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NCEA Japanese. Gaining success in the Listening section. Todays Format. Preparation What to expect Types of questions How to ‘hit the ground running’ Practice. Preparation is Essential. Start Now!!! Vocab, Vocab, Vocab! Prepare before going into exam room Work in groups.
NCEA Japanese Gaining success in the Listening section
Todays Format • Preparation • What to expect • Types of questions • How to ‘hit the ground running’ • Practice
Preparation is Essential • Start Now!!! • Vocab, Vocab, Vocab! • Prepare before going into exam room • Work in groups
The NCEA Exam • Listening, Reading and Writing • Each section is a separate booklet • Listening is first • Will be read by your teacher (generally) • Cannot go back and re check work • No “chance” questions • ‘Listen to Japanese and answer in English’ format for all questions • Listening is ‘easy’ – you don’t need to understand everything!
The Power of the Human Mind According to research at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in wahtoredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the fristand lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. The pweor of the hmuan mnid.
On the Day of the Exam… • Arrive in plenty of time for the exam • Make sure you are ‘warmed up’ in Japanese • Read some Japanese script • Speak Japanese with a friend • Test each other on vocab • Do the work beforehand so you are as relaxed as possible for the exam DON’T PANIC
Structure of the Listening Section • Listening section should take approximately 40 mins • Each passage will be read three times • 1st reading – once through whole passage • 2nd and 3rd reading – broken into 3 or 4 sections, each read twice • Preparation and checking time given
Types of Questions • Achieved Straight translation • Merit List of information • Excellence Implied information がっこうに行きましたWhere did he go? えいが を みたり すし を たべたり しました What did they do? Be specific. 八時 に でます。 二時かん ぐらいかかります。ときどき みちは こんでいて、よく 三時間 かかります。 Why does it sometimes take more than two hours to get there?
Make sure you give enough information • You aren’t told what type of question it is, so be sure to give as much info as possible • To gain Achieved • You need to get 9 questions correct • To gain Merit • You need to get 15 correct (in total) of which 3 must be at the Merit or Excellence level • To gain Excellence • you need to get 18 correct (in total) of which 3 are merit and 2 are excellence
You have 1 minute to read the question and instructions at start of each question • Look at the information you are given for all the questions – What are you likely to hear? • What confusing words may be included • Think about vocabulary that is likely to be used • Note down any useful words • Be pro-active – make educated guesses
You have 20 seconds between each section in the 3rd and 4th readings • Section 1 – 20sec – section 1 – 20sec – section 2… • Use this time to check over your answer and to look at the next question • Again, what are you likely to hear • What confusing vocab may be used? Don’t be single-minded Allow for something different
The Japanese teacher is explaining the arrangements for the trip to Wellington to the visiting Japanese students. Section One (a) What date will they go? _________________________________________________ (b) Where will they meet? _________________________________________________ (c) About what time will they arrive at Wellington Zoo? _________________________________________________ よっか ようか はつか etc ーで あいます ーに きて ーに つきます -じかんかかります NCEA Japanese Paper 2002 – Listening Section
Section One (a) What date will they go? _________________________________________________ (b) Where will they meet? _________________________________________________ (c) About what time will they arrive at Wellington Zoo? _________________________________________________ 20th of July Achieved Many candidates didn’t know hatsuka In front of the school gymnasium Achieved Most candidates did not give enough detail. No mae ni was often missed and many candidates did not know taiikukan About 9.00am Merit Candidates often failed to comprehend this question. Two o’clock was a common incorrect answer.
Section Two (d) What are the TWO instructions given for behaviour at the zoo? __1_______________________________________________ __2_______________________________________________ Section Three (e) What TWO things are expected from the students at the restaurant? __1_______________________________________________ __2_______________________________________________ (f) What instructions are given to the students about the day after the trip? _________________________________________________ (g) What do the have to do tonight? _________________________________________________ They can go anywhere with friends not allowed to leave the zoo Merit Speak lots of Japanese to NZ students not allowed to be noisy Excellence Be late to school but be there in time for afternoon classes Excellence Give their NZ family the notice Achieved NCEA Japanese Paper 2002 – Listening Section
Question Two – A Phone Message • Takashi has forgotten to bring his camera to New Zealand. He knows his friend Yukio has a camera so he leaves a message on Yukio’s cellphone the night before the school trip. • NOTE: フィルム film • Section One • What time is the call made? • _________________________________________________ • (b) What does Takashi ask Yukio to do? • _________________________________________________ • Section Two • (c) What does Takashi say he will do in return? • _________________________________________________ • Section Three • (d) Where does Takashi say he is going now? • _________________________________________________ Around 7.20pm Achieved Take his camera tomorrow (to school / on the trip M) Achieved Give him a roll of film Achieved Out to dinner with his host family (to eat French food M) Achieved NCEA Japanese Paper 2002 – Listening Section
Question Three – After Lunch The students have just finished lunch and will now have two hours of free time. Listen to the comments made by their teacher NOTE: グループgroup りょうしん parents • Section One • Where will the bus be? • Section Two • (b) What are two of the things the teacher suggests they do? • Section Three • (c) Describe the department store mentioned • (d) Give the directions that will take the students from the restaurant to the department store • Section Four • (e) Where in the department store would the students be able to buy a pencil case? • Section Five • (f) Why is it important to be back at the bus by the time given? • (g) What does the teacher say about bags • Section Six • (h) When the students get back to Japan, what do they have to do? • (i) Who will be waiting for them when they get back from the trip to Wellington? • (j) What advice does the teacher give them? NCEA Japanese Paper 2002 – Listening Section
Section One • Where will the bus be? • _________________________________________________ • Section Two • What are the two of the things the teacher suggests they do? • (i)___________________________(ii)______________________ • Section Three • Describe the department store mentioned • _________________________________________________ • Give the directions that will take the students from the restaurant to the department store • _________________________________________________ • Section Four • Where in the department store would the students be able to buy a pencil case? • _________________________________________________ Behind the restaurant Achieved Back of the restaurant was not accepted. Most candidates did not know ushiro Walk along beach / play in park go in groups of 2 or 3 / go shopping – any two Many candidates had difficulty with the particles ‘de’ and ‘ka’ Merit It has three floors / it’s nearby / it’s big (2 = Achieved, 3 = Merit) This question caused few problems Go through three intersections and on the left hand corner Merit Candidates seemed to find this question difficult. Many did not know direction vocabulary and lacked English knowledge or missed detail eg ‘left’ or ‘corner’ 3rd floor Excellence This was a straightforward question but many candidates failed to get it right
Section Five (f) Why is it important to be back at the bus by the time given? _________________________________________________ (g) What does the teacher say about bags _________________________________________________ Section Six (h) When the students get back to Japan, what do they have to do? _________________________________________________ (i) Who will be waiting for them when they get back from the trip to Wellington? _________________________________________________ (j) What advice does the teacher give them? _________________________________________________ Because the roads get crowded Merit This questions produced lots of interesting answers. Candidates needed to say ‘the streets would be crowded’ OK to leave them on the bus Achieved Many candidates neglected to say ‘can/may leave them on the bus’. ‘Take them’ was not accepted Give a talk in English about Wellington to their classmates Achieved Most candidates did not provide enough detail here Their NZ parents will be waiting for them Achieved The answer was ‘host parents’ or ‘NZ parents’. Many candidates did not know ‘ryooshin’, despite it being at the top of the page Go to bed early Achieved ‘Hayaku’ was not always known. Some mistook it for ‘100’.
Question One – A Japanese Town • One of your friends has sent the class a taped letter about the town they are living in in Japan. One of your friends is having trouble understanding some of the Japanese and has jotted down some questions for you to answer. • Section One • How is the town introduced? • _________________________________________________ • (b) Where is the shrine? • _________________________________________________ • (c) What are popular pastimes at the river? • (i)_________________________(ii)________________________ • Section Two • Where is one of the Post Offices located? • _________________________________________________ • (e) Why is the restaurant always crowded? • _________________________________________________ • Section Three • Where is the hospital located? • _________________________________________________ • (g) Why might people enjoy their stay in this hospital? • _________________________________________________ Not big but good Achieved On the mountain Achieved Fishing Picnics Merit Between the supermarket and the florist Achieved Because it is small but well known in this town Merit It is in a park Achieved There is a good view from the windows Excellence
NCEA Japanese – ListeningSome final thoughts… • Do the work before the exam • Be as relaxed as you can • Once you have finished the listening section, Forget it and go on with the rest of the paper がんばって ください