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Claim Evidence Analysis

when you are writing an essay. Claim Evidence Analysis. when you are writing an essay. Claim Evidence Analysis. Thesis/topic sentences Concrete details Commentary. when you are writing an essay. Claim Evidence Analysis. opinion, argument facts, quotes, undisputed text

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Claim Evidence Analysis

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Presentation Transcript

  1. when you are writing an essay Claim Evidence Analysis

  2. when you are writing an essay Claim Evidence Analysis Thesis/topic sentences Concrete details Commentary

  3. when you are writing an essay Claim Evidence Analysis opinion, argument facts, quotes, undisputed text your explanation of how the evidence supports the opinion or argument; substantiates your claim

  4. MLA Format: one inch margins, 12 point font, double spaced? proper heading? last name and page number at top right corner of each page? Beginning: relevant title? introductory paragraph draws attention to thesis? thesis clearly states the argument of essay? Body paragraphs: topic sentence? embedded concrete details? grammatically correct? commentary clearly explains how CD supports argument? good transitions? Overall: argument is sufficiently supported? no suppositions (“what ifs,” “could haves”) no awkward or unclear sentences/ideas? few spelling and grammar errors? Peer Critique information

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