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Social Network Analysis of DocGraph with Gephi

Learn how to analyze the social network of Medicare providers using DocGraph data and Gephi, a Java-based open-source tool. Discover the connections between healthcare providers and explore different graph types, graph analytics, and visualization techniques.

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Social Network Analysis of DocGraph with Gephi

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  1. Easier than Excel: Social Network Analysis of DocGraph with Gephi • Janos G. Hajagos • Stony Brook School of Medicine • Fred Trotter • fredtrotter.com

  2. DocGraph • Based on FOIA request to CMS by Fred Trotter • Pre-released at Strata RX 2012 • Medicare providers (more than doctors) • CY 2011 dates of service • Share 11 or more patients in a 30 day forward window • Initial access restricted to MedStartr funders

  3. DocGraph by the numbers • Directed graph • Average total degree 52.8 • 940,492 providers (graph nodes/vertices) • 49,685,810 shared edges

  4. Geographic visualization http://isurfsoftware.com/blog/2012/12/13/visualizing-geographic-connections-between-us-doctors/

  5. DocGraph data

  6. NPPES • National Plan and Provider Enumeration System • Source of NPI (National Provider Identifier) • No cost download  • Information is entered and updated by provider • Data quality is good to poor  • CSV file with 314 columns  • A custom MySQL load script is used to normalize the database • Bloom.api open source project to make data easier to access • http://www.bloomapi.com/

  7. Tabular data 8

  8. Things we can do with tabular data

  9. Graph data Relation between authors and MeSH terms from PubMed http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.94595 10

  10. Graph types • Undirected graph • Facebook friendships • Directed graph • Twitter: follow and be followed • Bipartite graph • Multipartite • RDF graph model • Property graph model • Allow parallel edges • RDF graph Model 11

  11. Components of a network/graph 12

  12. Graphs in healthcare • Prescriber and patient (bipartite) • NCPDP data with NPI • Referral data sets • Shared patients • DocGraph • Social networks • Tweeting about a disease • Limited by imagination 13

  13. Generating GraphML • XML based file format for graphs • Readable by a large number of tools • Gephi • Mathematica • igraph (R) • NetworkX a Python library for graphs which can export to GraphML • GraphML is not a file format for really large graphs • GraphML is not readable by d3.js

  14. GraphML can be loaded into Mathematica

  15. Gephi 16

  16. Gephi • Java based open source tool • Focused on interactivity • Fast graphics • Multi-threaded • Visual updates • Strong graph analytics • Graphs stored in memory • Upper limit is about 100,000 nodes • Netbeans plugin architecture • Integration with Neo4J • Additional layout algorithms

  17. Downloading Gephi http://gephi.org/users/download/ 18

  18. Downloading sample files https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21690634/DocGraph/docgraph_tutorial_examples.zip 19

  19. Subsets are generated using a Python script python extract_providers_to_graphml.py "npi='1750499653'" sterrence Leaf-edges Opening connection referral Configuration Selection criteria for subset graph: npi='1750499653' Referral table _name: referral.referral2011 NPI detail table name: referral.npi_summary_primary_taxonomy Nodes will be labeled by: provider_name Leaf-to-leaf edges will be exported? False … Imported 1 nodes … Imported 986 nodes … Imported 1724 edges Edge types imported {'core-to-leaf': 866, 'leaf-to-core': 856: None : 2} Leaf-to-leaf edges were not selected for export Writing GraphML file

  20. Generating a subset: some concepts Core nodes Connecting core nodes Adding leaf nodes Connecting to leaf nodes Connecting leaf nodes

  21. Sample files • jamestown_core_provider_graph.graphml • Providers selected with practice addresses in Jamestown, NY • Small city in far western New York (approximately 30,000 residents) • 179 nodes with 5,560 edges • jamestown_core_and_leaf_provider_graph.graphml • Includes providers above and those who are linked to them • 1,322 nodes with 12,457 edges • albany_core_provider_graph.graphml • Providers selected with practice addresses in Albany, NY • A small city in New York (approximately 100,000 residents) • 1,368 nodes with 44,711 edges

  22. Sample files (continued) • bronx_core_provider_graph.graphml • Providers selected with practice addresses in Bronx, NY • Urban community (1.4 million residents) • 3,268 nodes and 53,828 edges

  23. Opening a graph file 24

  24. Import report 25

  25. Force directed layout of the graph 26

  26. Results of the layout 27

  27. ForceAtlas 2 works well for larger graphs 28

  28. Navigating the graph • Best experience with a three button mouse with a scroll wheel • Right click and hold to pan • Scroll wheel to zoom in and out • Left click to select • Right click for context menus • MacBook users • command key and click and hold down on trackpad to pan • Two fingers to zoom on trackpad • Click on trackpad to select • Control click for context menus 29

  29. Coloring the graph (partitioning) 30

  30. Coloring the graph (partitioning) 31

  31. Varying node size based on importance • Step 1: Need to select a measure for node importance • Degree • PageRank • Eigenvector centrality • Step 2: Run the measure against the graph • Step 3: Ranking tab and “Size/Weight” • Step 4: Set size range 32

  32. Graph measures • Degree • In-degree • Out-degree • Graph structure measures • Clustering (global and local) • Network diameter • Centrality Measures • Eigenvector centrality • PageRank (Google search) • Community measures • And more . . . . . 33

  33. Interactively viewing node attributes Click the “T” icon on the bottom to turn on node labeling 34

  34. Data Laboratory 35

  35. Selecting visible fields 36

  36. Viewing edge attributes 37

  37. Saving your graph • Save your graph in .gephi format • xml based format • preserves layout, size, and color • Save in GraphML format for use with outside programs 38

  38. Filtering nodes by attributes 39

  39. Hints for filtering nodes • Drag field filter “is_physician” from the top pane to the lower pane • Set the value to filter on • Value should equal 1 • 1 is equivalent to true • Click “Filter” to apply 40

  40. Producing a final graph We need to rescale the edge weights in the graph 41

  41. Producing a final graph after scaling 42

  42. Bronx core provider graph 43

  43. Challenge questions • Which institution is the most “important” provider for the Bronx? • Hint: try a centrality measure • Can you determine if geography plays a role in patient sharing in the Bronx? • Which parameter could be used to partition the graph? • Can you filter the graph to show only radiologists? • Which radiologist has the highest “authority” in the graph? 44

  44. Other tools for graph analysis • NetworkX • Python • Lots of algorithms • igraph • R and Python • Gremlin – graph traversal and manipulation • Groovy shell • Gremlin interface is implemented for Neo4J • And more . . . 45

  45. Scaling the analysis to the entire DocGraph • Most healthcare graphs will be big (millions of nodes) • What we learn at the local level can be applied at the global level • Importance of geography • Supernodes (radiologist, ER docs, pathologist, transportation, …) • Many graph measures don’t scale well • Maximal cliques • Currently exploring how to use Faunus to scale the analysiswith Hadoop 46

  46. Links http://strata.oreilly.com/2012/11/docgraph-open-social-doctor-data.html (information) https://github.com/jhajagos/DocGraph (code) http://notonlydev.com/docgraph-data/ (open source $1 covers bandwidth fees) https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/docgraph (mailing list)

  47. Questions Try to publish your own healthcare dataset as a graph!

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