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職場壓力管理. Toxic cultue 毒性文化 報告主題: Toxic cultue 負責學生:黃文欣 NA21F011 指導教授:李金泉 教授. Toxic culture 毒性文化. 在一個健康的工作環境,這些經理人最有可能被確認為 毒素 而被從工作場所中排除(施泰納, 2004 年) 。. In a healthy work environment these managers would most likely be recognized as toxins
職場壓力管理 Toxic cultue 毒性文化 報告主題:Toxic cultue 負責學生:黃文欣 NA21F011 指導教授:李金泉 教授
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 在一個健康的工作環境,這些經理人最有可能被確認為毒素而被從工作場所中排除(施泰納,2004年) 。 • In a healthy work environment these managers would most likely be recognized as toxins • and removed from the workplace (Steiner, 2004).
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 然而,在有毒的組織中,這些經理會不僅被忽視,但也最有可能是由組織開發/獎勵。 • However, in toxic organizations these managers would not only go unnoticed, but also would most probably be developed/rewarded by the organization.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 每個組織的發展,都是一種文化,會被其領導人和這些經理人所影響。 • Every organization develops a culture that is influenced by its leaders, including these managers
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 組織的文化為符號、語言、假設和行為的組合,以在工作環境中彰顯自己。 . • Its culture is a combination of symbols, language, assumptions and behaviors that manifest themselves in a work setting.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 換句話說,它們是書面的,明確的或是不成文的,隱含的,可作為員工們彼此互動、作出決定或執行任務時使用的規則。 • In otherwords, they are the written, explicit, and unwritten, implicit, rules that employees use wheninteracting with one another, making decisions, or performing tasks.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 明確的規則通常由組織定義並記錄。 • Explicit rules are usuallydefined and documented by the organization. • 明確的規則即為公司政策章程、公認的溝通渠道和部門之間的關係。 • Examples of explicit rules are companypolicies, procedures, accepted communication channels, and relationships betweendepartments.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 另一方面,隱含規則是不太明顯的,而且部門之間可能有所不同。 • On the other hand, implicit rules are less obvious and may differ between departments. • 著裝規範、關於溝通的期望、部門的目標等被認為是隱含規則(科恰1998 ) 。 • Dress codes, expectations regarding communication, department objectives, and so on are considered to be implicit rules (Coccia, 1998).
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 一個組織的文化決定員工是如何運作的。 • The culture of an organization dictates how employees function.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 例如,一個僱員工作在“大男人主義文化” ,在這樣的環境中,人們不討論問題;同樣的員工會有不一樣的表現,如果其工作在一個開放、一個鼓勵人們自由地表達自己的想法和意見的文化。(弗林,1999) 。 • For instance, an employee working in a ‘‘macho culture’’, in which people do not discuss problems, will not behave the same as if that same employee was working in an open culture, one that encourages the people to freely express their ideas and opinions (Flynn, 1999).
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 重要的是要指出,一個組織內的文化可能因部門而異,取決於經理人的行為,知覺和個性。 • It is important to state that the culture within an organization may vary from department to department depending on the behavior, perception, and personality of the manager.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 然而,一個部門文化與組織文化有極大的不同,這是非常不可能的。 • However, it is very unlikely that the culture of a department will greatly differ from the culture of the organization.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 安然公司是一個可以用來進一步研究這些關聯的優秀模型和小案例。這個組織是一個毒性文化的例子,其毒性文化來自於毒性領導研製和毒性管理者的支持。 • Enron is an excellent model and mini case to further examine these linkages. This organization was an example of a toxic culture that was developed from toxic leadership and supported by toxic managers.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 不巧,它被暴露在廣為人知的“安然醜聞“ 中。一些被捲入醜聞的主要參與者顯示了極端毒性行為,並鼓勵自己的下屬遵循套用。 • Unfortunately it was exposed in the well publicized ‘‘Enron scandal’’. Some of the major players involved in the scandal displayed extreme toxic behavior and encouraged their subordinates to follow suite.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 前安然CEO杰弗裡·斯基林,是一種毒性的很好的例子,他打造一個消極的工作環境。 • Jeffrey Skilling, former CEO of Enron, is a perfect example of a toxin that encourages a negative work environment.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 斯基林被形容為痴迷於創建風險控制和管理,而於此同時,迫切的追求過高的盈利增長和嘲弄不能 ‘’創造‘’足以給他他想要的東西的員工。 • Skilling was described as obsessed with creating controls and managing risk, while at the same time pressing for lofty earnings growth and deriding employees who were not ‘‘creative’’ enough to give him what he wanted.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 藉由他的無情的審查程序和巨大的金錢獎勵,他創造了一個 “貪婪幕後推手‘’的公司 • He created a company of ‘‘greedy back-stabbers’’ through his ruthless review process and huge monetary rewards.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 由於他不按規定的開支和不斷重整改組,該公司被送入永久混亂的狀態。 • The company was sent into a state of perpetual chaos due to his undisciplined spending and constant reorganizations.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 安然公司前首席財務總監安德魯·法斯托,是另一個毒素的例子,他延續並創造了另一種類型的毒性文化。 • The former chief financial officer of Enron, Andrew Fastow, was another example of a toxin that perpetuated and created another type of toxic culture.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 他被稱為一個“惡霸”,來自於他在該公司的外部銀行家前的爆炸性發脾氣。 • He was known as a ‘‘bully’’ who aimed most of his explosive tantrums at the company’s outside bankers.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 當員工抵制他企圖進行非法的員工會計程序時,他斥責員工的不忠誠。 • He berated employees for being disloyal when they would resist his attempts to perform illegal accounting procedures.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 通過恐懼,他產生了一個文化,“不要質疑,只是做我告訴你“的心態,而員工為了保住自己的飯碗,並逃避處罰,只能遵循。 • Through fear he generated a culture with the mentality of ‘‘don’t question, just do as I tell you’’ and employees followed in order to keep their jobs and avoid punishment.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 或許有人會問,這一切是如何可能發生,而且沒有得到注意到(策爾納,2003)。 • One might ask how all this could happen without getting noticed (Zellner, 2003).
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 謝倫·沃特金斯,在安然公司的僱員,經歷並記錄這種與組織有關的毒性行為。她多次試圖將她的顧慮可以引起當時的前董事長肯尼思·萊的關注。 • Sherron Watkins, an employee at Enron, experienced and recorded this toxic behavior and was concerned for the organization. She repeatedly tried to bring her concerns to the attention of the then former chairman Kenneth Lay.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 然而,他不停地避免避免與她會談,並且最終忽略了她的顧慮。 • However, he kept avoiding meeting withher and ultimately ignored her concerns.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 即使一個組織的文化可能不完全由CEO領導者所控制,他/她的行為可以顯著影響文化以及追隨者的行動。 • Even though the culture of an organization may not be completely controlled by the CEO, leader, his/her behavior can significantly affect the culture as well as actions of followers.
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 例如,如果CEO看不到他/她的領導下正發生什麼,如同安然公司的例子中的情況下,此時一個負面的文化就能茁壯成長,並波及整個公司,而正面積極的文化可能會開始變質惡化 (策爾納,2003年)。 • If, for instance, the CEO is blind to what is occurring beneath him/her, as was the case in the Enron example, a negative culture will be able to thrive and spread throughout the company, while a positive culture may begin to deteriorate (Zellner, 2003).
Toxic culture 毒性文化 • 這些發生在一個毒性系統內且具有傳染性的行為。 • 都是有罪的。 • These behaviors occurred within a system of toxicity and was contagious. • All were guilty.