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CHAPTER 8: Evaluating Positive Behavior Supports

CHAPTER 8: Evaluating Positive Behavior Supports. Behavior Management: Principles and Practices of Positive Behavior Supports Third Edition John J. Wheeler David D. Richey. Objectives.

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CHAPTER 8: Evaluating Positive Behavior Supports

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  1. CHAPTER 8:Evaluating Positive Behavior Supports Behavior Management: Principles and Practices of Positive Behavior Supports Third Edition John J. Wheeler David D. Richey

  2. Objectives • Describe evaluation as a general concept, including definitions of formal versus informal evaluation, summative and formative evaluation, input, process, and context evaluation, and program versus individual evaluation. • Describe the place of evaluation as a component of positive behavior supports. • Discuss the issues associated with evaluating PBS, especially related to family and community participation, self-determination, and quality of life.

  3. Objectives continued… • Compare evaluation methods appropriate for schoolwide behavior support to methods used for individual child interventions. • Create a matrix illustrating the issues and practices associated with input, process, and outcome evaluation for both school-age and levels 2 and 3 PBS. • List and describe five issues or future directions associated with evaluation of PBS.

  4. Overview of Evaluation • Informal or formal • Summative or formative • Input, process, or outcome • Context and product

  5. Evaluation of PBS • Single-subject, multiple baseline designs • Multicomponent interventions • Ecological validity • Different purposes of program evaluation and individual evaluation

  6. Evaluating Schoolwide PBS • Use of a program evaluation design • Evidence of success for schoolwide designs • Evaluating input, process, and outcomes of schoolwide PBS

  7. Seven-Step Proactive Approach to Schoolwide Discipline (OSEP) • Behavior expectations are defined. • Behavior expectations are taught. • Appropriate behaviors are acknowledged. • Behavior errors are corrected proactively. • Program evaluations and adaptations are made by a team. • Administrative support and involvement are active. • Individual student support systems are integrated with schoolwide discipline systems.

  8. Six Prerequisites for a Schoolwide Discipline System • 1. Establish a schoolwide leadership or behavior • support team. • 2. Secure administrator agreement of active • support and participation. • 3. Assess the status of schoolwide discipline or • positive behavior support(s) and define short • and long-term goals.

  9. Six Prerequisites for a Schoolwide Discipline System continued… • 4. Secure a commitment and agreement from at • least 80% of the staff for active support and • participation. • 5. Establish an implementation action plan. • 6. Establish a data system that permits the regular • and efficient monitoring and evaluation of the • effectiveness of the implementation of the • schoolwide system of discipline.

  10. Evaluating Levels 2 and 3 PBS • Focus on individuals and their challenging behavior • Evaluating inputs – planning, assessing, setting goals and objectives • Evaluating processes – treatment integrity and implementation fidelity • Evaluating outcomes – meeting goals and making changes

  11. Issues and Future Directions in PBS Evaluation • The behavior continuum • Empowerment evaluation • Partnerships with families • Measurement of outcomes • Unifying disciplines and fostering collaboration

  12. Summary • It is important to keep in mind that evaluation is not exclusively a professional tool—something that we might use on someone—but rather that it is a process that is best done collaboratively with others, including the person who is the subject of the evaluation.

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