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DTL, S(F)DTL & CCL. C avity fundamental & technology of J-PARC linac. KEK Fujio Naito. Contents. I. Introduction to the RF cavity. II. Short story of beam motion III. DTL & SDTL for J-PARC. IV. ACS. Block diagram of the linac for J-PARC. Requirements for the linac of J-PARC.
DTL, S(F)DTL & CCL Cavity fundamental & technology of J-PARC linac • KEK Fujio Naito
Contents • I. Introduction to the RF cavity. • II. Short story of beam motion • III. DTL & SDTL for J-PARC. • IV. ACS
Requirements for the linac of J-PARC Current Average 675 μA Peak 50 mA Pulse Pulse width 500 μsec Repetition 50 Hz Chopping ratio 56 % RF duty (600μsec) 3 % Beam Energy 400 MeV Momentum width Δp/p = ±0.1 % (100 %) Emittance 3~5 πmm-mrad (99 %)
I. RF field in the cavity • Microwave in the cylindrical waveguide • Microwave in the pill box cavity • Multi cell cavity
Wave equations for Ez & Hz. Cylindrical coordinates (r,θ,z)
Mode of the traveling wavefor z-direction Ez=0, Hz=0 (TEM) Ez=0, Hz≠0 (TE) Ez≠0, Hz=0 (TM) TM mode: Standard mode for RF accelerating cavity since Ez≠0.
Solution for R • Boundary conditions: • R is finite at r=0. • Ez, Eθ is zero at r=a. ( a: cylinder radius ) A2=0, Jm(kca)=0, n-th root:Pmn=kca then kc=Pmn/a
Electric field pattern of the TM 01 mode ( P01=2.405, λc=2πa/P01=2.61a )
Dispersion curve (Tilt of the line) = vp/c (Tangent of the dispersion curve)= vg/c
Boundaries for z-direction (cavity) (Forward wave) + (Backward wave) = (Standing wave) TM010 TM011 TM012
Inter-digital H (IH) structure linac TE111 *Advantages High Q High Z *Disadvantages Et≠0 Ez: non-uniform ( EPAC2000, Kesler, et al. )
Boundaries for z-direction (cavity) (Forward wave) + (Backward wave) = (Standing wave) TM010 TM011 TM012
Energy gain & Transit time factor Transit time factor Pill box cavity (TM010) If E(z,0)=constant,
Other mportant parameters Z: shunt impedance ZTT: effective shunt impedance Q-value
Multi-cells cavity Example) 2 cells case Freq( 0-mode) < Freq.( π-mode )
EM field in the magnetically coupled 2 cell cvity f(0) > f(π)
Infinitely long cavity-chain structure Vg=0 Vg=(max) Vg=0 Dispersion curve (Brillouin zone)
π/2 mode cavities SCS ACS APS
EM field in SCC π/2 0 π f(0) < f(π/2) < f(π) Et≠0
Bridge coupler for ACS TM010 mode ( +TM014 ) TM012 mode ( +TM010 ) TM010 π/2 mode
II. Beam motion in the DTL • Longitudinal oscillation • rf defocusing • ( Transverse oscillation )
Phase acceptance ~ 3 |øs| øs ≠ 0 〜 30
III. DTL & SDTL for J-PARC. Requirements for DTL & SDTL: • RF power source: Klystron • Tunable & compact quadrupole magnet in the DT • Precise alignment of DTs in the tank. • Higher Q-value of the tank • Uniform & stable accelerating field
R&D subjects • Periodic Reverse (PR) Cu electro-forming method • Thick Cu plating on the tank inside • Compact quadrupole electro-magnet in the DT • Shield of ceramic vacuum chamber (by Vac. Gr. ) • DT alignment ( Results ) • Post-coupler tuning • ( Input coupler )
Periodic Revers ( Test cavity : (-) 20 sec (+) 4 sec ) A smooth deposit is obtained by periodically reversed current using a low copper-content acid copper sulfate bath containing no organic additives. Advantages of the PR process; (1) It produces thick deposit with smooth surface. (2) Deposit by this process has high electrical conductivity, low outgassing and sufficient thermal stability. (3) Mechanical properties of deposit is controllable.
Standard fabrication process of PR elctroforming of Cu for the cavity: (1) pre-processing on the inner surface of the iron cylinder for the followed electroforming; (2) first PR copper electroforming (+0.5 mm); (3) lathing the copper surface (-0.2 mm); (4) 2nd electroforming(+0.5mm); (5) lathing(-0.2mm); (6) finishing by the electropolishing (-50μm), of which the depth has been chosen in order to get the better surface condition.