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LABORATORI NAZIONALI DI FRASCATI www.lnf.infn.it. The µ-RWELL. G. Bencivenni 1 R . De Oliveira 2 , P . De Simone 1 , G. Felici 1 , M . Gatta 1 G . Morello 1 , A . Ochi 3 , M . Poli Lener 1 L. Benussi 1 , L. Borgonovi 4 , P. Giacomelli 4 , A. Ranieri 5 ,

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  1. LABORATORI NAZIONALI DI FRASCATI • www.lnf.infn.it The µ-RWELL G. Bencivenni1 R. De Oliveira2,P. De Simone1, G. Felici1 , M. Gatta1 G. Morello1, A. Ochi3, M. Poli Lener1 L. Benussi1, L. Borgonovi4, P. Giacomelli4, A. Ranieri5, M. Ressegotti6, I. Vai6, V. Valentino5 • LaboratoriNazionali di Frascati- INFN • CERN • Kobe University • INFN Sezione di Bologna • INFN Sezione di Bari • INFN Sezione di Pavia INSTR-2017 - 2nd March 2017, Novosibirsk

  2. Outline • The architecture & principle of operation • The Low Rate scheme and its performance - Technology Transfer of the Low Rate version • The High Rate scheme and its performance • Conclusion G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  3. Why a new MPGD • The R&D on µ-RWELL is mainly motivated by the wish of improving the • stability under heavy irradiation • & simplify as much as possible • construction/assembly procedures • The original idea was conceived in 2009 @ LNF during the construction of the CGEM , but only in the 2014 we really started a systematic study of this new technology in collaboration with Rui de Oliveira G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  4. The detector architecture G. Bencivenni et al., 2015_JINST_10_P02008 Drift cathode PCB Wellpitch: 140 µm Welldiameter: 70-50 µm Kapton thickness: 50 µm • The µ-RWELL is composed of only two elements: • the µ-RWELL_PCB andthecathode • The µ-RWELL_PCB, the core of the detector, is realized by coupling: • a “WELL patterned kapton foil” as “amplification stage” • a “resistive layer” for discharge suppression & current evacuation: • “Single resistive layer” (SL)<<100 kHz/cm2: single resistive layer  surface resistivity ~100 M/☐ (CMS-phase2 upgrade; SHIP) • “Double resistive layer”(DL) >> 1 MHz/cm2: more sophisticated resistive scheme must be implemented (MPDG_NEXT- LNF) suitable for LHCb-Muon upgrade • a standard readout PCB Coppertop layer(5µm) DLC layer(<0.1 µm) R ̴100 MΩ/□ 1 2 µ-RWELL PCB 3 (*) DLC = Diamond Like Carbon High mechanical & chemical resistant material RigidPCB readout electrode G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  5. Principle of operation Applying a suitable voltage between top copper layer and DLC the “WELL” acts as multiplication channel for the ionization. top copper layer HV • The charge induced on the resistive foil is • dispersed with a time constant, τ = ρC , • determined by • the surface resistivity,  • the capacitance per unit area, which depends on the distance between the resistive foil and the pad readout plane, t • the dielectric constant of the insulating medium, r[M.S. Dixit et al., NIMA 566 (2006) 281] kapton  resistive stage Insulating medium r t Pad/strip r/out Not in scale • The main effect of the introduction of the resistive stage is the suppression of the transition from streamer to spark • As a drawback, the capability to stand high particle fluxes is reduced, but an appropriate grounding of the resistive layer with a suitable pitch solves this problem (see High Rate scheme) G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  6. Main detector features • The µ-RWELL is a single-amplification stage, intrinsically spark protected MPGD characterized by: • simple assembly procedure: • only two components µ-RWELL_PCB + cathode • no critical & time consuming assembly steps: • no gluing • no stretching ( no stiff & large frames needed) • easy handling • suitable for large area with PCB splicing technique w/small dead zone • cost effective: • 1 PCB r/o, 1 µ-RWELLfoil, 1 DLC, 1 cathode and very low man-power • easy to operate: • very simple HV supply  only 2 independent HV channels or a trivial passive divider (while 3GEM detector  7 HV floating/channels ) G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  7. The Low Rate scheme (CMS/SHiP) Copper layer 5 µm 1 Kapton layer 50 µm DLC layer: 0.1-0.2 µm (10-200 M/☐) DLC-coated kapton base material Insulating medium (50 µm) 2 • PCB (1-1.6 mm) DLC-coated base material after copper and kapton chemical etching (WELL amplification stage) 3 G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  8. Detector performance: Lab Tests G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  9. Detector Gain Prototypes with different resistivity (12-80-880 M/☐) have been tested with X-Rays (5.9 keV), with different gas mixtures, and characterized by measuring the gas gain in current mode. Ar/iC4H10= 90/10 WELL kapton thickness = 50µm G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  10. Rate capability fitted with the function: Rate capability with X-rays (single layer) local irradiation Rate for a drop G = -3% Φ = 77 kHz/cm2 - 880 MΩ/☐ Φ = 850 kHz/cm2- 80 MΩ/☐ Φ = 3.4 MHz/cm2- 11 MΩ/☐ for m.i.p.×7 The gain decrease is correlated with the voltage drop due to the resistive layer: larger the resistivity lower the rate capability. local irradiation ≠ global irradiation G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  11. Detector performance: Beam Tests G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  12. Beam tests results H4 Beam Area (RD51) Muon beam momentum: 150 GeV/c Goliath: B up to 1.4 T -RWELL prototype 12-80-880 MΩ /□ 400 µm pitch strips APV25 (CC analysis) Ar/iC4H10 = 90/10 • BES III-GEM chambers RWELL= (52+-6) µm @ B= 0T afterTRKscontributionsubtraction • GEMsTrackers

  13. Space resolutionvsresistivity CC analysis The “space resolution” (σ of the residual – no subtraction of the external trackers contribution) exhibits a minimum around 100MΩ/□. at low resistivity the charge spread increases and then σisworsening. athigh resistivitythe charge spread istoo small (Cl_size 1 fired strip) then the ChargeCentroidmethodbecomes no more effective(σpitch/12) G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  14. Combining the information strip/pixel r/o pad r/o Too low Too high Qualitatively: low resistivity  pad r/out & higher rate high resistivity  strip/pixel r/out & lower rate G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  15. Technology Transfer to Industry In the framework of the CMS-phase2 muon upgrade we have developed large size µ-RWELLs , in strict collaboration with Italian industrial partners (ELTOS & MDT). The work is performed in two years with following schedule: Construction & test of the first 1.2x0.5m2(GE1/1) µ-RWELL 2016 - DONE Mechanical study and mock-up of 1.8x1.2 m2 (GE2/1) µ-RWELL 2016-2017 ONGOING Construction of the first 1.8x1.2m2(GE2/1) µ-RWELL (only M4 active)01-09/2017 near future 1.8x1.2m2(GE2/1) µ-RWELL DONE ~40 times larger than small protos !!! ~200 times larger than small protos !!! mock-up ELTOS tests

  16. Towards the High Rate scheme single resistive layer, edge grounding, 2D evac. current double resistive layer, 3D grounding d d’ top layer (1cm)d’ r r d (50cm) conductive vias bottom layer (*) point-like irradiation, r << d Ω is the resistance seen by the current generated by a radiation incident in the center of the detector cell Ω ~ρsx d/2πr Ω’ ~ρs’ x 3d’/2πr Ω/ Ω’~(ρs/ρs’) x d/3d’ If ρs= ρs’  Ω/ Ω’ ~ ρs/ρ’s * d/3d’ = 50/3 = 16.7 (*) Morello’smodel: appendix A-B (G. Bencivenni et al., 2015_JINST_10_P02008) G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  17. The High Rate scheme (LHCb) Copper layer 5 µm 1 Kapton layer 50 µm DLC layer:0.1 – 0.2 µm (10-200 M/☐) 2 2nd resistive kapton layer with ∼1/cm2 “through vias” density DLC-coated kapton base material 3 2nd resistive kapton layer insulating layer • pad/strips readout on standard PCB “through vias” for grounding DLC-coated base material after copper and kapton chemical etching ( WELL amplification stage) 4

  18. Rate capability with X-rays (double layer) Double resistive layer w/ 1x1 cm2through-vias grounding pitch local irradiation for m.i.p.×7 Φ = 3.4 MHz/cm2;Φ = 2.8 MHz/cm2; Φ =1.6 MHz/cm2 Local irradiation is practically equivalent to global irradiation G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  19. Beam Test (CMS/LHCb collaboration) H8 Beam Area (18th Oct. – 9th Nov 2016) Muon/Pion beam: 150 GeV/c 3 -RWELL prototypes 40-35-70 MΩ /□ VFAT (digital FEE) Ar/CO2/CF4 = 45/15/40 N° 2 µ-RWELL protos 10x10 cm2 40-35 M/☐ Double resistive layer scheme 400 µm pitch strips Beam GEM Tracker 1 S2 S3 S1 GEM Tracker 2 N° 1 µ-RWELL proto 100x50 cm2 70 M/☐ Single resistive layer scheme 800 µm pitch strips Trigger=S1+S2+S3 GOAL: time resolution measurement (never done before)

  20. Time Performance 97% Different chambers with different dimensions and resistive schemes exhibit a very similar behavior although realized in different sites (large detector realized @ ELTOS) The saturation at 5.7 ns is dominated by the fee (measurement done with VFAT2). Past measurements done with GEM by LHCb group gave σt = 4.5 ns with VTX chip [1]. We wish to perform the same measurement with μ-RWELL in order to have a direct comparison with GEM. [1] G. Bencivenni et al, NIM A 494 (2002) 156 5.7ns G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  21. Conclusion • The µ-RWELL is acompact, single-amplification stage, simple to assemble & suitable for large area, MPGD: • gas gain > 104 • intrinsically spark protected • rate capability >> 1 MHz/cm2 (HR version) • space resolution < 60µm • time resolution ∼ 5.7 ns • R&D/engineering in progress: • Low rate (<100kHz/cm2) : • small and large area prototypes built and extensively tested • a well defined roadmap towards Technological Transfer to industry • High rate (>1 MHz/cm2): • first prototypes show very promising performance • the engineering is going to be started G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  22. Spare slides G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  23. The µ-RWELL performance Discharge study: µ-RWELL vs GEM Single-GEM µ-RWELL • discharges for µ-RWELLof the order of few tens of nA(<100 nA@ max gain) • for GEM discharges the order of 1µA are observed at high gas gain

  24. The µ-RWELL vs GEM • The µ-RWELL is expected to exhibit a gas gain largerthan a single-GEM. • Single-GEM: • only 50% of the electron chargeproduced into the hole contributes to the signal, the rest of the electron charge is collected by the bottom side of the GEM foil • the signal is mainly due to the electron motion, the ion component is largely shielded by the GEM foil itself • µ-RWELL: • 100% electron charge produced into the amplification channel is promptly collected on the resistive layer • the ionic component, apart ballistic effects, contributes to the formation of the signal • further increase of the gain achieved thanks to the resistive electrode which, quenching the discharges, allows to reach higher amplification field inside the channel

  25. DLC sputtering on Kapton foils (supervised by A.Ochi) • DLC sputtering on large Kaptonfoils (w/copper on one side) completed @ Be-SputterCo., Ltd(Japan) Ar/ISO=90/10

  26. Performance vs Rate The detectors rate capability (with Ed=3.5 kV/cm) has been measured in current mode with a pion beam and irradiating an area of >3 x 3 cm2 (FWHM) (medium size irradiation, ~10 cm2 spot) Double resistive layer (High Rate scheme) Single resistive layer (Low Rate scheme) G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  27. GE2/1 u-RWELL ageing test with GE1/1 proto Courtesy of L. Borgonovi and I. Vai

  28. Dec 2014 – θ=0°, B= 0.5 T June 2015 – θ=0°, B= 1 T June 2015 - θ=0° µ-RWELL: B≠0 with Ar/ISO=90/10 CC analisys June 2015 – θ=0°, B= 0 T For θ=0° and 0 < B < 1 T σ< 180 µm and ε > 98% G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  29. June 2015 - θ=0° µ-RWELL: B≠0 with Ar/ISO=90/10 CC analisys 80 MegaOhm For θ=0° and 0 < B < 1 T σ< 180 µm and ε > 98% G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  30. Tracking efficiency CC analysis Ar/ISO=90/10 Ar/ISO=90/10 At low resistivity the spread of the charge (cluster size) on the readout strips increases, thus requiring a higher gain to reach the full detector efficiency. G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  31. Space resolution: orthogonaltracks CC analysis Ar/ISO=90/10 Ar/ISO=90/10 The space resolution exhibits a minimum around 100MΩ/□. At low resistivity the charge spread increases and then σisworsening. At high resistivitythe charge spread istoo small (Cl_size 1) then the ChargeCentroidmethodbecomes no more effective(σpitch/12). G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

  32. GE2/1 u-RWELL preparation Once validated the mechanics, the plan is to build a full scale GE2/1 μ-RWELL with M4 operating sectors. M4 left and right are mirrored. Size: 606.5 x 498.5 x 1 mm Strip layout inspired to the GE2/1 GEM option Final drawing ongoing (Gatta-LNF) DLCed foils almost ready (Ochi-Kobe) Preliminary tests at ELTOS done M4 left M4 right

  33. ELTOS tests From ELTOS tests, it is quite visible that without PACOFLEX the surface is very flat. Sample of M4 PCB with strips and 1 Pre-preg layer Sample of M4 PCB with strips and 2 Pre-preg layers strips strips Metallographic cross sections: on the left we have an example with one pre-preg layer (50 um), on the right with two pre-preg layers (100 um)

  34. Two prototypes with the double resistive layer scheme (ρ=40 MΩ/☐) have been completed last Summer; the detectors have been tested with 5.9 keV X-rays (local irradiation). X-ray measurements Measurement performed in current mode. Gain measured up to 10000. Similar behavior for the two chambers.

  35. Detector Gain (large area) The prototype has been characterized by measuring the gas gain, rate capability in current mode with an 5.9 keVX-rays (local irradiation, ~1cm2 spot). A shift of  25 V has been measured between the two sectors probably due to the different geometry of the amplification stage (to be confirmed with microscope check – left/right asymmetry) G. Bencivenni, LNF-INFN - INSTR2017, Novosibirsk

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