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SouthBendtreeservice Diseasesthat AffectTrees March01,2022 Despitetreesbeing asourceofmedicineandherbsthattreatdiseasesand wounds,theyare alsoproneto infections.Likeotherlivingorganisms, these diseasescanbediagnosed and treatedaccordingly. Trees can be affected by various diseases such as bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic, insect or nematode infections. These diseases may cause the tree's death or lead to itsdeclinein health. DiseasesthatAffectTrees Here we have listed 3 of the major categories of the most common diseases that affecttrees: 1)BacterialDiseases Bacteriaareoneofthemost commoncausesofplantdisease.They are microscopicsingle-celledorganismsthat grow fast. Thebacteria are usually foundondead leaves, bark, branches, twigs, roots, and soil. Bacterial diseasescan bedividedintotwocategories-systemicand non- systemic. Systemic illnesses spread through the entire body of the plant, while non-systemicdiseases attack only specific partsofthe plants.
Common bacterial diseases include black spot, bacterial leaf blight, damping-off, crown gall, fire blight, gray mold, root rot, Septoria Leaf Spot, Sudden Oak Death Syndrome(SOD), white rot,etc. • Thesymptomsthat couldlet youknowit'sabacterialdiseaseinclude: • Darkening of thefoliage • Yellowingoftheleaves • Stemdieback • Branchdieback • Foliagedrop • Wilt • Brownspotsontheleaves • Bacterial diseases in trees can be treated using fungicides, pesticides, biological control agents, and antibiotics. However, if the problem is severe, then pruning shouldhelp. • 2)FungalDiseases Another group of microscopic organisms that grow real fast is fungi. They are usually present on decaying matter and infected wood. Common fungi include powderymildew,rust, anthracnose,brown blotch, blue stain, etc. Symptomsthat couldindicate a fungalinfectioninclude: a)Water-soaked lesions on the leaves
Severewilting Blackenedareasontheleaves Fungicidesprays,fungaloils,copper-basedproducts,sulfur,andlimesulfurare sometreatments available forfungal-based diseases attacking a tree. 3)ViralDiseases Virusesaretinyinfectiousagents thatreplicateinsidethecells oftheirhost organism.Theyareresponsiblefor causingmanydifferent kindsofdiseases.They are nucleopolyhedrovirus,cauliflower mosaicvirus, tobaccomosaicvirus,potato virus X,tomatobushystuntvirus,cucumbermosaicvirus,etc. Themainsymptomcausedbyvirusesis theyellowingoftheleaves. Other symptoms include stunted growth, deformed leaves, distorted flowers, mottled leaves, necrosis, premature senescence, withering, etc. Viral diseases in trees are the most troublesome to eliminate because viruses do not respond to treatment because they mutate quickly. Therefore, there is no cure available for these diseases. The best way is to cut off all the infected parts of the treeand disposeofthemproperly. Conclusion Diseasesarecommonintreesjust liketheyareto humanbeings;therefore, regularly checking the trees is essential. This is especially important to monitor their health. If you notice any changes or symptoms on your trees, immediately contact your local arborist for advice on dealing with the situation. The earlier you take action, thebetter. Early disease detectioncould saveyour trees!