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Présentation Comores sur l’atelier FFER

Présentation Comores sur l’atelier FFER. Du 12 au 16 Mai 2014 a Maurice. Présentation du pays. Comoros Islands are l ocated between East Africa and Madagascar in the Western Indian Ocean. S trategy and policy in Energy.

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Présentation Comores sur l’atelier FFER

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  1. Présentation Comores sur l’atelier FFER Du 12 au 16 Mai 2014 a Maurice

  2. Présentation du pays ComorosIslands are locatedbetween East Africa and Madagascar in the Western IndianOcean

  3. Strategy and policy in Energy Comores have elaborated a policy for energy(2012) as well as a strategy for renewableenergy(2013). Although if we have thesestrategic documents we have a lot of problems in thisfield and people don’t have power regulary. 60% en GC, 50% in Anjouan and 10% in Moheli Power isconsidered as an advantage. This situation is an obstacle for Comorosdevelopment. In someregions, people canspend more thanthreedayswithout power

  4. Kind of energy in Comoros • Biomassenergy 71% • Fossil Fuel Energy 27% • Hydraulicenergyand Solarenergy 2%, • geothermalenergy (project) good potentiality • There is a project to set up fuel central in order to solve the energeticproblems,waiting the development of RE but people are afraid of the negative impacts of the central. Negociations are undertakenbetweengovernment and local community

  5. Energy taxes Wehave threekindsof energytaxes • Diesel (gasoil) : Taxable • Gasoline(essence) : Taxable • Oil (pétrole) : non Taxable

  6. Importation taxes on petroleumProducts (ITPP) • We have unique tax which is charged at the source of the product sale • The tax depend of the Financial Law of the year • Gasoil (diesel) : 115 kmf ( $ 0.38 liter) • Essence(gasoline) : 230 kmf($ 0.77/liter)

  7. PreferentialPrices Somepreferential taxes are applicables for - The state societies • Civil engineering Society • The preferential taxes are applicable only on Diesel not Gasoline • Normal price – unique tax • 65% of Diesel is not taxable • Only 35% is taxable • For the Gasoline, 100% of the importedGasolineis taxable

  8. How SCH pay taxes to the government • Twoways to pay the taxes : • Pay in kind: fuel for ComorianAdministration isgiven by the ComorianHydrocarbon Society, quarterly, by order of the Vice President in charge of Finance • Pay in cash in the governmentaccountsby orderof the vice president in charge of Finance

  9. Follow up and evaluation • For each Cargo arrival, three bodies are involvedin the follow up. • ComorianHydrocarbon society • Customs • Treasurydepartment • A consultation is made to know and fix the Unique Taxamount • At the end of the year, the evaluation si done by the three bodies to know if the taxes have increased or decreasedcomparedpreviousyear’s.

  10. Thank you

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