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Comparative Essay. Comparative Writing. 1. What is the purpose?. Making comparisons is a huge part of understanding world history This essay typically involves how two societies responded to a major theme or event Comparing means finding both similarities AND dissimilarities.
Comparative Essay Comparative Writing 1
What is the purpose? • Making comparisons is a huge part of understanding world history • This essay typically involves how two societies responded to a major theme or event • Comparing means finding both similarities AND dissimilarities
Major Themes tested on the comparative essay include • How different societies responded to events, to each other and to other societies • How different societies changed – or didn’t – in response to an event • How different societies developed • How different societies responded to new technologies or new ideas
What is expected of you • Write a thesis that makes your major points of comparison • Answer all parts of the question • Make at least three, direct, relevant comparisons of the given societies • Analyze relevant reasons for similarities and/or differences
What does that mean? • You are going to write an essay with a thesis, support that thesis by referencing relevant history, and compare and contrast as the question indicates, making sure you include not only similarities but also differences • Are you still unsure of what to do – let’s break it down step-by-step
How is the Comparative Essay scored? • Look at your handout • Basic Core • 0 – 7 points • You must earn ALL 7 basic core points in order to earn expanded core points • In 2 areas of the basic core it is possible to earn only PARTIAL credit (1 point instead of 2 points) • Expanded Core • Note that several items in the expanded core are simply more detailed versions of the basic core • TO get an 8 or 9, focus on doing a great job on the elements that are in both the basic and expanded core
So what first? • Take about 5-10 minutes to plan your essay before you actually begin writing • Remember, the more time you spend planning, the less time you will spend writing and the better organized your writing will be!!
What do the directions mean? • Step 1 – Process the question; dissect the prompt • You need to know EXACTLY what you are being asked to do • Circle the key phrases as you process the question • You must address all parts of the question
What do the directions mean?Step 1 continued • Let’s look at an example: • The first civilizations all developed near River Valleys. From these early civilizations, many others have emerged. Compare and contrast the political, economic, and social aspects of TWO of the following River Valley Civilizations. Be sure to address the impact they had on any civilization which appeared later in history. • China • India • Mesopotamia • Egypt
What do the directions mean?Step 1 continued • What key phrases did you circle? • Your list should include • The two River Valley civilizations you want to focus on • Compare and Contrast Political aspects • Compare and Contrast Economic aspects • Compare and Contrast Social aspects • Discuss the impact on a society which emerged later in history
What do the directions mean?Step 1 continued • What are you being asked to do? • Compare and contrast the political, economic, and social aspects of TWO of the following River Valley Civilizations • Discuss the influences one river valley civilization had on those which developed later in history
What do the directions mean? • Step 2 – Build a framework • The purpose of this is to both provide you with an outline for an essay and to ensure that you don’t miss any part of the question • Using the example from Step 1, begin by choosing two river valley civilizations as instructed then create a chart (see next slide) • Or use the Chart handout provided
What do the directions mean?Step 2 continued • Your chart should include: • A column for each of the 2 river valley civilizations • A row Political aspects • A row for Economic aspects • A row for Social aspects • Underline the similarities • Circle the differences
What do the directions mean? • Step 3 – Build Your Essay • Fill in the chart • Be sure to enter both the information about each segment AND the evidence to support each answer • Doing so will help you write your essay – the better you plan here, the easier the writing will be
What do the directions mean? • Step 4 – Write your essay • Once you’ve completed your chart, its time to start writing • Planning is CRITICAL – the more you plan, the less time it will actually take you to write • You have approx. 40 min for this essay, if you spend 15 min planning, you should easily be able to write the essay in the remaining 25 minutes
What do the directions mean?Step 4 continued • Your thesis is critical and must be supported by facts • Make sure you have an analytical thesis that includes both the focus of your essay and WHY you believe your claim to be true • Answer the question by including key phrases from the question • Support each of your assertions with some introductory evidence (save the details for your body paragraphs) • Transition from the thesis to the body of the essay
Thesis • Must be in 1st paragraph • Must be in consecutive sentences • must have examples
Bad Thesis • Example thesis 1: Ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia had many similarities, but also some differences. (Example of an unacceptable thesis. Why?) • Example thesis 2: Ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia had similar economics and religion, but differed in politics. (Example of an unacceptable thesis. Why?)
Good Thesis • Example thesis 3: Ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia had similar characteristics economically and socially due to a base in agriculture, but differed politically because the pharaohs were more powerful than kings. (Why ?)
Direct Comparison • The comparison MUST be in the same sentence • Mesopotamian and Egyptians were similar economically because both depended primarily on agriculture
Direct Contrast • The contrast MUST be in the same sentence • Mesopotamia and Egypt differed politically because Mesopotamia developed a law code but Egypt did not.
Essay Structure #1 • 1st paragraph- Introduction with thesis • 2nd paragraph- Similarities and evidence of similarities • 3rd paragraph- Differences and evidence of differences • 4th paragraph- restate thesis (discuss impact on later societies)
Essay Structure #2 • 1st paragraph- Introduction with thesis • 2nd paragraph- Similarities and Differences of Political aspects • 3rd paragraph- Similarities and Differences of Economic aspects • 4th paragraph- Similarities and Differences of Social aspects • 5th restate thesis and Evidence of Similarities and Differences (discuss impact on later societies)
The essay • Make sure you address each portion of the question • Support your claims with evidence • Pick the structure that is most conducive to writing the strongest essay based on your information and prompt