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Mission of SSU The philosophy of Süleyman Şah University is to become a university raising virtuous and cultivated individuals, encouraging scientists who are self- confident and make researches and examinations on authentic issues, in order to change the direction of brain drain into Turkey adopting the cultural heritage of the civilization in which it exits as well as contributing inter-civilization peace and producing knowledge (ilim) through our eyes.
Vision of SSU Additionally, the underlying philosophy is to become one of the leading universities in the world by producing a center of attraction pulling academicians and students from various countries in the field of social sciences into its own body where scientific studies and educational activities are being conducted at international standards. Our philosophical vision is to raise people who dedicated themselves to the love of truth and spirit of research. Our basic principle is to create a prominent education system in which quality is more important than the quantity.
Values of SSU • Welcoming change and improvement • Focusing on learning and experience • Having a say in local, regional, national and international platforms • Being effective in time management • Being influential in research and examination • Being decision-oriented, swift, transparent and active
SSU • Focus on Social Sciences • Opportunity of double major • Opportunity of minor program • Academic Consultancy • Opportunity of Second Foreign Language • Opportunity of Exchange/Erasmus • Scholarship in the sector • Student participation to Research Centers • Student participation to EU projects • Participation to student clubs’ and societies • Master degrees
Business and BA Departments • Abusiness, is anyactivitythatprovidesgoodsandservices. • Business Administration is thedepartmentwhichraisesqualifiedhumanresourcestothe market in ordertoincreaseproductivity in thebusinesses/firms/systems.
The Main Goals of BA Departments Business Administration aimstoeducatequalifiedhumanresourceswhorespond global worldrequirements. Inotherwords, thecharacteristics of the BA graduatesaresupposedtohave /be • knowledgeof modern managementmethods • open-minded • tendtoteamworking • tendtoestablishcommunication • awareof thesocialresponsibility of theorganizations, • competitive
BA Fields • Law • Labor Law • Turkish Commercial Code • Intellectual Property Law • Marketing • Strategic Marketing • Consumer Behavior • Industrial Marketing • Services Marketing • Production & Operation • Operation Research • Production Management • Information Systems • Project Maangement • Technology Management • Management • Strategy • Organization • Organizational Behavior Economics • Microeconomics • Macroeconomics • International Economics • Labor Economics • Development Economics • History of Economics Finance & Accounting • Finance • Accounting • Securities and Portfolio Management Numerical Methods • Statistics • Econometrics
The Courses of BA Department at the Faculty of Management and Administrative Sciences of SSU Ourcoursesarebuiltupthefunctions of BA Inbrief, in thedepatment of BA youhavecourses on • Management • Marketing • Accounting • Production http://ebs.ssu.edu.tr/Amac_Hedef.aspx?bno=5&bot=4
Business Administration Program Requirements 1 To solve problems, to have analytical and holistic viewpoint and to develop strategic thinking as a principle in the field of business administration 2 To evaluate It is aimed to graduate students whom are able to critique what they have already learn in the field of management and adapting life long learning 3 It is aimed to graduate students whom are able to transfer their academic knowledge to organizational level and capable of expressing themselves regarding organizational problems 4 The students are required to understand the concepts and ideas of business in both national and multinational settings and practice cross disciplinary 5 It is required to know and practice the quality and productivity principles of business 6 To know and apply the business ethics and act according to social, scientific and ethical values 7 To adapt entrepreneurial thinking as a way of living and to choose entrepreneurship as a career path 8 As a team member having following characters: ready to take responsibility, open minded, open to criticism, constructive, self confident and effective employee 9 Using a foreign language fluently for reading business publications and developing communication with colleagues from other countries
Academic Staff • Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Ekiz (Rector) • Prof. Dr. Serkan Bayraktaroğlu (Dean) • Prof. Dr. Demet Bayraktar (Chair) • Prof. Dr. Meliha HANDZIC • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dr. Faruk Ballı • Asst. Prof. Dr. Erhan Atay • Lecturer Selver Seda Ada • Res. Asst. Zehra Topal
Graduate Job Opportunities • Job Opportunities in the Public Sector • Job Opportunities in the Private Sector • Job Opportunities in Academics • Other Opportunities
Private Sector • Service Sector • Banks, • Assurance firms, • Consultancy firms, • Tourism firms, • Marketing firms, • Accounting and auditing firms • Manufacturing sector Industrial fims
Public Sector • Central Bank • Undersecretariat of Treasury • Undersecretariat of Trade • CapitalMarkets Board of Turkey • Administrativejudge • Governor • Ministry of Finance • Turkish Court of Accounts
Academics • MEB Scholarship • Universitiescurrentrecruitments • Scholarshipbyotherinstitutions CivilSociety International Institutions
Therequirements of thejob To be capable of analyticalthinking, To be interested in mathsandsocialsciences, To be capable of planningandimplementation, To be capable of sharingtheideasandpersuadingothers, To be capable of work in groups, To have an incentive to succeed To be forward-thinking To be abletocommunicatewellwithpeople, To be patient, tolerantandsensitivetotheneeds of people To be capable of managingthe time Tohavetheresponsibility
Education • The instruction language is English at the University. • Academic year consists of fall and spring semesters each of which for fourteen weeks. • Semester final exam dates are not included in these periods of time. • Summer school can be opened within the scope of academic year.
Universities for ExchangeSüleyman Şah University joint theErasmus Program and additionally signed memorandum of understanding universities. Here are some examples:
Opportunityfor Learning secondForeign Language • Students may choose a second foreign language by acquiring a language certificate.
Double Major and Minor Programs • Students can enroll in a minor program in addition to their undergraduate programs. • Students of major undergraduate program at faculties approved by CHE can have education in order to get a second bachelor’s degree simultaneously.
Academic Consultancy • For each student attending university a full time instructor is appointed. • Academic advisor pursue the student’s academic status during the education period, informs the student about the relevant rules and regulations, and guides him/her in organization of weekly course schedule and other academic issues. • Course selection, add and drop, and withdrawals of students are done through the approval of advisor.
Course Credits and Schedules • The total ECTS credit of courses and applications is 30 for each semester. • Courses in schedules are divided into two categories as compulsory and elective. • Ataturk’s Principles and History of Revolution and Turkish courses as well as compulsory courses required for graduation form the compulsory courses of the relevant department. • Elective courses in the curriculum are grouped as general elective and area elective courses. The area elective courses can be opened by both the relevant department and other departments within the same faculty. • General elective courses are the ones which are opened by other departments and excluded from the compulsory courses and elective courses of the relevant department.
Course Registration and Repetition • Students must be registered for the all courses stated in schedule of the relevant department for thefirst two semesters. • Students are obliged to be registered for related semesters in the compulsory courses of the relevant department and to the elective courses that are stated in schedules in number and type. • Students must primarily repeat the courses of which they failed or withdrew at the first semesters when these courses are re-opened.
Course Registration and Repetition • Course load is the total a credit of courses of which student is registered. In fall and spring semesters the normal course load is 30 ECTS credits, at summer school it is maximum 15 ECTS credits. • Students whose GPA is 2.50 and above with those who are expected to graduate in a maximum of two semesters, if they want, within the condition of taking the approval of their advisors, they can increase their normal course loads up to 36 ECTS credits as of the third semester.
Course Registration and Repetition • Students whose GPA is below 2.50 in any semester are considered as probational students. Probational students are not allowed to take more than normal course load. • The course loads of students in any semester cannot be lower than 24 credits. However, where necessary, with the approval of advisors the course load can be reduced to 18 credits. • Students completing at least 60 credits are defined as sophomores, those completing at least 120 credits are defined as juniors, and those completing at least 180 credits of all courses are defined as seniors.
Add-Drop • Students until the end of the second week from the date of beginning of classes during fall and spring semesters can make changes in the registered courses, add new ones or drop the ones that they took within the rules specified in this directive.
Compulsory Attendance • Students are supposed to attend all kinds of courses, laboratory studies, applications and the relevant requirements or examination or other academic studies deemed necessary by the lecturer. • It is compulsory to attend 70% of theoretical courses and 80% of applied courses such as laboratory and workshop. • Student who does not fulfill the attendance requirement of the course is deemed to fail the course and not allowed to take final and make-up examinations
Examinations, Excuse Examinations and Objection to Exam Results • Course syllabuses for each course are announced to the students by the relevant lecturer within the first week following the beginning of classes. The course syllabus which could be regarded as an agreement between student and lecturer includes all the course objectives and plans, teaching methods, necessary resources and course books, detailed information about attendance, assignments and exams and their effects and loads on final grades. • Student who fails to take midterm examinations or to attend assessment and evaluation hands in the petition identifying his/her excuse to the relevant deanship within three weekdays following the exam date. If the excuse is deemed appropriate by the relevant administrative body, the excuse examination is conducted for the midterm exam.
Examinations, Excuse Examinations and Objection to Exam Results • Students who have the right to take final exam but fail to do it due to his/her excuse are given a make-up exam. Those students do not have the right to take separate make-up exam for the final excluding the above mentioned one. • Regardless of the grade point average (gpa), students whose final grade is FF or U are granted to take make-up examination of the relevant course. The last grade taken in the make-up exam is taken into account for the assessment of final grade. • Students may ask for the re-evaluation of his/her exam paper by applying through petition to the relevant deanship/directorate within the five weekdays at the latest as of the announcements of exam results.
Examinations, Excuse Examinations and Objection to Exam Results • At the end of any semester, students who completed all the registered courses successfully, enabled the required number of credits, if any, fulfilled the obligations like project and internships and whose GPA is at least 2.00 has right to receive bachelor’s degree with the graduation decision of the relevant administrative body. • Students who complete their education without taking any disciplinary action and lacking any semester graduate; those with a GPA of 3.50 and higher being listed as high honor student, those with a GPA between 3.00 and 3.49 as honor student, and this status is indicated on diplomas.
Disciplinary punishments that require reprimand • To hang banner or poster without permission within the Higher education institution, • To attempt cheating in the exams.
Disciplinary Actions that require suspension from higher education institution in a week to a month. • Do written or spoken acts that harm reputation and dignity of personnel of higher education institution within or outside the institution. • To organize meetings at open or closed locales belonging to higher education institution without permission.
Actions that require suspension from higher education institution for one semester. • To cheat, or to have somebody have cheat in the examinations, • To plagiarize at seminars, dissertations and publications.