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Personal Narrative . Tips/Do’s/Don’ts. Introduction:. At least 50 words All commentary Include a thesis
Personal Narrative Tips/Do’s/Don’ts
Introduction: At least 50 words All commentary Include a thesis Introduce the person and the relationship your narrative addresses. What is the theme of your narrative? Appreciation? Friendship? Loss? Betrayal? Tie your narrative’s topic together with a theme and a person.
Example: My father and I have always been close, more friends than father and son, but I am afraid that my actions one day last summer have damaged a relationship I have always valued. Everyone - my mom, my sisters, my dad and I were all home on a Saturday afternoon when the conflict started. My dad and I started to argue, and in my defiance and anger I started a chain of events I’ll regret for a long time to come.
Conclusion • At least 60 words • No repeating – only reflection • Make the essay sound “finished.” • Comment on: How have you emotionally changed/haven’t? What have you realized or learned about yourself through this experience? How have your actions impacted others? How have another’s actions impacted you? Why was this experience important?
Example: Alone. That is the only word that can describe the feeling I had once the conflict with my dad was over. Before he had always been my ally, my confidant, my friend, and now that I had openly confronted him and actually physically fought with him, he was none of these. For the first time, I had stepped away from the shelter of his protection and was on my own, completely alone. After the fight, I was very sad, and to this day, I wish it had never happened, but it did. I wish I could say it was worth it; in the end, it wasn’t. I truly miss the the friendship I once shared with my dad.
Do’s and things to remember: 1. Do double space the essay and use size 12 font. • Do head the essay with a M.L.A. heading and thoughtfully, creatively title the essay. 3. Do reread the essay several times. For 5 E.C. points you can have someone else proofread your essay. Bring a signed note. 4. Do reread your essay and look for punctuation errors.
5. Do spell check and use a thesaurus to avoid repetition. 6. Do use words that are grade appropriate. Examples: a lot, bad, hard, sad, VS. several, difficult, challenging, hurt • Do write at least 450 words. • Do stay in the same verb tense – past or present. • You must have at least four examples of figurative language. • Do title your essay creatively – Do not underline or “quote” the title. Do your very best!
Don’ts 1. Do not use slang and/or idioms. Examples: “get the boot,” “beating around the bush,” “last ditch effort,” “sugar coat,” “high on his perch,” etc. 2. Do not address the reader with “YOU”!
3. Do not separate sentences with commas. Example: My sister makes me very mad, when she took my I-Pod out of my backpack and took it to school, it got stolen! Do separate sentences with a semi-colon ; a period and a capital letter a comma AND a conjunction (and, but, or)
Do not write “I” about anything unless it is used in a direct quote. • Do not judge the character; judging is not commentary. Example: Reverend Hale is too arrogant to see the truth. He should have known that the girls were lying. If he had just opened his eyes to the truth, none of this would have happened.