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JIFTの経緯と現状について. 堀内利得 JIFT 分野 secretary 核融合科学研究所. 内容. 日米科学技術協力事業 (核融合分野) 歴史的な経過 目的 運営組織 これまでの活動内容の実績・概略. 日米科学技術協力事業 (核融合分野). (1)一般交流計画 ( Personal Exchange Program ) 核融合一般に係る研究者の相互派遣,情報交換,ワークショップの開催等 (2)共同研究 ( Joint Planning Program ) 1. 核融合炉工学 ( Fusion Technology ) :
JIFTの経緯と現状について 堀内利得 JIFT分野 secretary核融合科学研究所
内容 • 日米科学技術協力事業 (核融合分野) • 歴史的な経過 • 目的 • 運営組織 • これまでの活動内容の実績・概略
日米科学技術協力事業 (核融合分野) (1)一般交流計画 ( Personal Exchange Program ) 核融合一般に係る研究者の相互派遣,情報交換,ワークショップの開催等 (2)共同研究 ( Joint Planning Program ) • 1. 核融合炉工学 ( Fusion Technology ) : • 炉材料,超伝導コイル,トリチウム等 • 2. 核融合物理 ( Fusion Physics ) : • 定常運転,MHDと高ベータ,閉じ込め, 計測,高エネルギー密度科学 (3)核融合理論共同研究 ( Joint Institute of Fusion Theory ) • 日米両国の核融合理論,シミュレーションに関する共同研究 (4)共同プロジェクト ( Joint Research Project ) TITAN計画 磁場及び慣性核融合炉システムにおけるトリチウム・熱流動制御に係るプロジェクト (http://www.nifs.ac.jp/collaboration/Japan-US/TOP.html)
JIFTの目的(1) 核融合理論分野における日米共同研究や研究交流の推進を目的として、1981(昭和56)年日米政府間で日米科学技術協力事業(核融合分野)、日米理論共同研究(JIFT=Joint Institute for Fusion Theory)に関する協定が締結された。 • The purpose of the JIFT is to facilitate exchange of ideas and collaborative research between American and Japanese scientists engaged in theoretical fusion research. The JIFT incorporates a U.S. component, hosted by the Institute for Fusion Studies (IFS), University of Texas, and a Japanese component, hosted by the International Centre for Fusion Theory (ICFT), Institute of Plasma Physics (IPP), Nagoya University. • These two components comprise the core of the JIFT. Other institutions and individuals engaged in theoretical fusion research participate in JIFT activities as appropriate. ANNEX II (May 1, 1981 )
ANNEX TO AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COLLABORATION BETWEEN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR FUSION SCIENCE, JAPAN AND INSTITUTE FOR FUSION STUDIES THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN, USA • The purpose of the JIFT is to facilitate exchange of ideas and collaborative research between Japanese and U.S. scientists engaged in theoretical fusion research, which was originally established in 1981 through an Annex to the Official Record of Agreement between the Japan Ministry of Education and the U.S. Department of Energy. The JIFT incorporates a Japanese component, hosted by the National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), and a U.S. component, hosted by the Institute for Fusion Studies (IFS) of the University of Texas at Austin. These two components comprise the core of the JIFT. Other Japanese and U.S. institutions and individual scientists engaged in theoretical fusion research also participate in JIFT activities as appropriate. 学術交流協定(March 6, 2006)
学術交流協定調印式(March 6, 2006) Signing ceremony: J. Van Dam and O. Motojima
JIFTの目的(2) • to advance the theoretical understanding of plasmas (stability, equilibrium, heating, and transport in magnetic fusion systems), • to develop fundamental theoretical and computational tools and concepts for understanding nonlinear plasma phenomena.
運営組織 (年1回、日米交互開催)
JIFT Steering Committee Participants at the JIFT Steering Committee Meeting (November 2004). Front row (left to right): J. Leboeuf, W. Horton, P. Terry, B. Cohen, M. Crisp. Back row: J. Van Dam, J. Manickam, K. Mima, T. Ozeki, R. Horiuchi. (Photo was taken by S. Ishiguro)
JIFT活動のまとめ • 3種類のJIFTプロフラム • ワークショップ(日米それぞれで、年に2つ、合計4つの会議開催) • 研究者の相互派遣(双方の国より、年に約3名ずつ) • 計算物理共同研究( joint computational projects、約10/年 ) • ホスト機関 • National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS) • Institute for Fusion Studies (IFS) of the University of Texas at Austin. • 実績(1981-2006) • 145 long-term visits by exchange scientists • 91 topical workshops • 182 joint computational projects
Workshops(2004) • Theory-Based Modeling and Integrated Simulation of Burning Plasma (II) Organizers: Steve Jardin (PPPL) and Atsushi Fukuyama (Kyoto University) Location: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey, US • Physics of Energetic Particles Organizers: Guoyong Fu (PPPL) and Yasushi Todo (NIFS) Location: Napa, California, US • Theory and Simulation Research on Ultra-Intense EM Field Interaction with Plasmas Organizers: Yasuhiko Sentoku (University Nevada, Reno) and Kunioki Mima (Osaka University) Location: Kyoto and Osaka, Japan • Progress of Theoretical Analyses in Three Dimensional Configuration Organizers: Noriyoshi Nakajima (NIFS) and Donald Monticello (PPPL) Location: Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Workshops(2005) • Theory and Simulation on Ultra-Intense Laser Plasmas Organizers: Gennady Shvets (IFS Texas) and Kunioki Mima (Osaka) Location: University of Texas, Austin, TX • Issues in Theoretical Analyses for Three Dimensional Configurations Organizers: Donald Monticello (PPPL) and Noriyoshi Nakajima (NIFS) Location: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, USA • Integrated Modeling of Multi-Scale Physics in Fusion Plasmas Organizers: Atsushi Fukuyama (Kyoto) and Steven Jardin (PPPL) Location: Kyushu University, Japan • New Development of Simulation Science Organizers: Ritoku Horiuchi (NIFS) and Oleg Batishchev (MIT) Location: Nara, Japan
Workshops(2006) • Gyrokinetic Simulation of Ion and Electron Temperature Gradient-Driven Transport–Physics Mechanisms Behind the Transport Coefficient Organizers: Taik-Soo Hahm (PPPL) and Hideo Sugama (NIFS) Location: University of California at San Diego, USA • Integrated Modeling of Multi-Physics in Fusion Plasmas II Organizers: Donald B. Batchelor (ORNL) and Atsushi Fukuyama (Kyoto) Location: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN • Theory and Simulation on Ultra-Intense Laser Plasmas Organizers: Kunioki Mima (Osaka) and C .S. Liu (Maryland) Location: Osaka University, Japan • Progress of Extended MHD Models Organizers: Noriyoshi Nakajima (NIFS) and Donald A. Spong (ORNL) Location: National Institute for Fusion Science, Japan
Topics of the workshops; (1) MHD equilibrium, stability, sawteeth oscillations, and disruptions; (2) High-beta plasmas and beta limits; (3) Highly energetic particles and their effects on stability; (4) Turbulent transport, transport barriers, and confinement; (5) Theory and new concepts for helical confinement configurations; (6) Bootstrap current; (7) Edge physics; (8) Dense plasmas; (9) Interactions of intense electromagnetic waves with plasma and matter; (10) Dynamo phenomena; (11) Reconnection; (12) Self-organization; (13) Simulation science, including numerical simulation codes, visualization techniques, and virtual reality; and (14) Innovative concepts; (15) Integrating modeling of fusion plasmas, multi-scale physics Organization of the workshops; so as not to focus on only one specific fusion device, but instead to aim at a general scientific understanding of fusion plasmas and of basic plasma physics and the development of tools for large-scale computer simulations.
Comments by J. W. Van Dam • Workshop • Inequality in number of participants due to tight budget in US side • Remote participants via international telecommunication system • Joint sponsorship with other meeting JIFT workshop as a satellite meeting of a big conference such as ICPP • Involution of young scientist in organizing workshop • Personal exchange • Participation of an advanced graduate student • Periods of visiting professor more than 3 months in Japan, less than 3 months in US • Joint computational projects • Data link between US (LLNL) and Japan (JAERI,NIFS) was stopped around 1999(?) useful and needful • Shift to another purpose support JIFT workshop and exchange visit and enlarge JEARI (JAEA) participation
実績のまとめ • 最新の理論研究、シミュレーション研究、数値技法、その動向に関する効果的な情報交換の機会 • 関連分野(流体、統計物理、計算物理、宇宙物理等)からの参加が、新しい科学技術情報や学問潮流の交流を促進、核融合プラズマ物理への成果の導入をもたらした。 • 大規模シミュレーション手法、計算機アルゴリズム等の情報の相互交換、関連施設の使用の機会 • JIFTに関連した多数の論文の出版、IAEA国際会議を始めとする国際会議での成果発表 • 緊密で長期に亘る共同研究の基盤構築、そのための人的なネットワークの形成 • 日米双方の核融合分野の研究者、とりわけ、若手研究者に共同研究の機会を与え、核融合分野の研究者の育成に貢献