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Af f ixes. Lori Crider. Click here for lesson plan. Affixes - affix is the word used to describe prefixes and suffixes. prefix. suffix. A word or part of a word that is placed at the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Examples bi- two bi cycle
Affixes Lori Crider Click here for lesson plan
Affixes- affix is the word used to describe prefixes and suffixes prefix suffix A word or part of a word that is placed at the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Examples bi- two bicycle dis- not dishonest in- not invisible A word or part of a word that is placed at the end of a word to change its meaning. Examples -able capable of fixable -er someone who teacher -ful full of beautiful
Roots and Affixes- affixes can be at the beginning, middle, or end of a root word What do the words below mean? Use the chart to help you figure out the meanings. active freedom thermometer photograph spectator aquarium midnight unite
What If I Still Don’t Know? Look at the word again. Underline the root word. Do you know what that word means? Circle the affixes. Do you know what they mean? Do you know another word that uses them?Now look at the possible answers. Do any of the answers have to do with any of the clues? Are there any answers you can cross out? uncomfortable
Affix Practice Activity 1:Use the Prefixes and Suffixes Paper to help you solve the Show What You Know worksheet. Work with a partner to complete.
Putting Words Together Activity 2: Use the Working Together worksheet to complete the activity. Write a word with each one of the roots and affixes. Give a short definition of each word. Use the dictionary to check your spelling and definition.
Roots and Affixes Jeopardy Activity 3:Click on one of the links to play a game of Jeopardy and practice using affixes! Prefixes and Suffixes Jeopardy or Prefixes and Suffixes Jeopardy
More Affix Practice Activity 5:Now you’re going to figure out the meanings of words using what you’ve learned about root words and affixes. You won’t find most of the affixes on your Prefixes and Suffixes paper, so use the other skills you’ve learned. Underline the root words. Circle the prefix or suffix. Match the word with its meaning. Autograph 1/100 of a meter Telephoto eye glasses Centimeter teachings of wise people Spectacles signature Aquamarine the middle of summer Midsummer a vehicle with one wheel Unicycle sure of Wisdom a camera lens that makes a distant object look large Positive a blue-green color Go to worksheet.
WEB Practice • Activity 6:Have some fun practicing your skills at the websites! • Fl • P • R • J • S • P
PSSA Practice Activity 7:Now let’s apply the skills we’ve learned by taking a practice test. Just remember to find the root words and then the affixes. Good Luck! Go to answer key.
Resources: • PSSA Practice Test Answer Key • Lesson Plan • Prefixes and Suffixes Worksheet • Show What You Know • I Can Do It! • Working Together to Put Words Together • PSSA Practice Test
PSSA Practice Test Answer Key Fill in the circle next to your answer. • In science class, • the teacher measured a microgram of powder. • What is the meaning of the bolded word? • A. a bad gram • B.a full gram • C.not a gram • D. a small gram • 3. In Greek mythology, there were once two brothers named Epimetheus and Prometheus. Epimetheus' name was said to mean "after thought." He was foolish and careless, and he was incapable of thinking ahead. In contrast, Prometheus' name meant "forethought." He was clever and the gods favored him.In the passage, what is the meaning of the word forethought? • A.thinking well • B.extra thinking • C.thinking before • D.more thinking • 2. The movie was extraordinary. • What is the meaning of extraordinary? • A. less than ordinary • B. before ordinary • C. a little ordinary • D. more than ordinary
The first game of the year postdated Memorial Day. • What is the meaning of postdated? • A.to happen on a date before • B.to happen on the same date • C.to happen after the date • D.to not happen on a posted date • 5. Jackie had hoped to repair his damaged car today, but his efforts were fruitless. • A.successful • B.without success • C.too late • D.unappreciated • 6. Andre wasn't worried about the damage to his car; it was easily fixable. • What is the meaning of fixable? • A.already fixed • B.difficult to fix • C.able to be fixed • D.beyond fixing
Lesson Plan Reading Lesson: Roots and Affixes Grade Level: 5 • Lesson Summary: [Core: Lang. standards 4.b and Core Read. Found 3.a] Students use knowledge of root words and known prefixes including Greek and Latin affixes as clues to the meanings of unknown words. Students decode words with common roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Advanced students explore word families with tongue twisters. Struggling students identify root words and affixes and their definitions. Lesson Objectives: The students will know…that knowledge of common roots and affixes helps in decoding unknown words. ..how to determine the meaning of unknown words using the knowledge of common roots and affixes. The students will be able to…use their knowledge of common roots and affixes as clues to decode the meanings of unknown words…supply definitions that show their understanding of the new vocabulary…determine the meaning of unknown words using the knowledge of roots and affixes…demonstrate mastery of the new vocabulary in sentences. Materials Needed: Copies of worksheets in Resources, dictionaries, laptops, web access Procedure: Display the Affixes Charts and discuss. Give each student a Show What You Know worksheet and a Prefixes and Suffixes paper. Explain the directions, and have students complete the worksheet. Give extra guidance to students as needed. Put students with partners and give each group the Working Together to Put Words Together to complete, then share. Continue by using the PSSA Test Practice. Each student will complete on own, then discuss how correct answers were chosen. Click here to go back to title page.
Return to Affix Practice Prefixes and Suffixes Paper Use this page to help solve the Show What You Know worksheet.
Show It to Know It Name: _________________ Underline the root words. Circle the prefix or suffix. Match the word with its meaning. biplane the act of agreeing agreement an assessment to check progress before a test quickly a person who needs spell check distrustful the result of imagining pretest a plane with two sets of wings imagination resembling quick misspeller not full of trust Return to Affix Practice
Working Together to Put Words Together Names: __________________________ and __________________________ Write a word with each one of the roots and affixes. Give a short definition of each word. Use the dictionary to check your spelling and definition. Return to Putting Words Together
Name: ______________________ Now you’re going to figure out the meanings of words using what you’ve learned about root words and affixes. You won’t find most of the affixes on your Prefixes and Suffixes paper, but you can figure it out if you Underline the root words and circle the prefix or suffix. Match the word with its meaning. Autograph 1/100 of a meter Telephoto eye glasses Centimeter teachings of wise people Spectacles signature Aquamarine the middle of summer Midsummer a vehicle with one wheel Unicycle sure of Wisdom a camera lens that makes a distant object look large Positive a blue-green color I Can Do It! Return to More Practice
PSSA Practice Test Name: _________________ Fill in the circle next to your answer. • In science class, • the teacher measured a microgram of powder. • What is the meaning of the bolded word? • A. a bad gram • B.a full gram • C.not a gram • D.a small gram • 3. In Greek mythology, there were once two brothers named Epimetheus and Prometheus. Epimetheus' name was said to mean "after thought." He was foolish and careless, and he was incapable of thinking ahead. In contrast, Prometheus' name meant "forethought." He was clever and the gods favored him.In the passage, what is the meaning of the word forethought? • A.thinking well • B.extra thinking • C.thinking before • D.more thinking • Go to Answer Key. • 2. The movie was extraordinary. • What is the meaning of extraordinary? • A. less than ordinary • B. before ordinary • C. a little ordinary • D. more than ordinary
The first game of the year postdated Memorial Day. • What is the meaning of postdated? • A.to happen on a date before • B.to happen on the same date • C.to happen after the date • D.to not happen on a posted date • 5. Jackie had hoped to repair his damaged car today, but his efforts were fruitless. • A.successful • B.without success • C.too late • D.unappreciated • 6. Andre wasn't worried about the damage to his car; it was easily fixable. • What is the meaning of fixable? • A.already fixed • B.difficult to fix • C.able to be fixed • D.beyond fixing Go to Answer Key.
Try again! • Look at the word again. • Underline the root word. What does it mean? • Circle the affixes. What do they mean? • Have you heard of another word that uses the same affix? • Now look at the answer choices. • Are there any answers that you can cross off, one you know aren’t right? • Look at what’s left. Are any CLOSE to any of the clues from above? Return to answer key.
Try again! • Look at the word again. • Underline the root word. What does it mean? • Circle the affixes. What do they mean? • Have you heard of another word that uses the same affix? • Now look at the answer choices. • Are there any answers that you can cross off, ones you know aren’t right? • Look at what’s left. Are any CLOSE to any of the clues from above? Return to answer key.
CORRECT! return to answer key
CORRECT! return to answer key