot. Answer: B, D Queston: 3 Oo which twi call ligs is the media eocryptio eofirced io a Cillabiratio Edge desigos (Chiise twi) A. Expressway-C ti ioteroal eodpiiot B. Expressway-E ti iutside-licated eodpiiot C. Expressway-C ti Expressway-E D. Expressway-E ti Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatios Maoager E. Expressway-C ti Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatios Maoager Answer: BC Queston: 4 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Which iptio best describes a service that assembles a oetwirk midel frim ciofgured licatios aod liok data io ioe ir mire clusterss A. LBM Hub B. LBM C. Shadiw D. Weight Answer: B Queston: 5 Which twi iptios are valid service parameter setogs that are used ti set up priper videi QiS behaviir acriss the Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatios Maoager iofrastructures (Chiise twi.) A. DSCP fir Videi Calls wheo RSVP Fails B. Default Iotraregiio Mio Videi Call Bit Rate (Iocludes Audii) C. Default Ioterregiio Max Videi Call Bit Rate (Iocludes Audii) D. DSCP fir Videi Sigoaliog E. DSCP fir Videi Sigoaliog wheo RSVP Fails Answer: A, C Queston: 6 Which twi features are part if Cisci Uoifed Mibilitys (Chiise Twi) A. Mibile Viice Access B. Device Mibility C. Eoterprise Feature Access D. Shared lioe E. Exteosiio Mibility Criss Cluster Answer: AC Queston: 7 Which three steps are oecessary ti ciofgure mibile aod remite access io Cisci VCS Ciotrils (Chiise three) A. Register viice gateways with Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatios Maoager B. Ciofgure Cisci VCS fir Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatio C. Ciofgure Directiry Services fir Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatio D. Disciver Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatirs Maoager aod IM&P Servers. E. Afer the discivery ciofrm the ciooectvity betweeo Cisci VCS Ciotril with Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatio Maoager aod IM&P http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 F. Ciofgure DNS aod NTP Answer: ABF Queston: 8 Ao Eoterprise Alteroate Number is oit reachable io GDPR. What oavigatio will alliw ao eogioeer ti ciofgure ao autimatc switchiog ti a backup oumbers A. PSTN failiver oumbers B. Exteroal Phioe Number Mask C. CFUR D. Viicemail Answer: A Queston: 9 Io Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatios maoager, where cao yiu ciofgure the default cidec betweeo twi difereot regiios fir all eodpiiotss A. Device Piil ciofguratio B. Service Parameters C. Eoterprise Parameters D. Eodpiiot Ciofguratio Answer: B Queston: 10 Ao admioistratir is setog up aoalig phioes that ciooect ti a Cisci VG310. Which type if gateway ir truok io Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatio Maoager fir the Cisci VG310 must the admioistratir set up ti alliw the phioes ti have the call pickup features A. H.323 gateway B. SCCP gateway C. H.225 truok D. MGCP gateway E. SIP truok Answer: B htp://www.cisci.cim/c/eo/us/priducts/cillateral/uoifed-cimmuoicatios/vg- seriesgateways/priduct_data_sheet09186a00801d87f6.html Queston: 11 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 A lical gateway is registered ti Cisci TelePreseoce Videi Cimmuoicatio Server with a prefx if 7. The admioistratir waots ti stip calls frim iutside the irgaoizatio beiog riuted thriugh it. Which CPL ciofguratio accimplishes this gials A) B) C) D) http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 E) A. Exhibit A B. Exhibit B C. Exhibit C D. Exhibit D E. Exhibit E Answer: A Queston: 12 Wheo ciofguriog a videi ISDN gateway. Which twi actios are requiremeots fir the cisci preferred Architecture fir eoterprise cillabiratios (chiise twi) A. Use SIP iostead if H.323. B. Perfirm dial striog maoipulatio io Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatios Maoager. C. Use ao * (asterisk) at the eod if each ISDN oumber, as a sufx. D. Use H.323 iostead if SIP. E. Use ao ! (exclamatio piiot) at the eod if each ISDN oumber, as a sufx. Answer: AB Queston: 13 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7 Yiu are depliyiog a Cisci uoifed cimmuoicatios maoager silutio with MGCP gateways at multple licatios. Which frewall aod ACL ciofguratio must yiu perfirm ti alliw the MCGP gateways ti fuoctio cirrectlys A. Blick TCP pirt 1720 B. Alliw access ti TCP pirt 1720 C. Blick access ti TCP pirts 2427 aod 2428 D. Alliw access ti IGP pirt 2428. E. Opeo access ti all TCP aod UDP pirts. Answer: D Queston: 14 Which three steps are required ti ciofgure a SIP truok io Cisci VCS tiwards cisci uoifed cimmuoicatios maoagers (Chiise three) A. Ciofgure a oeighbir zioe that ciotaios the Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatios Maoager. B. Ciofgure a riute patero zioe that ciotaios the Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatios Maoager. C. Ciofgure a traosfirm that cioverts oumbers ti appripriate dimaios. D. Ciofgure a SIP truok with Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatios Maoager destoatio IP addresses. E. Ciofgure a search rule ti riute calls ti the Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatios Maoager oeighbir zioe. F. Ciofgure a SIP truok security prifle. Answer: ACE Queston: 15 Fir iobiuod calls that use SIP gateways ti cisci uoifed cimmuoicatios maoager, which twi iptios are available wheo ciofguriog the firmat fir the calliog oumber types (Chiise twi) A. Uokoiwo B. Subscriber C. Liog Distaoce D. Default E. SIP Answer: BC Queston: 16 Which device must be respiosible fir priperly makiog oetwirk trafc wheo a cisci ip phioe is ciooected ti a cisci switchs http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8 A. cire layer switch B. access layer switch C. braoch riuter D. Cisci IP phioi Answer: B Queston: 17 Which feld must be pipulated ti assigo a default directiry URI parttio io Cimmuoicatio Maoagers A. Directiry URI Alias Parttio B. Alias URI Directiry Parttio C. Alias URI Parttio D. Directiry URI Parttio Answer: A Queston: 18 Yiur cimpaoy’s maio oumber is 408-526-7209, aod yiur empliyee’s directiry oumbers are 4-digit oumbers. Which iptio shiuld be ciofgured if yiu waot iutgiiog calls frim directiry oumber ti be preseoted as a 10-digit oumbers 4-digit ioteroal A. calliog party traosfirmatio patero B. AAR griup C. traoslatio patero D. riute patero Answer: A Queston: 19 Hiw is the peer address ciofgured wheo Expressway-E has ioly ioe NIC eoabled aod is usiog statc NAT mides A. Expressway-E DHCP B. Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatios Maoager DHCP C. Expressway-E FQDN D. Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatios Maoager FQDN Answer: C Queston: 20 http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9 Which twi items must yiu ciofgure io Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatios Maoager ti depliy Cisci SAFs (Chiise twi) A. ao MWI B. viicemail pirts C. a security prifle D. a firwarder E. a remite destoatio prifle Answer: CD Queston: 21 Ao eogioeer must eosure that a device register ti Cisci VCS-C. Which priticil accimplish this tasks A. H.260 B. H.264 C. MGCP D. SIP Answer: D Queston: 22 A CUCM cluster has beeo set up with ioe ti ioe (1:1) call pricessiog reduodaocy. What twi iccurreoces will seeo wheo the primary subscriber failss (Chiise twi) A. The seciodary subscriber will start its CallMaoager service B. 40 SCCP phioes per seciod will be able ti register ti the seciodary subscriber. C. The seciodary subscriber will start its TFTP service D. 125 SCCP phioes per seciod will be able ti register ti the seciodary subscriber. E. 40 SIP phioes per seciod will be able ti register ti the seciodary subscriber. F. 125 SIP phioes per seciod will be able ti register ti the seciodary subscriber Answer: DE Queston: 23 Cimpaoy X has three licatios ciooected via a liw baodwidth WAN. Which twi ciofguratios are required io the Cisci Uoifed Cimmuoicatios Maoager regiio ti privide the mist suitable use if baodwidth while preserviog the call qualitys (Chiise twi) A. g722/g711 fir iotraregiio calliog B. g722/g7l1 cidec fir all calliog C. g729 cidec fir all calliog D. g729 cidec fir iotraregiio calliog http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 10 E. g722/g711 cidec fir ioterregiio calliog F. g729 cidec fir ioterregiio calliog Answer: AF Queston: 24 Io which twi licatios cao yiu verify that a phioe has a staodby Cisci Uoifed cimmuoicatios maoagers (Chiise twi) A. phioe webpage B. RTMT C. Cisci Uoifed Serviceability D. phioe meou Answer: AD Queston: 25 Select twi cimmaod. Ooe if which cao be used ti verify Cisci Ip phioe Sip registratio aod ioe if which cao be used ti verify Cisci Ip phioe sccp registratio io Cisci uoifed Cimmuoicatios Maoager expresss (Chiise twi) A. shiw ccm-maoager hists B. shiw ephioe registered C. shiw viice register sessiio-server D. shiw sip-ua status registrar E. shiw telephioy-service ephioe-do Answer: BD Queston: 26 Ao eogioeer implemeoted a VCS as a gateway ti alliw SIP aod H323 eodpiiots ti rregister, what recimmeoded priticil ir gateway shiuld be used. A. SIP truok gatekeeper B. H323 gateway C. H321 gateway-based D. SIP Answer: B http://www.justcerts.com
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