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Sor Juana ines de la cruz 1648 - 1695

Sor Juana ines de la cruz 1648 - 1695. Reply to Sor Filotea de la Cruz Rus Khamzayev Jorge Toro. Sor Juana ines de la cruz 1648 - 1695. Born on November 12, 1648 Born into an upper-class family As a teen served as lady-in-waiting at the Viceregal court

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Sor Juana ines de la cruz 1648 - 1695

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  1. Sor Juana ines de la cruz1648 - 1695 Reply to SorFilotea de la Cruz RusKhamzayev Jorge Toro

  2. Sor Juana ines de la cruz1648 - 1695 • Born on November 12, 1648 • Born into an upper-class family • As a teen served as lady-in-waiting at the Viceregal court • Achieved a reputation as “Tenth Muse” • At the age of 3 years old she followed her sister to an all girl school to learn how to read. (page 409)

  3. Sor Juana ines de la cruz1648 - 1695 • At the age of 6 she knew how to read and write as well as household arts • She cut her hair and dressed as a boy in an attempt to go to a University in Mexico City • Studied Latin grammar • She had strong passion towards reading and Theology • Wrote secular forms: lyric poetry and drama

  4. Sor Juana ines de la cruz1648 - 1695 • Besides the writing of poems and plays, her studies included music, philosophy and natural science. • In 1669, at age 21, she entered Convent of the Order of St. Jérôme, where she would remain until her death. • “I, Sister Juana Ines de la Cruz, the worst in the world.” singed a statement with her blood after reaffirming her faith in 1694 • Died after nursing the sick in epidemic

  5. Reply to SorFilotea de la Cruz • In 1690, a letter of hers which criticized a well-known Jesuit sermon was published without her permission by a person using the alias “SorFilotea de la Cruz.” (Bishop of Puebla, Manuel Fernandez de Santa Cruz) • criticizing Juana for her comments and for the lack of serious religious content in her poems. • Reply, the first feminist manifesto, defending women's right to education.

  6. Reply to SorFilotea de la Cruz • Apologizes for not taking up the stereotypical role of a woman at that time • Purpose for writing is to defend women’s rights to be educated

  7. Reply to SorFilotea de la CruzPart I • Humble apology: • “This is not pretended modesty, lady, but simplest truth issuing from the depths of my heart…” Page 405 • “I other than an humble nun, the lowliest creature of the world, the most unworthy to occupy your attention?” Page 405 • “I wish no quarrel with the Holly Office…I will be ignorant of less. This is my response, and these are my feelings” Page 408

  8. Reply to SorFilotea de la CruzPart I • Brief autobiography: • “I was so inflamed with the desire to know how to read…”Page 409 • “…no cause for a head to be adorned with hair and naked of learning” Page 409

  9. Reply to SorFilotea de la CruzPart II • Use of Rhetoric: End of page 410 – 411 • Knowledge of different subjects plays a big role in history • Logic • Physics • Music • Geometry • Architecture • Law

  10. Reply to SorFilotea de la CruzPart III • Reference to Jesus Christ • Relates to his persecution for his wisdom and vision • “He excels? Then He shall suffer, for that is the reward for one who excels” Page 415 • “I have been persecuted for my wisdom, but merely for my love of wisdom and letters…” Page 417

  11. Reply to SorFilotea de la CruzPart IV • Refers to great women in history • Underlines their wisdom and achievements • “I see many and illustrious women;…and an infinite number of others, with divers gifts and virtues” Page 420

  12. Reply to SorFilotea de la CruzPart V • Concludes the letter by being bold yet respectful • “…and if you find unsuitable the Vos of the address I have employed, believing that for the reverence I owe you, Your Reverence seemed little reverent, modify it in whatever manner seems appropriate to your due, for I have not dared exceed the limits of your custom, nor transgress the boundary of your modesty.” Page 430

  13. Tone and Writing style • Theological polemic • Smooth surface of her elegant prose, conceals both rage and determination to assert her right. • Uses justification • Irony • Asserts her unimportance, she illustrates the rage of her knowledge and of her rhetoric skill • Interchanges her tone from submissive to controversial, highlighting her great knowledge to underline her argument • Contradicts herself how it is socially not accepted for women to be educated, yet she gives reasons why they should be.

  14. References • Historical –biblical historical references • Biblical – Jesus Christ, Apostle, Father Saint Jerome, Moses (Page 416, 417, 406)

  15. Women’s Role • Stereotypical household wife • Life devoted to Convent • Argues for women’s right to be educated • Argues that men are not better than women • The Enlightenment was about how people started to interpret the complex and rich thoughts of philosophers • The Enlightenment sparked the idea that women should be more educated, with Sor Juana leading the way and eventually followed by Lady Montague

  16. Sor Juana ines de la cruz The End

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