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Black Spruce Bog Community Summer 2007 Instructors: Phil Splett and Jesse Kroese. joe-pye weed. Pink Flowering structure. Eupatorium maculatum. www.mackinnonsgardenshop.co.uk. bog birch. Serrated ellipsoid leaves. Betula pumila. www.mass.gov/dfwele/dfw/nhesp/nhprotmonmoun.htm.
Black Spruce Bog CommunitySummer 2007Instructors: Phil Splett and Jesse Kroese
joe-pye weed Pink Flowering structure Eupatorium maculatum www.mackinnonsgardenshop.co.uk
bog birch Serrated ellipsoid leaves Betula pumila www.mass.gov/dfwele/dfw/nhesp/nhprotmonmoun.htm http://web.syr.edu/~mhough/B/Betula_pumila.html Distinct seed capsule
high-bush cranberry Three lobed leaves with the middle lobe longer than the rest Viburnum trilobum www.mnstac.org Distinct red fruit
bunchberry Cornus canadensis Single stem Dogwood leaves that form a whorlike structre Red to orange fruit in clusters
red-osier dogwood Cornus sericea
bog rosemary Lanceolate shaped leaves Andromeda glaucophylla White to pink flowers Alternate leaves with a distinct white underside www.odu.edu/~lmusselm/courses/biol315/2002/plants.html
pale laurel Kalmia polifolia Opposite leaves with a white underside www.uwgb.edu/biodiversity/herbarium/wetland_plants/kalpol01.htm
Labrador tea Ledum groenlandicum Forms dense colonies “fuzzy” undersides of leaves
small cranberry Vaccinium oxycoccos
currants (view only) Ribes spp.
three-leaved false Solomon’s seal Smilacina trifolia When mature has three leaved flowering structure Also forms a one to two leaved basal leaf
black ash Fraxinus nigra
tamarack Larix laricina Distinct needle clusters http://bio.bd.psu.edu/plant_web/Pinaceae/Eastern_Larch_01a_Cone.html
black spruce Picea mariana Brownish hairs on stem
goldthread Coptis groenlandica Three leaved clusters
mountain ash Sorbus decora www.batsarb.co.uk/images/sorbus.jpg
pitcher plant (view only) Sarraceniapurpurea
northern white cedar Thuja occidentalis Compressed “scaled” leaves