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This article presents a new technique for discovering long-lived pentaquarks and provides tables of long-lived states and decay modes of hadrons constructed with one or more heavy quarks. It discusses the effective Hamiltonian approach in QCD and predicts masses of undiscovered doubly heavy baryons.
New Technique for discovering long lived Pentaquarks, and Long Lived States and Decay modes of Hadrongs (e.g. Baryons) Constructed of one or More Heavy Quarks.Part I – Various Tables Arie Bodek, Y. S. Chung, Scott Field University of Rochester
First reference High Energy Physics - Phenomenology, abstracthep-ph/0212358 From: Ilya Narodetskii Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2002 14:56:48 GMT (17kb) Spectroscopy of Baryons Containing Two Heavy Quarks in Nonperturbative Quark Dynamics Authors:I.M.Narodetskii, A.N.Plekhanov, A.I.Veselov (ITEP, Moscow)Comments: 8 pages, LaTexJournal-ref: JETP Lett. 77 (2003) 58-62; Pisma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 77 (2003) 64-67We have studied the three quark systems in an Effective Hamiltonian approach in QCD. With only two parameters: the string tension sigma and the strong coupling constant alpha_s we obtain a good description of the ground state light and heavy baryons. The prediction of masses of the doubly heavy baryons not discovered yet are also given. In particular, a mass of 3620 MeV for the lightest (ccu) baryon is found by employing the hyperspherical formalism to the
3) EVALUATION OF SPECTRA OF BARYONS CONTAINING TWO HEAVY QUARKS IN BAG MODEL.By Da-Heng He, Ke Qian (Nankai U.), ……….Mar 2004. 10pp.n e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0403301
6) CHARMED AND BOTTOM BARYONS: A VARIATIONAL APPROACH BASED ON HEAVY QUARK SYMMETRY.C. Albertus, J.E. Amaro (Granada U.), E. Hernandez (Salamanca U.), J. Nieves (Granada U.),. Nov 2003. 23pp. Published in Nucl.Phys.A740:333-361,2004 : nucl-th/0311100
19) SPECTROSCOPY OF BARYONS CONTAINING TWO HEAVY QUARKS IN NONPERTURBATIVE QUARK DYNAMICS.By I.M. Narodetskii, A.N. Plekhanov, A.I. Veselov (Moscow, ITEP),. Dec 2002. 8pp. Published in JETP Lett.77:58-62,2003