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.Starting point .Conjunctural Aspects .Problems and Method .Conclusions

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.Starting point .Conjunctural Aspects .Problems and Method .Conclusions

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  1. Discussion and comments on:Explaining Left Right Party Congruence Across European Party Systems: A Test of Micro-, Meso-, and Macro Level Models, Ana Maria Belchior and The Quantity and the Quality of Party Systems: Party System Polarization, Its Measurement, and Its Consequences, Russel J Dalton .Starting point .Conjunctural Aspects .Problems and Method .Conclusions Gaia Garuti

  2. Starting Point Belchior: Dawns-May micro / individual level (H1a, H1b, H1c) Przeworsky-Sprague meso / party level (H2) Huber-Powell macro / political system level (H3) Saved the core: ”Party system reflects views of their domestic electorate reasonably well” Dalton: Blais-Dobrzynska, Lijphard, Kim-Powell, Norris, Rae... Saved the idea that “Effective Number of Parties is a good predictor...” for turn-out, social cleavages, general electoral behaviour

  3. “ENP is a good predictor...but miss the property of prime interest, that is quality of party diversity” (Dalton) Polarization and L-R placement as SURROGATES “In politics people sometimes talk of Left and Right. Where would you place yourself on a scale from 0 to 10 , where o means the Left and 10 means the Right?” (CSES survey) - problems linked to the abstract aspect of this ideological dimension “Despite these problems, scholars agree that the left right variable captures the comparative ideological positions of citizns and parliamentarians reasonably well” (Belchior)

  4. Conjunctural Aspects (just for Dalton) - Herfindahl = ∑(party seat share in legislature)^2(transposedHerfindhal Index) - PI = SQRT{∑(party vote share i)*([party L/R scorei – party sy stem average L/R score]/5)^2} (the new measure of distri bution of parties along the L-R scale) - “Discard the love for the future”...polarization affects stability?

  5. Methodological aspects and conclusions Belchior Large N (27 countries and 144 parties); for H3 a smaller N (just the 27 countries). PIRADEU Project The majior result is that the center is the most congruent place (H1 supported,competition), so the meso level, together with the micro, have the strongest explanatory powers. Conclusions are satisfying, the presence of different levels founded on previous studies provide force to the theory. Dalton Meet difficulties measuring aggregate turn-out Small N (pros and contra) CSES: 1th survey 36 nations, 2nd survey 26 nations, more than 50 (democratic) elections

  6. Methodological Aspects and conclusions Always about Dalton's work) Polarization is the most effective key variable in explaining the correlation btw L-R placement and party preferences, and turn-out, not the number of parties. The conclusions have double consistence because Dalton replicated the regressions using data of module 1 of CSES and found the same results. So: a very strong result.

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