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Pond Brook Wetlands and Stream Mitigation Bank Metro Parks, Serving Summit County City of Twinsburg. Wetlands. Jurisdictional Wetlands Assessment Boundaries mapped using remote sensing and GPS Technology Data Collected Cover type - (Cowardin) Acreage Five dominant vegetative species
Pond Brook Wetlands and Stream Mitigation BankMetro Parks, Serving Summit CountyCity of Twinsburg
Wetlands • Jurisdictional Wetlands Assessment • Boundaries mapped using remote sensing and GPS Technology • Data Collected • Cover type - (Cowardin) • Acreage • Five dominant vegetative species • Dominant invasive plant species • ORAM Scores
Jurisdictional Wetlands Assessment • Wetlands assessed for size, location, and quality • 74 individual wetlands • 482.9 acres in total • Most high quality, Category 3 • Approximately 100 acres of low quality wetlands
Wetlands Impacts • Invasive Plant Species • Altered Hydrology
Results - Water Quality High quality headwater streams concentrated on western end of property Main channel of Pond Brook is highly degraded
Minimum value typically associated with WWH conditions Pond Brook IBI (Fish) Downstream Upstream
Diagnosis …. • Fish and macroinvertebrate communities within Pond Brook are unhealthy. Causes include… • 1. Poor habitat • 2. Basic Water Quality • 3. Synergistic effect of water quality and habitat (no riffles and100%open canopy).
Ecological Restoration Opportunities • Approximately 16,000 linear feet of degraded stream corridor • Approximately 100 acres of low quality wetlands suitable for restoration
Ecological Restoration Costs • Stream Restoration $125/foot x 16,000 feet = $2,000,000 • Wetlands Restoration $10,000/acre x 100 acres = $1,000,000 • Total projected costs = $3,000,000
Restoration Options Section 319 Section 206 WRRSP Clean Ohio LEPF Mitigation
Mitigation • Wetlands/Stream Mitigation:To moderate (a quality or condition) in force or intensity; alleviate. See Synonyms at relieve. • Relieve tr.v. re·lieved, re·liev·ing, re·lieves • 1.To cause a lessening or alleviation of: relieved all his symptoms; relieved the tension. • 2.To free from pain, anxiety, or distress. • 3.To furnish assistance or aid to. • 4.To rescue from siege. • 5.To release (a person) from an obligation, restriction, or burden, as by law or legislation. • a.To free from a specified duty by providing or acting as a substitute. • b.Baseball To take over for (a relief pitcher). • 6.To make less tedious, monotonous, or unpleasant: Only one small candle relieved the gloom. • 7.To make prominent or effective by contrast; set off.
Restoration Options Mitigation Options Mitigation Banking In-Lieu Fee Consolidated Project
Mitigation Bank - Who is the Banker ??? Self Banking vs. Banking Agent
Mitigation Banking Process Mitigation Banking Agent The Mitigation Banker assumes all risk and costs associated with restoring the site. Mitigation Banker will compensate the final land steward for perpetual preservation. They will recoup their investment through the sale of credits to developers.
Mitigation Banking Process Field data collection Stream and wetlands classification Hydraulic model development Stakeholder identification Credit marketability MBRT coordination Credit negotiations Conceptual restoration Final restoration Engineering Construction 5-10 years of monitoring and management
Team Selection RFP Issued September of 2003 Field Meetings Four Teams Responded Narrowed to Two Teams Interviews in November of 2003 Team Selected: Wetlands Resource Center
Compensation $1,200 for each acre of wetlands restored $10 for each linear foot of stream restored Total anticipated compensation approximately $350,000