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PEMBELAJARAN KETRAMPILAN KLINIK FK Universitas Brawijaya. dr.B.P.Putra Suryana SpPD-KR Lab/SMF Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUB – RSSA Malang. “ Knowing is not enough ; we must apply. Willing is not enough ; we must do “. (Goethe). Millers Pyramid. Work OSCE Orals MCQ Essay. MEDICAL EDUCATION
PEMBELAJARAN KETRAMPILAN KLINIKFK Universitas Brawijaya dr.B.P.Putra Suryana SpPD-KR Lab/SMF Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUB – RSSA Malang
“ Knowing is not enough ; we must apply.Willing is not enough ; we must do“ (Goethe)
Millers Pyramid Work OSCE Orals MCQ Essay
MEDICAL EDUCATION Case-Based Learning Skill Education Objectives Basic Clinical Skill Learning MEDICAL PRACTICE Individual Patient Care Clinical Practice Competencies Clinical Skill Expertise
What is clinical skill? Clinical skill is defined as any discrete and observable act of clinical care. CLINICAL PRACTICE CLINICAL METHOD COMPETENCIES CLINICAL SKILLS
Clinical Education Perspectives • Generic clinical skills : Communication skills, Mental and physical examination, Basic clinical testing and procedural skills • Problem-based clinical skills • Discipline-specific clinical skills • Continuum of care skills
Professional behavior (respect, responsibility, excellence, integrity, altruism, leadership, caring and compassion) The ability to engage and communicate with a patient The ability to apply scientific knowledge and method to clinical problem solving The ability to take a clinical history The ability to perform a mental and physical examination The ability to select, justify, and interpret clinical test and imaging 7. The ability to perform basic clinical procedures 8. The ability to record, present, research, critique and manage clinical information 9. The ability to diagnose clinical problems 10. The ability to intervene in the natural history of disease 11. The ability to formulate a prognosis 12. The ability to provide clinical care within the practical context Clinical Practice Competencies
ISIPEMBELAJARAN TAHAP SEMESTER MAGANG Kepaniteraan Klinik ROTASI KLINIK BERBASIS LABORATORIUM UJIAN PERBAIKAN UJIAN BLOK ke-1 Keselamatan Pasien (3) Kedokteran Forensik (3) Bahasa Inggris (2) UJIAN BLOK ke-2 Kompetensi Endokrin-Metabolik (6) Bagan Struktur Kurikulum Sistem Gastro-Entero-Hepotologi (7) Sistem Ginjal & Saluran Kemih (4) TugasAkhir (4) KOMPETENSI KLINIK DASAR KEDOKTERAN
Organisasi Pembelajaran Keterampilan Kepala Laboratorium Program Studi Skill-Laboratory System Tim Blok Tim Skill Koordinasi SDM Trainer Kontributor Skill Blok Anggota Tim Skill Koordinasi Pra/ Sarana RANCANGAN Materi – Tim Trainer- Jadwal Sarana/prasarana – Instrumen PBM PROSES PEMBELAJARAN Overview - Training EVALUASI HASIL TRAINING
STRUKTUR Clinical Skill Team Ketua : dr. B.P.Putra Suryana SpPD-KR Sekretaris : dr. Triwahju Astuti SpP Koordinator Kurikulum: dr. Susanto SpA dr. Sri Andarini MKes dr. Supriono SpPD Koordinator Sarana : dr. Pudjo Sanyoto, MKes dr. Sonny Agung SpM dr.Wening SpF Koordinator Evaluasi : dr. Singgih SpPD dr. Sarwo Bekti dr. Eriko SpF
Koordinator Semester Semester I : dr. Arief Alamsyah MKes Semester II : dr. Freddy SpEM Semester III : dr. Istan SpBO Semester IV : dr. Shahdevi SpS Semester V :dr. Cholid SpJP Semester VI : dr. Bogi SpPD Semester VII : dr. Sri Sunarti SpPD
Sekretariat dan Pelaksana 1. Ari Indriani, Amd 2. Eny Sulastri, Amd.Kep 3. Andres Yudianto Dwi Iskandar 4. Bayu Widodo Medi S, S.Kep
Kurikulum Ketrampilan Skill • Kurikulum skill • Buku skill untuk mahasiswa • Modul skill
Teknis Pembelajaran Skill • Tutor (jumlah, TOT, jadual) • Penyusunan jadual pembelajaran skill • Pengaturan ruangan untuk skill : jumlah ruangan, setting ruangan • Alat-alat bantu • Standardized patient • Pembelajaran : overview, demo, latihan (role play)
Evaluasi Ketrampilan Klinis • Evaluasi proses pembelajaran skill • Ujian OSCE (tiap semester) • Soal ujian OSCE • Checklist evaluasi • ‘Pasien’ untuk ujian • Nilai skill ( gagal / lulus ) – scoring / grading? • Tim OSCE
Tingkat Kemampuan Ketrampilan Klinis Tingkat 1 : Mengetahui dan menjelaskan Tingkat 2 : Pernah melihat atau pernah didemonstrasikan Tingkat 3 : Pernah melakukan atau pernah menerapkan di bawah supervisi Tingkat 4 : Mampu melakukan secara mandiri