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Reduction between Transitive Closure & Boolean Matrix Multiplication. Presented by Rotem Mairon. Overview. The speed-up of 4-Russians for matrix multiplication. A divide & conquer approach for matrix multiplication: Strassen’s method. Reduction between TC and BMM.
Reduction between Transitive Closure & Boolean Matrix Multiplication Presented by Rotem Mairon
Overview The speed-up of 4-Russians for matrix multiplication A divide & conquer approach for matrix multiplication: Strassen’s method Reduction between TC and BMM
The speedup of 4-Russians for matrix multiplication A basic observation • Consider a two boolean matrices, A and B of small dimensions. • The boolean multiplication of row Ai by column Bj is defined by: • The naïve boolean multiplication is done bit-after bit. This requires O(n) steps. • How can this be improved with pre-processing? n=4 3
The speedup of 4-Russians for matrix multiplication A basic observation • Each row Ai and column Bj form a pair of 4-bit binary numbers. • These binary numbers can be regarded as indices to a table of size 24x24 • For each entry in the table, we pre-store the value for multiplying the indices. • The multiplication of Ai by Bi can be computed in O(1) time. • Problem: 2nx2n is not practical of large matrix multiplication. = 6 n=4 = 4 4
The speedup of 4-Russians for matrix multiplication The speedup • Instead of regarding a complete row/col as an index to the table, consider only part of it. • Now, we pre-compute multiplication values for pairs of binary vectors of size k in a table of size 2kx2k. 5 5
The speedup of 4-Russians for matrix multiplication The speedup • Instead of regarding a complete row/col as an index to the table, consider only part of it. • Now, we pre-compute multiplication values for pairs of binary vectors of size k in a table of size 2kx2k. 6 6
The speedup of 4-Russians for matrix multiplication The speedup • Let , then all pairs of k-bit binary vectors canbe represented in a table of size: • Time required for multiplying Ai by Bi: O(n/logn). • Total time required: O(n3/logn) instead of O(n3). 7 7
Overview The method of 4-Russians for matrix multiplication A divide & conquer approach for matrix multiplication: Strassen’s method Reduction between TC and BMM
Strassen’s method for matrix multiplication A divide and conquer approach • Divide each nxn matrix into four matrices of size (n/2)x(n/2): • Computing all of requires 8 multiplications and 4 additions. • Therefore, the total running time is • Using the Master Theorem, this solves to . Still cubic! Can we do better with a straightforward divide and conquer approach? 9
Strassen’s method for matrix multiplication Strassen’s algorithm • Define seven matrices of size (n/2)x(n/2) : • The four (n/2)x(n/2) matrices can be defined in terms of M1,…,M7: 10
Strassen’s method for matrix multiplication Strassen’s algorithm Running time? Each matrix Mi requires additions and subtractions but only one multiplication: which solves to 11 11
Strassen’s method for matrix multiplication Improvements First to break the 2.5 barrier: 12 12
Best choices for matrix multiplication • Using the exact formulas for time complexity, for square matrices, crossover points • have been found: • For n<7, the naïve algorithm for matrix multiplication is preferred.As an example, a 6x6 matrix requires 482 steps for the method of 4- Russians, but 468 steps for the naïve multiplication. • For 6<n<513, the method of 4-Russians is most efficient. • For 512<n, Strassen’s approach costs the least number of steps. 13
Overview The method of 4-Russians for matrix multiplication A divide & conquer approach for matrix multiplication: Strassen’s method Reduction between TC and BMM
Realization of matrix multiplication in graphs Let A,B be adjacency matrices of two graphs over the same set of vertices {1,2,…,n} • An (A,B)-path is a path of length two whose first edge belongs to A and its second edge belongs to B. • if and only if there is an (A,B)-path from vertex i to vertex j. Therefore, C is the adjacency matrix with respect to (A,B)-paths. 15
Transitive Closure by Matrix Multiplication Definition and a cubic solution Given a directed graph G=(V,E), the transitive closure of G is defined as the graph G*=(V,E*) where E*={(i,j) : there is a path from vertex i to vertex j}. • A dynamic programming algorithm, has been devised: • Floyd-Warshall’s algorithm: • Requires O(n3) time. Could it be beaten? 16
Transitive Closure by Matrix Multiplication Beating the cubic solution 1 2 3 4 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 By squaring the matrix, we get (i,j)=1 iff we can get from i to j in exactlytwo steps: How could we make (i,j) equal 1 iff there’s a path from i to j in at most 2 steps? Storing 1’s in all diagonal entries. What about (i,j)=1 iff there’s a path from i to j in at most 4 steps? Keep multiplying. 17
Transitive Closure by Matrix Multiplication Beating the cubic solution In total, the longest path had 4 vertices and 2 multiplications are required. Log2(n). How many multiplications are required for the general case? • The transitive closure can be obtained in O(n2.37log2(n)) time: • Multiply the matrix log2(n) times. • Each multiplication requires O(n2.37) steps using Strassen’s approach. • Better still: we can get rid of the log2(n) factor. 18
Transitive Closure by Matrix Multiplication Better still: getting rid of the log(n) factor The log(n) factor can be dropped by applying the following steps: • Determine the strongly connected components of the graph: O(n2) • Collapse each component to a single vertex. • The problem is now reduced to the problem for the new graph. 19
Transitive Closure by Matrix Multiplication Better still: getting rid of the log(n) factor The log(n) factor can be dropped by applying the following steps: • Generate a topological sort for the new graph. • Divide the graph into two sections: A (first half) and B (second half). • The adjacency matrix of sorted graph is upper triangular: 20
Transitive Closure by Matrix Multiplication Better still: getting rid of the log(n) factor To find the transitive closure of G, notice that: • Connections within A are independent of B. • Similarly, connections within B are independent of A. • Connections from A to B are found by: A*(i,u) = 1 iuinA a path in A 21 21
Transitive Closure by Matrix Multiplication Better still: getting rid of the log(n) factor To find the transitive closure of G, notice that: • Connections within A are independent of B. • Similarly, connections within B are independent of A. • Connections from A to B are found by: A*C(i,v) = 1 iuinA and u v a path in A an edge in C 22 22
Transitive Closure by Matrix Multiplication Better still: getting rid of the log(n) factor To find the transitive closure of G, notice that: • Connections within A are independent of B. • Similarly, connections within B are independent of A. • Connections from A to B are found by: and A*CB*(i,j) = 1 iuinA and u v ujinA a path in A an edge in C a path in B 23 23
Transitive Closure by Matrix Multiplication Better still: getting rid of the log(n) factor To find the transitive closure of G, notice that: • Connections within A are independent of B. • Similarly, connections within A are independent of A. • Hence, G* can be found with determining A*, B*, and computing A*CB* • This requires finding the transitive closure of two (n/2)x(n/2) matrices, • And performing two matrix multiplications: O(n2.37). Running time? Solves to O(2.37) 24
Matrix Multiplication by Transitive Closure Let A,B be two boolean matrices, to compute C=AB, form the following matrix: • The transitive closure of such a graph is formed by adding the edges from the 1st part to 2nd. • These edges are described by the product of matrices A,B. Therefore, 25