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REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE. Towards Development Blagica Novkovska, MSc Director General, State Statistical Office Geneva, June 2009. REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE. Content.

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  1. REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Towards DevelopmentBlagica Novkovska, MSc Director General, State Statistical OfficeGeneva, June 2009

  2. REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Content • What is going on with collection of relevant information to measure development (more relevant MDG indicators);     • Lessons learned; • Future key challenges

  3. REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Millennium Development Goals Indicators (MDGs) The country has developed a strategic and institutional framework for monitoring, analysis and reporting on progress towards the achievement of MDGs. The State Statistical Office plays an important role as a government institution responsible for data providing and analysing.

  4. REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Measurement process • Status: • Redifined measurement instruments (pilot SILC survey was realized); • More complex sample designs are organized (more disaggregated indicators are expected); • The main sources of data on living standard measurement were redesigned; • -Intensive communication between all participants in the process of development of MDG1 was established • Plans: -Increase of the number of calculated indicators -Improvement of the quality of produced indicators • MDG 1.Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger: -Targets 2 -Indicators 5

  5. REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Measurement process • Status: • All 3 indicatiors are produced; • About 8-9% of the pupils do not finish eighth grade of primary education; • Since 2007/08 started the 9-year primary education; • Continuous increase of enrolment in secondary education. • Since 2008/09 started the compulsory secondary education; • Plans: -Improvement of timeliness and relevance of educational statistics; -Enlargment of the scope of educational statistics; • Establishing survey on social exclusion of students. • MDG 2. Achieve universal primary education: -Targets 1 -Indicators 3

  6. REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Measurement process • Status: • Redesign of the main source of data (LFS); • More complex sample design is organized (more disaggregated indicators are expected); • New surveys introduced; -Intensive cooperation between all participants in the process of development of MDG3 was established (statisticians, policy makers, NGOs, researchers). • Plans: -Increase of the number of calculated indicators; -Improvement of the quality of produced indicators; -Educate users to use correctly the indicators (avoid confusions) • MDG 3. Promote gender equality and empower women -Targets 1 -Indicators 4

  7. REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Measurement process • Status: • Enhanced cooperation between institutions participants in the process of development of MDG4, MDG5 and MDG6; • -Development of health statistics ; • Plans: -Increase of the number of calculated indicators • MDG 4. Reduce child mortality; • MDG 5. Improve maternal health; • MDG 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria andother diseases; -Targets 4 -Indicators 12

  8. REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Measurement process • Status: • The Statistical Office has established a Sector of Enviromental Statistics; • New surveys have been carried out; • New publications containing data on environment have been issued; • Cooperation between relevant institutions has been enhanced. • Plans: -Establishment of a sustainable system of environmental statistics -Increase of the number of calculated indicators • MDG 7. Ensure environmental sustainability; -Targets 3 -Indicators 8

  9. REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Lessons learned • Cooperation with all ”players”, in order to improve transparency of measurement of development, is very important; • Harmonisation efforts are needed; • Standardisation of methods and procedures applied is important; • Monitoring process of all activities is necessary; • Dissemination of indicators in the way to reach as many users as possible; • Present it in a way that users can relate it to their own interests;

  10. REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Future key challenges • New topics • Increasing importance of ad hoc surveys • Data sources • Shared data collection, integrated surveys • Improvement of existing data sources (increased role of estimations); • Data collection processes and tools -Introducing new methods of data collection; • Data disaggregation -By gender, ethnicity, region,etc. • Data estimations -By gender, ethnicity, region,etc.

  11. REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE State Statistical Office - partner in the process of policy creation that enables the improvement of indicators YOU CAN COUNT THE SEEDS IN AN APPLE, BUT YOU CAN'T COUNT THE APPLES IN A SEED Ken Kesey

  12. REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA STATE STATISTICAL OFFICE Thank you for your attention Vision without a task Is a dream A task without a vision Is only a hard work A task with a vision Is a success

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