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International Workshop: Small Holder Timber Production Systems Social, policy, legal and investment frameworks Austrian Case Study Herbert Hager and Gerhard Glatzel. Austrian Forestry Sector. Austrian Forestry. Hemerobie der österreichischen Wälder. Austrian Forestry: Tree Species and AAC.
International Workshop:Small Holder Timber Production SystemsSocial, policy, legal and investment frameworksAustrian Case Study Herbert Hager and Gerhard Glatzel
Austria a Small Holder Forestry Country Aproximately 220000 small holders 90% of these are holding less than 2ha
Legal and Social Framework • Austrian Forestry Law 1975 /2002 • Forest land has to remain under forest utilization • No clearcut larger than 0.5 / resp. 2.0ha • No sale on the stump • Reforestation/ regeneration duty of the owner (penalty) • Forest land must render services to the public e.g. free recreational use or nature conservation. • National and EU conservation & environmental laws Natura 2000. (chances... conservation contracts) • National and EU wood products and trading standards • Certification for SH
S H Timber Producers and their Problems in Austria &CE • Small Holders minor players in the market, can not offer volume to the industrial buyer • Small Holders have higher costs, because of problems with mechanization and utilization of machinery • Small Holders often produce on inferior sites due to land degradation from historical landuse practices • Small Holders are undergoing social change (urbanization, abandonement), have lost the knowledge or interest in managing forests • Small Holders love planting conifers (spruce, pine) • Small Holders get less for their product (-10 to 20 Euro) • Difficult timber certification process
Strategies against these drawbacks and disadvant. • Organizational measures...chamber of agriculture and its forestry advisors and consultants • Organized timber auctions (espec. val. hardwoods) • Small Holder Forest Growers Associations (WWG), Forest Tending and Marketing Associations, Forest Machinery Users Association (Maschinenring).. ..Subsidies • Incentive Programs for regeneration or afforestation of higher tree diversity forests and amelioration projects • Contracted nature conservation projects (e.g. Naturwaldzellen) • Stimulation and award programs (e.g. Austrian Farm Forester of the year, Excellence in Forest Tending)
Strategies against these drawbacks and disadvant. • Value added chain taken up by SHTGrowers; Diversification... Provider for heating and electricity • Pan European Process.... PEFC Certification---- makes FSC also available to SHT Growers , Certification of WWG • SHT enterpreneurship (ongoing research)
Thank you for attention ! And cool down with an Austrian winter landscape, where even trees take a break from growing.