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FAQ’s. A successful year in French. What do I need to do?. Be on time! Do all assignments! Participate fully! Speak, speak, speak! Practice everyday!. What should I do if I am absent?. Check Edmodo . I will post assignments there. E-mail me.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FAQ’s A successful year in French

  2. What do I need to do? • Be on time! • Do all assignments! • Participate fully! Speak, speak, speak! • Practice everyday!

  3. What should I do if I am absent? • Check Edmodo. I will post assignments there. • E-mail me. • If you know ahead of time, please let me know. • Check the tray for any handouts.

  4. Does homework count? • Yes. Some homework will be collected some will be graded in class. • Let me know asap if you do not have your homework. Hand it in the next day and you will get full credit. After that you will only get partial credit. • Online homework will be recorded in my gradebook at the end of the chapter. I will give you advance warning.

  5. Can I have my cell phone out? • No. With two exceptions: 1. if you have talked to me in advance about using it to record homework, take a picture of the board, etc. • If I ask you to in order to do an activity.

  6. What should I do when I need to leave the room? • Please raise your hand and ask permission in French. • Sign out. • Try and leave during a transition time.

  7. What will Madame do? • Return papers and quizzes within 2 days. • Post grades as soon as I have graded something. • Create activities that are varied and never too long. • Tell you the targets for our chapter. • Answer e-mails and phone calls within 24 hours.

  8. Where can we find you? • X-106 periods 2,3,5,6, 8. • In the ARC period 1 on 100 day and period 4 on a 12 day. • In my office: D 107. • I will not be at school early unless you make an appt. with me. I will check my E-mail at 9 pm. I will stay after school every evening.

  9. What materials do I need? • A log in for our textbook. • Small binder for notes and a few handouts. • Pens and pencils for class.

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