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United States Coast Guard Auxiliary

United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. District 11 Northern Region. Honor Guard. Requirements:. Loyal to the United States of America Excellent Character Maturity/Forthrightness/Attitude toward service Adhere to the grooming standards of the AUXMAN BQ Status/Pass Honor Guard Exam

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United States Coast Guard Auxiliary

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  1. United States Coast Guard Auxiliary District 11 Northern Region Honor Guard

  2. Requirements: • Loyal to the United States of America • Excellent Character • Maturity/Forthrightness/Attitude toward service • Adhere to the grooming standards of the AUXMAN • BQ Status/Pass Honor Guard Exam • Attend Monthly Training—2nd Saturday (Typically CGI) • Basic Military Maneuvers: March/Manual of Arms • Basic Military Courtesies: Saluting/Uniform Wear • Adhere to the Honor Guard Manual Guidelines • Flotilla Commander Recommendation • Secure Presentation Items as Needed • Serve with Pride, Poise, Devotion and Honor • Strive for Perfection, Respect and Excellence

  3. Who Do We Honor: • The United States of America • The United States Coast Guard • The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary • The United States Military • Members, Loved Ones, Heroes, Families • Brave Men and Women • Veteran’s • Leaders and Followers • Supporters • Everyone Deserving Ralph Neal (11N-6-4) Ribbons Note: Silver Star from WWII Guadalcanal

  4. Examples of Who We Honor:

  5. “With Honor”

  6. Who We Are: • You, Me, The Person Next to You! • The men and women who want to honor our Country and make a difference at a ceremony for a loved one!

  7. We are Elite: • In the USCGAUX there are: • More Coxswains • More AUXOP • More Crew • More Aviators • More Interpreters • More AUXCHEFs • Just about every area has more participants than the Honor Guard

  8. Honor Guard Creed: United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Honor Guard Pride Poise Perfection Honor Respect Devotion Excellence I am an HONOR GUARDSMAN and this is my CREED. I will stand with PRIDE beside my Coast Guard family. I will maintain POISE at all times. I will strive for PERFECTION. I will HONOR all who have served our country honorably. I will RESPECT the Honor Guard Mission. I will render DEVOTION unto this sacred duty. By wearing this rope, I am committed to EXCELLENCE as a way of life.

  9. Pride: Change of Watch/At Attention

  10. Poise: Memorial Dedication/Parade Rest

  11. Perfection: CG Ceremonial Team

  12. Honor: District Training Event/Dressing the Colors

  13. Respect: Funeral Flag Folding

  14. Devotion: Honor Guard Bugler/Taps

  15. Excellence: CG Honor Guard at Arlington

  16. Sample Training Schedule:

  17. Training: 1 Four Count Movement of Shoulder Arms to Present Arms 2 3 4

  18. And A Little Fun!

  19. Who We Have Trained With: • United States Coast Guard Ceremonial Honor Guard • Coast Guard Island Alameda Base Team

  20. Where Do We Perform: • District Training • Change of Watch Ceremonies • Funerals • Dedications • Sporting Events • Banquets • Scout Functions • Parades • Recognition Ceremonies • Memorial Events (Memorial Dedication)

  21. Examples of Where We Perform: Coast Guard Retirements Pro Sporting Events

  22. How Do We Perform? With Honor!

  23. What Others Are Saying: • “Thank you so much for your incredible presentation, you guys were super.” Erika Frantzve, Miss Arizona 2012 • “The U S Coast Guard Auxiliary Color Guard did a fantastic job honoring our country and the Casper Platoon.” Casper Aviation Platoon Organization/Facebook • “You looked like Marines…..and that’s a compliment.” USCG Officer after D-Train • “You guys have the dedication, now just keep practicing.” USCG Ceremonial Team • “I’m impressed. Your team looks sharp.” Vietnam Veteran • “We’ve had many presenters and yours was by far the best.” Captain Stephen Greene • “Your group honors the Auxiliary with its efforts, dedication and skills.” USCG Officer after COW • “A big shout out to the Honor Guard. They were grrrrrreat.” USCGAUX District Captain • “Wow! I didn’t know we had an Honor Guard or that you were so professional.” USCGAUX Division Officer

  24. If You Have What It Takes or Know Someone Who Does:

  25. References: • United States Marine Core Drill and Ceremonies Manual • United States Flag Code • Auxiliary Manual • Auxiliary Honor Guard Requirements • Auxiliary Flags and Ceremony Guide • Auxiliary Drill and Ceremonies Manual • Auxiliary Memorial Guide Book • http://www.uscg.mil/honorguard/

  26. Thanks: Many individuals and organizations have been very supportive of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary D11N Honor Guard. We would like to extend our sincerest gratitude and salute you for your support. If we missed anyone, please accept our apologies and know that you have our thanks as well. In no particular order, we would like to thank the following for their contributions to our existence, training and support: United States Coast Guard Ceremonial Team, LT. Michelle Qureshi, DC1 Andrew Hammersmith, Coast Guard Island Base Honor Guard Team, Nick Tarlson, USCGAUX Honor Guard D11S, Perry Joiner, Wally Smith, Angela Perata, PJ Maguire, Jim Duffley, Rick Scheuerman, Georgie Scheuerman, Stephan Greene, Jim Van Fleet, Casper Aviation Platoon, Tony Budlong, Duane Blackwell, Bill Dodson, Rod Collins, Phil Sanchez, Chester Bartilini, Jane Smith and many others. Bravo Zulu

  27. United States Coast Guard Auxiliary Honor Guard

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