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POL S 354: Elections & Voting in U.S. “Who Participates? Income, Race, Gender” Week 2: April 6, 2006. Voting and Election News…. In the news April 4 – 6, 2006: 1. House limits 527/PAC campaign donations… limited non-profits
POL S 354: Elections & Voting in U.S. “Who Participates? Income, Race, Gender” Week 2: April 6, 2006
Voting and Election News… In the news April 4 – 6, 2006: 1. House limits 527/PAC campaign donations… limited non-profits 2. Senate has compromise on Immig. Policy. – Citizenship for all? 3 tier system. 5 yrs or more / 2-5 yrs / less than 2 yrs 3. Mike McGavick – potential US Senate candidate (Rep) was in Alaska attending fundraiser – supports drilling in ANWAR
Economic Circumstances • Why should we consider economic circumstances and needs? • Other possible measures besides family income? Or is this the best? • Household size (wage earners) • Household size (dependents) / expenditures
Political Participation by Income Source: Verba, Schlozman, Brady, Voice and Equality, 1995
Comparing High/Low Income Action < $15,000 $75,000 + Voting 52% 86% Campaign work 4% 17% Contributions 6% 56% Contact 25% 50% Protest 3% 7% Informal Comm. 13% 38% Affiliated Pol. Org. 29% 73% Source: Verba, Schlozman, Brady, Voice and Equality, 1995
Do rich have too much influence Percent Percent Action < $15,000 $75,000 + General Population 13% 9% Voting 14% 11% Campaign work 13% 18% Contributions 02% 55% Contact 12% 14% Protest 12% 12% Church work 18% 10% Source: Verba, Schlozman, Brady, Voice and Equality, 1995
Economic Circumstances • In addition to simply having more money to donate, why would we expect higher income people to contribute more? • If you are the chief fundraiser for a political candidate, how would you try to raise money?
Being asked to contribute Percent Percent Action < $15,000 $75,000 + Receive Political Mail 51% 88% Contribute to Political causes 8% 23% Amount given $32 $263 Source: Verba, Schlozman, Brady, Voice and Equality, 1995
Economic needs • Can also measure economic circumstances through financial need or use of public benefits:
Race, Ethnicity and Gender • Why should we consider race, ethnicity, and gender with regard to participation? • Which groups to VSB examine and why?
Political Participation by Race Source: Verba, Schlozman, Brady, Voice and Equality, 1995
Comparing Activity by Race Action Wh AA Lat LCit Voting 73% 65% 41% 52% Campaign work 8 12 7 8 Contributions 25 22 11 12 Contact 37 24 14 17 Protest 5 9 4 4 Informal Comm. 17 19 12 14 Affiliated Pol. Org. 52 38 24 27 Source: Verba, Schlozman, Brady, Voice and Equality, 1995
Do whites have too much influence Action White Black Latino General Population 85% 10% 6% Voting 88% 9% 3% Campaign work 75% 20% 5% Contributions 92% 6% 2% Contact 91% 7% 2% Protest 78% 18% 4% Source: Verba, Schlozman, Brady, Voice and Equality, 1995
Participation within the Church Action White Black LatCit Regularly attend 48% 60% 51% Time to church 27% 35% 24% Church contrib. 63% 72% 58% Does church denomination matter? Source: Verba, Schlozman, Brady, Voice and Equality, 1995
Is there a gender gap? • Who participates more, men or women? • VSB find that the gender gap in political activity is very, very small • What caused the gender gap to narrow during the 20th century?
Comparing participation by sex Action Female Male Voting 71% 74% Campaign work 8% 9% Contact 30% 38% Protest 6% 6% Political contrib. 20% 27% Charity contrib. 67% 69% Church contrib. 71% 56% Attend church 55% 43% Source: Verba, Schlozman, Brady, Voice and Equality, 1995
AK FL CO KY IN WV Percent non-White population
AK SD ID WY PA UT NE NM NV HI Difference between Bush-Kerry vote
Taking account for all 3: Income, Race, Competitiveness Combined Index of Income, Race, Competitiveness
How to improve the model • Other variables that we should take into account that explain participation: • Income, Race, Competitiveness • Age distribution • Religious denom. • Education levels • Immigration percentage • Population density / urban vs. rural • Population size / electoral votes • Ballot type / access / voting rules