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Annelida. By: MICHELLE LAUTERBACH NATALIE CARDONA SAM MILLER. Germ Layers. Three Endoderm Mesoderm Ectoderm They are all triploblasts (3 primary germ layers). Symmetry. Bilaterally Symmetrical. Coelom. Yes, annelids have a coelom.

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  2. Germ Layers • Three • Endoderm • Mesoderm • Ectoderm • They are all triploblasts (3 primary germ layers)

  3. Symmetry Bilaterally Symmetrical

  4. Coelom • Yes, annelids have a coelom. • Generally organized as a series of compartments divided by intersegmental septa • Locomotion can be maintained if the animal loses a segment

  5. Digestive Tract Unsegmented gut that runs through the middle of the body from the mouth, located on the underside of the head, to the anus.

  6. Cephalization Some annelids have a certain degree of cephalization.

  7. Segmentation • Budding segmentation • Allows for flexibility and mobility • Can bend at segmented parts

  8. Skeleton and Appendages • No skeleton • Compressed fluid makes for a water based skeleton (hydrostatic skeleton) • No limbs • But they do have muscles

  9. Circulatory System Closed system of blood vessels – making pumping more efficient. Multiple hearts

  10. Respiratory System • Occurs through diffusion. • No respiratory organ • Takes oxygen through skin • This is why it’s important it’s moist

  11. Reproduction • Hermaphroditic • Reproduction occurs through exchange of sperm packets.

  12. Habitat • Found in many terrestrial environments ranging from semiarid to moist, well vegetated areas • soil, leaves, under rocks and logs

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