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Secure and Resilient Commonwealth Panel Charter

The panel focuses on emergency management and homeland security within the Commonwealth, integrating prevention, protection, and recovery programs. Members include government officials and industry representatives. The Health and Human Resources Subpanel acts as the Grants Advisory Board. Ongoing efforts include national assessments and acknowledgments, as well as major preparedness exercises. The Virginia Department of Health Incident Management Team comprises various key roles for effective incident response.

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Secure and Resilient Commonwealth Panel Charter

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  1. Secure and Resilient Commonwealth Panel Charter • Secretary Public Safety and Homeland Security chairs. • The Panel shall have as its primary focus emergency management and homeland security within the Commonwealth to ensure that prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery programs, initiatives, and activities, both at the state and local levels, are fully integrated, suitable, and effective in addressing risks from man-made and natural disasters. The Panel shall where necessary review, evaluate, and make recommendations concerning implementation of such initiatives. The Panel shall also make such recommendations as it deems necessary to enhance or improve the resiliency of public and private critical infrastructure to mitigate against man-made and natural disasters.

  2. SRCP Membership Lieutenant Governor Attorney General Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court Agency Heads: State Coordinator of Emergency Management Superintendent of State Police Adjutant General State Health Commissioner 2 two local first responders 2 local government reps 2 citizens from the Commonwealth at large • 3 Delegates • 2 non-legislative citizens • 3 Senators • Secretaries: • Commerce and Trade • Health and Human Resources • Technology • Transportation • Public Safety and Homeland Security • Veterans and Defense Affairs • 2 physicians with knowledge of public health • 5 members from the business or industry sector

  3. Additional Requirements • The Panel shall convene at least biennially to discuss (i) changing and persistent risks to the Commonwealth from threats, hazards, vulnerabilities, and consequences and (ii) plans and resources to address those risks. • On or before October 1 of each year, the Panel shall report to the Governor, the Senate Committee on Finance, the Senate Committee on General Laws and Technology, the House Committee on Appropriations, and the House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety concerning the state of the Commonwealth's emergency prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery efforts and the resources necessary to implement them

  4. Health and Human Resources Subpanel • Only subordinate entity In-place since inception of the Panel • Meets prior to each Panel meeting and reports out to Panel • Acts on directions from the Panel and establishes an HHR-specific agenda. • Acts as OEP’s Grants Advisory Board • Has no specific membership at this time. • Current membership has evolved based on interests of its members. • No new chair designated since new Administration took office.

  5. Ongoing Efforts to Gage Preparedness • National Health Security Preparedness Index • https://nhspi.org/2017-index-released/ • National Association of County and City Health Officials: Project Public Health Ready • http://archived.naccho.org/topics/emergency/PPHR/index.cfm • Robert Woods Johnson Foundation’s Trust for America’s Health: Ready or Not Report • http://healthyamericans.org/reports/readyornot2017/ • CDC’s Operational Readiness Review • https://www.cdc.gov/phpr/readiness/orr.html

  6. Recent Acknowledgements • National Health Security Preparedness Index – Top 2 States • Robert Wood Johnson Ready or Not Report – Top 5 States • NACCHO Project Public Health Ready – Only state with all local health districts recognized

  7. Major Exercises • Marble Challenge (Oct 25 2017) • FBI sponsored, National Level Full Scale Exercise • Local, Regional, State and Federal Players • Terrorist Chemical / Active Shooter Attack at Kings’ Dominion • Noble Lifesaver Mar 31, 2018 • HHS / VDH Sponsored Patient Tracking / Evacuation TTX • Cat 4 Hurricane, Hampton Roads Pre and post landfall • Local, State, Regional, Federal EM and Health Partners • Statewide Mass Vaccination Exercises (Ongoing) • Annual VDH Test of Local Mass Vaccination Plans • Atlantic Fury (May 2018) / VESTEX 2018 • FEMA sponsored, National Level, Tabletop Exercise • Cat 3 Hurricane, Hampton Roads Landfall • Local / Regional (Hampton Roads, expanded), State and Federal Players • Major Health Care Facilities Impacted • Sheltering and Evacuation Components

  8. VDH Incident Management Team • June 2018 Incident Commander Dr. M. Norman Oliver PIO Maribeth Brewster Liaison Officer Joe Hilbert Safety Officer Seth Austin VEOC Liaison: Suzi Silverstein Administration/Finance/Logistics Chief Richard Corrigan Plans Chief Bob Mauskapf Operations Chief Dr. Laurie Forlano HR Rebecca Bynum Finance Mike McMahon Situation Unit James Moss Epi Branch Dr. Diane Woolard CHS Branch Bob Hicks Procurement/ General Services Steve VonCanon IT Debbie Condrey Regional Emergency Coordinators (5) 35 Local Health District Directors Radiological Branch Steve Harrison Fatality Management Coordinator Bill Gormley Dept. of Behavioral Health & Development Services Craig Camridge Environmental Health Allen Knapp Hospital/Medical Community Branch Patrick Ashley Drinking Water (ESF-3 Lead) Dwayne Roadcap SNS Coordinator James Moss EMS Unit Coordinator Karen Owens

  9. Statewide Pharmacy MOA Christine Fletcher, Pharm.D. Countermeasures & Mitigation: Medical Countermeasure Dispensing christine.fletcher@vdh.virginia.gov

  10. Walgreens / Rite Aid Pharmacy MOA

  11. Project Public Health Ready (PPHR) • All Health Districts Recognized and Re-recognized • Third Round Prep begins August ‘18 • ~ 1/3 LHDs participate annually • State review precedes project submittal to NACCHO • VDH provides Reviewers for out-of-state reviews • 100% recognition is Governor’s Goal

  12. Public Health and Healthcare Emergency Management Programs Training and Exercise Plan Workshop (State TEPW) • October 2017-Held first State Public Health and Healthcare Emergency Management Training and Exercise Plan Workshop (TEPW) • Identify Potential Exercises • Identify Training Opportunities. • Update the Exercise Schedule.

  13. Regional/Coalition Training and Exercise Plan Workshops (TEPW’s) Northwest Currently Being Scheduled • Conducted two sub-regional TEPW’s in Eastern Region: • April 12, 2018 Virginia Beach • April 23, 2018-Williamsburg

  14. National Level Exercise 2018: Atlantic Fury- Purpose, Scope and Objectives NLE 2018 will examine the ability of all levels of government, private industry, and nongovernmental organizations to protect against, respond to, and recover from a major Mid-Atlantic hurricane. The 2017 Atlantic hurricane season was one of the most devastating Atlantic hurricane seasons on record. The storms from this past year have reinforced the need to examine response and recovery core capabilities associated with a major hurricane. The NLE 2018 scenario includes a major hurricane that makes landfall near Hampton Roads, Virginia, causing severe damage to residences, businesses, and critical infrastructure throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. The scenario includes power outages and cascading effects, including impacts to communications, transportation, water/wastewater, and hospital systems. • Pre-landfall Protective Actions • Sustained Response in Parallel with Recovery Planning • Continuity in a Natural Disaster • Power Outages and Critical Interdependencies • VDH Specific Response Objectives: • Pre-landfall patient movement • Post landfall patient evacuation • Emergency Operations Coordination (ECC, EOC, Districts, Offices, Healthcare Coalitions) • Situational Awareness and Information Sharing • Communications • Continuity of Operations VESTEX 2018

  15. Future Planning-Exercises 2018-2019 • EPA Water Sector Tabletop (National Capital Region)-Summer 2018 • Virginia Operations Plan Exercise (VOPEX)-North Anna Power Station-July 2018 • National Capital Region CRI-Full Scale Exercise-Summer • Statewide SNS Full Scale Exercise-Fall 2019 • CapSquare III-Capital Square-Vaccination Full-Scale Exercise 2019

  16. Training Needs Assessment • Performed every 2 years • Shows level of understanding and helps determine training needs • Emergency Preparedness focused with additional data collected upon request

  17. Future Planning-Exercises 2018-2019 • EPA Water Sector Tabletop (National Capital Region)-Summer 2018 • Virginia Operations Plan Exercise (VOPEX)-North Anna Power Station-July 2018 • National Capital Region CRI-Full Scale Exercise-Summer • Statewide SNS Full Scale Exercise-Fall 2019 • CapSquare III-Capital Square-Vaccination Full-Scale Exercise 2019

  18. Tabletop in a Box • Prepackaged exercises that can be customized for Health Districts or Regions • Topics include: • Botulism • Ebola • HIV/AIDS • Measles • MERS • Monkeypox • Zika

  19. Community Based Emergency Response Seminar Series • Emergency Preparedness Exercise Design Fundamentals for 17 CMS Providers/Suppliers • Training offered in 12 locations across the Commonwealth • Objectives: • Design a tabletop exercise using the 8 Steps in Developing an Emergency Preparedness Exercise • Participate in at Table-top Exercise • Explain the steps in developing an After-Action Report • 2018

  20. HPP & PHEP Funding Trends

  21. HPP & PHEP Funding Trends

  22. Opioid Addiction Incident Management Domain: Incident Management Capability: Emergency Operations Coordination Jonathan Kiser Office of Emergency Preparedness Jonathan.Kiser@vdh.virginia.gov 804-864-7277

  23. VDH Addiction IMT Goals & Objectives • 3rd Quarter 2018 Operational Period Data and Surveillance

  24. Incident Commander Dr. M. Norman Oliver Liaison Officers Joe Hilbert Dr. Carole Pratt PIO Maribeth Brewster Administration/Logistics/Finance Section Chief Richard Corrigan Planning Section Chief Bob Mauskapf Operations Section Chief Dr. Laurie Forlano Exercise Unit Suzi Silverstein CHS Branch Bob Hicks Data and Surveillance Branch Jonathan Falk Finance OFM HR Rebecca Bynum Regional Champion Group Dr. Adekoya Procurement Steve VonCanon IT Debbie Condrey Primary Prevention Branch (Prevention) Dr. Vanessa Walker Harris Situation & Documentation Unit Jonathan Kiser Training Lisa Wooten Secondary Prevention Branch (Treatment) Lead: Dr. Vanessa Walker Harris Education Dr. Carole Pratt Tertiary PreventionBranch (Harm Reduction) Diana Jordan

  25. Volunteer Management

  26. emPOWER • Highlights the number of people who use electrically dependent medical equipment in a geographic area.

  27. Administrative Preparedness • Ability to receive federal funding without additional legislative action • State contracts in place for temporary personnel, transportation, supplies, equipment, PPE, etc. • Streamlined process to award funds to subrecipients • Emergency procurement procedures exist to expedite purchasing during emergencies • Alternate ECC for emergency coordination efforts • Alternate communication methods • Staff have the ability to work from alternate locations including home

  28. Federally Recognized Tribes in Virginia • Tribes • Chickahominy • Eastern Chickahominy • Upper Mattaponi • Rappahannock • Monacan • Nansemond • Pamuckey • Outreach and initial conversations at state level with Tribal leaders. • Invited to serve on Health and Human Resources Subpanel, Governor’s Secure and Resilient Commonwealth Panel. • Coordination and communication local through the local health district(s). • Invited to serve/participate on local ESF 8 efforts and healthcare coalitions. • Will coordinate and engage with other state agencies to partner and participate in preparedness activities as they arise.

  29. Bob Mauskapf, Director Emergency Preparedness Bob.Mauskapf@vdh.virginia.gov 804-864-7035 Suzi Silverstein, Asst OEP Director Education, Training and ExercisesSuzi.Silverstein@vdh.virginia.gov 840-864-7538 James Moss, Plans / SNS Coordinator James.Moss@vdh.virginia.gov 804-864-7034 Jennifer Freeland VDH State Volunteer Coordinator Jennifer.Freeland@vdh.virginia.gov 804-396-0543 Jonathan Kiser, Behavioral Health / Opioid Planner Jonathan.Kiser@vdh.Virginia.gov Kim Allan, Acting Deputy Commissioner (Preparedness) Kim.Allan@vdh.virginia.gov 804-864-7030 Patrick Ashley, Hospital Emergency Coordinator Patrick.Ashley@vdh.virginia.gov 804-864-7033 Lean Abdelaziz, CDC Assignee Lean.abdelaziz@vdh.virginia.gov 804-864-8231 General Info / Contact http://www.vdh.virginia.gov/OEP/ Questions?

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