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Men. Women. both. On the other hand have four times (4x) as many brain cells . Can focus on more than one problem at one time and frequently prefer to solve problems. Usually have more upper body strength buil muscle easily and feel pain less easily .
Men Women both Ontheotherhandhavefour times (4x) as manybraincells. Can focuson more thanoneproblem at one time and frequentlyprefertosolveproblems. Usuallyhave more upper bodystrengthbuilmuscleeasily and feelpainless easily. Are essentiallybuiltforphysicalconfrontation and the use of force. Are a differentpyschologically as they are physically.
Problems: Woman Men both Discussing a problempresents and oportunityto explore orstrenghthentherelationship. Are usually more concernedabouthowproblems are solvedthanmarelysolvingtheproblem. Confrontproblemswith similar goalsbutwithdifferentconsiderations. Solvingproblempresentsanoportunitytodemostratetheircompetence. Have a tendencytodominate and toassumeauthority in a problemsolvingprocess.
Thinking: Woman Men both Havetendencytointuitive global thinkers. Come understand and considerproblemss at thesame time. Difficultlyseparingtheir personal experfromproblems. Itmustbeemphasizedthatthey can and do solveproblems in a similar manner. Tendtofaceoneproblem at time or a limitednumber of problems at a time.
Memory: Woman Men both Tendtorecalleventsusingstrategiesforreconstructingtheexperience in terms of elements. Haveonabilitytorecallmemoriesthathavestrongemotialcomponents
Sensitivity: Woman Men both Feelvalidatedtroughsharedactivitiessuch as competitionoutdooractivitiesthat are active and physical. Have a notable physicalalarm response todangerorthreat.
Processinginformation: Woman Men both Can accesstheirrightbrainbuttheyhaveto listen forthemessagesitgivesthem. Are more connectedtotheirrightbrainbecausetheyhave more conectivetissue.