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Learn the essential steps in planning and executing a research study using the scientific method. Considerations for formulating research problems, data collection methods, and scientific writing principles are included. Key topics covered are research design, sampling theory, literature review, and data processing methods.
The Research Process Gravetter & Forzano: • The process of planning and conducting a research study involves using the scientific method to address a specific question. • During the research process, researcher moves from a general idea to actual data collection and interpretation of the result • Along the way, the researcher is faced with a series of decision about how to proceed each choice has disadvantages as well as disadvantages
The Research Process Considerationsand steps informulating aresearch problem Methods andtools of datacollection Principles ofscientific writing Research design:functions Sampling theoryand designs Methods of dataprocessing;Use of computersand statistics Literaturereview Formulating a research problem Conceptualizing a research design Constructing an instrument fordata collection Selectinga sample Writing aresearchproposal Collectingdata Processingdata Writinga researchreport Coding Editingof thedata Operationalsteps Field test of theresearchtool Study designs Required theoretical knowledge Developinga codebook Variables andhypotheses: definitionand typology Validity andreliability of theresearch tool Contents of theresearch proposal Requiredintermediaryknowledge What How Conducting of the study
Formulating a research problem RESEARCH PROCESS Conceptualizing a research design Constructing an instrument for data collection Selecting a sample Step II Step I Step III Step IV Writing a research proposal Collecting data Processing data Writing a research report Step V Step VI Step VII Step VIII
The Research Process (Gravetter, 2009) • Find a Research Idea: • Select a Topic and Find a Hypothesis 2. Define and Measure Variables 9. Refine or Reformulate Your Research Idea 3. Identify Participants or Subjects 8. Report the Result 4. Select a Research Strategy 7. Evaluate the Data 5. Select a Research Design 6. Conduct the Study
Considerations & research steps in formulating research problem Literature review Formulating a research problem Step I Step II Step III Step V Step VI Step IV Step VII Step VIII Variables & hypotheses: definition and typology How Conducting of the study What
Step 1:Formulating a Research Problem • Is the first step in the research process, tell about what you intend to research • Main Function: to decide what you want to find out about menentukan arah penelitian: study design, measurement procedures, sampling strategy, etc. • Masalah penelitian ditentukan oleh: sumber dana, waktu yg tersedia, keahlian dan pengetahuan peneliti mengenai bidang yang diteliti
Step 1: Find a Research Idea:select a topic and find a hypothesis Gravetter & Forzano • Typically involves two parts: • Selecting a general topic area • Reviewing the literature in that area to find a specific research question or hypothesis
Finding an idea for research study involves 2 parts: • Selecting a general topic area sources: everyday experience, books, journal articles, or class work (i.e.: human development, perception, social interaction, etc). • Without intrinsic interest to sustain motivation, it is very easy for a researcher to get tired or bored, and give up before the research is completed • Original topic area will guide you through the literature and help to decide which research studies are important and which are not relevant
Step 1: Find a Research Idea:select a topic and find a hypothesis • Reviewing the literature in that area to find a specific research question or hypothesis “what is questions are still unanswered” • Characteristics of good research hypothesis: • Logical establish a connection between your research and the research result that have been obtained by others • Testable It must be possible to observe and measure all variables involve. It must involve real situations, events, and individuals; not imagery or hypothetical events/situations JFK
Step 1: Find a Research Idea:select a topic and find a hypothesis • Reviewing the literature in that area to find a specific research question or hypothesis • Characteristics of good research hypothesis: • Refutable must be possible to obtain results that are contrary to the prediction. The hypothesis allows the potential for the outcome to be different from the prediction
Step 1: Find a Research Idea:select a topic and find a hypothesis • Reviewing the literature in that area to find a specific research question or hypothesis • Characteristics of good research hypothesis: • Positive hypothesis must make a positive statement about the existence of something: existence of relationship, existence of a difference, existence of treatment effect the basic nature of science is to assume that something does not exist until there is enough evidence to demonstrate that it actually does exist. ex. If we fail to find relationship = we fail to find convincing evidence (not conclude that relationship doesnot exist)
Exercise: • Is the following hypothesis testable, refutable, and positive? Hypothesis: Married couple who are regularly attend to religious services have more stable relationship than couples who do not.
Step 2: Define and Measure Variables Gravetter & Forzano • The variables identified in the research hypothesis must be defined in a manner that makes it possible to measure • By defining the variables so they can be observed and measured, we are transforming the hypothesis into a specific well-defined that can be tested by making empirical observations Example: aggressive behavior how it will be measured? fighting, mock, etc (Consider the characteristic of the participant to be measured)
Research design: functions Literature review Conceptualizing a research design Step I Step II Step III Step V Step VI Step IV Step VII Step VIII Study designs How Conducting of the study What
Step 2:Conceptualizing a Research Design • Desain penelitian: rancangan tentang berbagai hal untuk melaksanakan penelitian, misalnya cara pengumpulan data, sampel, teknik analisis dll. • The strength of what you find largely rest on how it was found • Main function: to explain how you will answer to your research questions
Gravetter & Forzano Step 4: Select a Research Strategy • Choosing research strategy involves deciding on the general approach you will take to evaluate your research hypothesis • Usually determined by one of two factors: • The type of question asked Ex: a) Is there a relationship between sugar consumption and activity level for preschool children? b) Will increasing the level of sugar consumption for preschool children cause an increase in their activity level? • Ethics and other constraints
Step 5: Select a Research Design • Involve making decisions about the specific methods and procedures you will use to conduct the research study • One individual vs one group of individuals? • Make a series of observation of the same individuals over a period of time vs compare the behaviors of different individuals at the same time?
Methods & tools of data collection Constructing an instrument for data collection Step I Step II Step III Step V Step VI Step IV Step VII Step VIII Field test of the research tool Validity & reliability of the research tool How Conducting of the study What
Step III:Constructing an Instrument for Data Collection • Research Instrument/Research tool= a means of collecting information for your study • Metode pengumpulan informasi antara lain: - Observation forms - Interview schedules - Interview guides - Test
Step III:Constructing an Instrument for Data Collection • Steps to be followed: 1) how are you going to collect data primary data, or secondary data? 2) construct a research instrument, or select an already constructed one
Sampling theory & designs Selecting a sample Step I Step II Step III Step V Step VI Step IV Step VII Step VIII How Conducting of the study What
Step IV:Selecting a Sample Sampel dan populasi • Sampling: is the process of selecting a few (a sample) from a bigger graoup (the sampling population) to become the basis for estimating or predicting the prevalence of unknown piece of information, situation or outcome regarding the bigger group (Kumar, 2005, p. 164) • Tujuan sampling: untuk mendapatkan subjek yang merupakan sebagian dari populasi yang dapat mewakili karakteristik populasi
Step 3: Identify Participants or Subjects Gravetter & Forzano • The individuals who take part in research studies are called participants tf they are human and subjects if they are nonhuman • You must decide whether you will place any restriction on the characteristic of participants • Example: Preschool children OR 4-year-old boy from two-parent, middle-income household who have been diagnosed with a specific learning disability • Determine: number of participants/subjects, where and how to recruit them
Writing a research proposal Step I Step II Step III Step V Step VI Step IV Step VII Step VIII Contents of the research proposal How Conducting of the study What
Step V:Writing a Research Proposal • Proposal penelitian: overall plan tells a reader about the research problem and how you are planning to investigate and the argument to choose them • Main function: to detial the operational plan for obtaining answers to your research questions • What you are proposing to do • How you plan to proceed • Why you selected the proposed strategy
Step V:Writing a Research Proposal Content of research proposal: • Pernyataan tentang tujuan penelitian • Permasalahan dan hipotesis penelitian yang akan diuji • Desain penelitian yang digunakan • Lokasi penelitian • Alat ukur yang digunakan • Besar sampel dan teknik pengambilan sampel • Prosedur pengolahan data • Sistematika penulisan laporan penelitian • Masalah dan keterbatasan dari penelitian (feasibility of the study) • Jadwal pelaksanaan penelitian
Developing a code book Editing of the data Coding Collecting data Step I Step II Step III Step V Step VI Step IV Step VII Step VIII Field test of the research tool How Conducting of the study What
Step VI:Collecting Data • Mengumpulkan data untuk dapat menarik kesimpulan penelitian, misalnya melakukan wawancara, menyebarkan kuesioner, melakukan FGD atau diskusi kelompok, melakukan observasi
Step 6: Conduct the Study Gravetter & Forzano • Ready to collect data • Laboratory or in the field (real world)? • Individually or in groups? • = Implement the decision about manipulating, observing, measuring, controlling, and recording the different aspects of the study
Methods of data processing; Use of computers & statistics Processing Data Step I Step II Step III Step V Step VI Step IV Step VII Step VIII How Conducting of the study What
Step VII:Processing Data • Merupakan tahap mengolah data dan menganalisis hasil • Cara mengolah data yang dikumpulkan tergantung pada 2 hal yaitu: • Type of information – descriptive, quantitative, qualitative or attitudinal ) • The way you want to communicate your findings to your readers
Step 7: Evaluate the Data • Once the data have been collected use various statistical methods to examine and evaluate the data • Drawing graphs • Computing means or correlation • Determine whether the results can be generalized to the rest of population
Principles of scientific writing Writing a research report Step I Step II Step III Step V Step VI Step IV Step VII Step VIII How Conducting of the study What
Step VIII:Writing a Research Report • Melaporkan tentang apa yang telah dilakukan, apa yang telah ditemukan, dan kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian
Step 8: Report the Results Gravetter & Forzano • One important aspect of the scientific method is that observations and result must be public • Two reasons to report result are: • The result become part of general knowledge base that other people can use the answer questions or to generate new research ideas • The research procedure can be replicated or refuted by other researchers
The Research Process (Gravetter, 2009) • Find a Research Idea: • Select a Topic and Find a Hypothesis 2. Define and Measure Variables 9. Refine or Reformulate Your Research Idea 3. Identify Participants or Subjects 8. Report the Result 4. Select a Research Strategy 7. Evaluate the Data 5. Select a Research Design 6. Conduct the Study
Step 9: Refine or Reformulate Your Research Idea • Most research studies generate more questions than they answer • If the results support the original hypothesis, it does not mean that we find a final answer • Result that support a hypothesis lead to new questions by one of following route: • Test the boundaries of the result • Refine the original research question