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Professional, reliable, talented, and experienced Tree Service in South Bend IN. Tree Removal, Tree Trimming, Stump Grinding, and more! 574-203-5112<br>
southbendtree February 222022,15:32 22 ProperCareforaNewlyPlantedTree Did you know an average of at least 500 trees per person is required to match the amount of carbon dioxideemitted everyyear?So, congratulations on planting your first tree;itwill serve generationsto come! The ball does not stoprollingat justplanting a tree. Knowinghow to properlycareforthe newly plantedtreeisvital,especially with theunpredictableclimate wefacetoday. Caring for a treethe right way will ensure thatit is strong, firmlyrooted, and resistantto most pests and diseases. Withtheproper care,trees can livefor generations to come. But how do you take care of a newly planted tree? Read on to find out five quick tips for propercare. SouthBendTreeService:FiveWaystoCareforaNewly PlantedTree Before you can plant, it's essential to ensure you have the right tree and grow it in the right place. A good rule of thumb is to choose a tree between 3-5 years old. It allows the tree time todeveloprootsbeforebeingplanted. The next step is to prepare the area where you intend to plant the tree. Make sure there are norocksorotherobjectsthatcoulddamage therootsystem.Afterensuringalllightsare green,applythe followingfivegreat waystoensure thetree survives: 1)Watering:
Afterplanting,watering should be done regularlytopreventtheroots from dryingout.Itis recommended to water the tree once or twice aweek for the first fewmonths until the root systemhas developed. If youare unsurewhen towater, check the soil moisturelevel by diggingaroundthebase oftheplant. Youcanusea soilprobe ifyouhaveone. 2)Fertilizing: Fertilize thetree as soon as possibleafterplanting. Fertilizingwillhelp thetree grow faster and more robust. A good fertilizer for new plants is 10-10-10, which contains Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), and Potassium (K). These nutrients areessential for healthygrowth. Use fertilizersaccordingtothedirections on thepackage.Do not applytoo much fertilizerasthis maycauseanutrientburn. 3)Pruning: Prune off any dead branches immediately after planting. Dead branches take up space and make the tree more vulnerable to pests. They can also dry out quickly, causing the trunk to split.
PestControl: It is crucial to watch out for pests such as aphids, scale insects, mites, and slugs. There are two main types of pesticides used for trees, Organophosphates and Carbamates—both work by disrupting nerve function. The safest option is to choose organic pesticides. Organic pesticides containnaturalingredients and aresafeforpeople,pets, and the environment. Mulching: Mulchhelps retainmoistureandkeepsweedsaway.Usingmulch willalso addbeauty tothe garden. Different materials like wood chips, leaves, hay, sawdust, straw, or pine needles are greatchoices.Justremember toremovethemulch beforewinter. Conclusion. Trees are important in our environment. They help reduce effects of climate change that the world has been witnessing in the recent past. The more trees you plant, the more you are contributingtowardsimprovingtheenvironment! arboristsouthbend treeservicenearmesouthbend southbendtree Previouspost treeremovalSouthBend 0comments POSTANEWCOMMENT APPLICATIONS FOLLOWUS: COMPANY