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  1. A World Leader In Brain Based Education For more free games WholeBrainTeaching.com

  2. How to use Electronic SuperSpeed 100 Electronic SuperSpeed 100 (ES 100) contains 100 sight words arranged in order of frequency in English. Thus, the first word “the” is the most common English word, “to” the second word is the second most common word, and so on. The more quickly students can read sight words, the more they will enjoy reading. ES 100 can be used from pre-kindergarten through elementary school, wherever students need to improve reading speed . New readers focus on the first 5-10 words; advanced readers master the last 40 words. For ease of understanding, each syllable of a multi-syllable word is color coded. An unusually rich language development program, ES 100 also helps students with consonant and vowel recognition, phonics, rhyme words, use of parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective), and sentence construction. Two bonus sections, Weirdness Zoo and Bluebird Planet give beginning readers additional practice in language mastery. Weirdness Zoo, using nonsense words,is an entertaining exercise focused on consonant blends; Bluebird Planet provides a creative overview of nouns, verbs and adjectives. A key feature of ES 100 is that it is “open architecture” and is easily customizable by adding, deleting, or rearranging slides Thus, if you wish, elements of Weirdness Zoo and Bluebird Planet can be included any place in the program. Both these sections are described later in this introduction. ES 100 is easy to use. Put the program on a computer’s hard drive and project the words onto your classroom’s screen. Page through the words, while your students read them aloud. A variety of games are possible. -- See how many words your class can read in one, two or three minutes. -- Page through the words slowly, then quickly, then slowly, as if the class is on an roller coaster. -- Go forward, then unexpectedly backward. -- Make copies of words your class has problems with and insert these copies at unexpected places in the sequence. -- Count your students off in 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s and then give each group turns in reading sight words. -- Pit boys against the girls, or the left side of the classroom against the right, to see who can read a sequence of words the most quickly. -- Play “Quiet Riot” in which students alternately whisper and shout words. -- Modify the program to your students’ needs; add “bonus” vocabulary or core concept words to the list. -- Use the program as a stand alone reading exercise that students use on individual computers. Additional suggestions are found at the end of this introduction.

  3. How to use Electronic SuperSpeed 100 (cont.) To add even more fun, add your own narration to ES 100. “Ah, slow section coming up ... read slooooowly!” Page through the file slowly. “Oh, no! Almost to the top! Quick dip ahead!” Suddenly increase the speed of your page flipping. “Right turn! Everybody lean right!” Your whole class leans right as they shout the sight words. “Hands up and shriek in this next scary section!” Your kids shriek with their hands up as they master ES 100‘s sight words. Use ES 100 with a printed list of SuperSpeed 100, available as a free download at WholeBrainTeaching.com. ES 100 is for the class as a whole; SuperSpeed 100 is for each student to set and break individual reading records. The following pages highlight special features of ES 100.

  4. Here is an explanation of a sample word: in Students say this word. The first letter of rhyme words are indicated here. A question mark shows that there is at least one more letter that begins a rhyme word. f p ? The sentence below gives practice in using the word in context and understanding parts of speech. Students complete the sentence as many times as possible, substituting their own nouns. The noun is in the room.

  5. Beginning at slide 109, Weirdness Zoo gives students concentrated practice in using all the initial and final consonant blends: bl-, br-, cl-, cr-, dr-, fl-, fr-, gl-, gr-, pl-, pr-, pl-, pr-, sc-, sk-, sl-, sm-, sn-, sp-, squ-, st-, str-, sw-, tr-: -ct, -ft, -lb, ilt, -mp, -nd, -ng, -nk, -nt, -pt, -sk, -sp, -st. Encourage your kids to use silly voices when they say each of the nonsense words. Bleep! Breep! Cleep! Dreep! By cutting, copying and pasting you can include any, or all, of the Weirdness Zoo slides anywhere in ES 100 or, simply use them as a block to give students focused practice on consonant blends.

  6. Name lots of nouns that are things!! Beginning at slide 123, Bluebird Planet, gives your kids entertaining practice in naming and correctly using nouns, verbs and adjectives. Starting with lists of words, students eventually develop surprisingly complex sentences. Bluebird Planet provides excellent “tell your neighbor” exercises. Use Bluebird Planet as a sequence of related slides, or cut, copy and paste them anywhere in ES 100.

  7. Words 1-100 Educators have long recognized that skill in rapidly reading the most common sight words is fundamental to literacy. Only 100 words make up over half of all the words kids read in school! As you can see, ES 100 provides special aids to beginning readers. Each of the first 100 words is accompanied by a sentence that uses the word in context and that also, frequently, gives students practice in understanding three parts of speech (nouns, verbs and adjectives). In addition, almost every word is accompanied by the initial letters of rhyming words. For example, “in” is bordered by “f” (fin) and “p” (pin). Now that you have reviewed the program, here are some exercises that can be used with ES 100. -- To build reading speed, ask your kids to read aloud, as you page through a group of words slowly or rapidly; cycle back through words that cause your students difficulty. (This is a primary use of ES 100). -- To develop letter recognition, ask students to name the consonants or vowels in each word. -- To develop phonics skills, ask your students to pronounce the first letter, or blend, of each word. -- For additional phonics practice, ask students to work with their neighbors, creating rhymes using the letters beside each word. -- To deepen their language skills, ask students to read the sentence under each word and fill in the blank with their neighbors as many times as possible. -- Create a special sequence of the most difficult words. Then, use a timer and challenge your kids to set and break class records for how quickly the words can be read. -- Use Weirdness Zoo and Bluebird Planet as standalone exercises or, for variety, paste pages into the main sequence of ES 100. An especially powerful feature of ES 100 is that it is an “open architecture.” Tailor the program to your needs, by adding new pamges to the list, deleting others or creating new rhyme letters or sentences. For additional assistance, post questions on the forum at WholeBrainTeaching.com.

  8. Thenoun is big. the

  9. d f n ? He wenttothe noun. to

  10. b h ? ? I have a nounand a noun. and

  11. b k m ? ? He is in the noun. he

  12. a d l m ? ? It is anoun.

  13. b l m ? ? I like to eat nouns. I

  14. d f n ? I give you a noun. you

  15. b h l ? ? It is a noun. it b f h ? ? ?

  16. d ? The noun is made of wood. of d gl ?

  17. f p ? A noun is in the room. in

  18. d ? The nounwas in the hall. was

  19. b h l ? She said, “That was a noun.” said

  20. f Hisnoun was in here. his

  21. that b f h p ? ? Thatnoun was good.

  22. she b fr h ? ? ? She had a noun.

  23. for d m ? ? ? The noun is for you.

  24. d ? She had on a noun. on

  25. they d h l m ? ? ? ? They said that was a noun.

  26. c n ? ? You have a cat but I have a noun. but

  27. b d m ? ? I had a noun. had

  28. b f m ? ? The girl was at the noun. at

  29. d ? The noun sat by him. him

  30. She came with a noun. with

  31. c ? She went up to the noun. up

  32. b k h ? ? I see a noun and a noun. see

  33. b f h ? I see all the nouns. all

  34. b ? They look at a noun with a noun. look

  35. f ? The nounis near the noun. is

  36. f ? Hernoun is on the noun. her

  37. b c f ? ? There is a big noun near the noun. there

  38. c ? Some of theboys verb. some

  39. b ? I verb a word. word

  40. p ? She went out of the house to verb. out

  41. h As the dog barked, the boy verb. as

  42. fr k m ? ? We must be ______ and _____. be

  43. b p? Each childverb. (for example, runs) each

  44. We have to verb now. have

  45. d l m ? ? They go to theroom to verb. go

  46. b fr m ? ? Weverb. we

  47. s ? I am with a girl who wants to verb. am

  48. h m p? Then we verb. then

  49. The little boy verb. (for example, runs) little

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