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This topic focuses on developing children's physical and social skills through various play activities and communication exercises. The aim is to promote coordination, motor skills, and social interactions.
Key: PSED – Personal, Social and Emotional Development CL – Communication and Language PD – Physical Development L – Literacy M – Maths UW – Understanding of the World EAD – Expressive Arts and Design POR books – Power of Reading. This a reading initiative used throughout the school Please note; The following topic webs are a collaboration of ideas for provision linked to our chosen topics. These ideas may be implemented into the teachers’ weekly planning. Dates for stay and plays are subject to change and will be confirmed through our weekly class newsletters.
PD • Explore range of climbing, balancing and sliding apparatus, wheeled toys, bats and balls, hoops etc. in the outside area • Explore ways of travelling using different body parts (feet only, hands/feet, tummies, etc.) • Move with control and co-ordination and in a range of ways • Play starting and stopping on a signal games – traffic light game • Moves to music • Travels with confidence and skill, around, under and over • Balancing • Morning challenge – letter formation • Provide activities which include gross motor skills swirling ribbons, painting, climbing • Promote fine motor control, hand/eye coordination by using threading, providing jigsaws, sewing, small construction, cutting and chopping • Make collages/models using scissors, glue, tape, paper, junk • Daily writing table with a variety of mark making activities for fine motor development • Use paintbrushes and mark-makers • Manipulate and use dough, clay, rolling pins, junk and cutters, etc. • Provide opportunities that give children manipulative skills e.g. cooking, painting, playing instruments. • Adopt healthy and hygienic routines throughout the school day • Dressing – i.e. dressing themselves for P.E, dressing up in the home corner • Introduce: keeping healthy • Weekly P.E sessions (for reception class only) • Gym, dance, apparatus, ball skills • Discuss ‘keeping safe’ in P.E, importance of PE rules How we set up the learning to teach children in the Foundation Stage Prime Areas… • C&L • Introduce class rules i.e. taking turns in speaking and listening – Discuss and all agree • Encourage imaginative role play in home corner role play, small world play, puppet play • Encourage children to listen attentively in group times • Encourage children to converse with others in all classroom areas • Develop language skills through structured and unstructured discussions linked to books, topics, routines, events etc. • Encourage children to join in with daily stories, rhymes and songs • Discussions about illustrations during story time • Provide speaking and listening opportunities for children on a 1-1 basis -getting to know the children • Introduce activities and routines with simple instructions • Encourage children to listen attentively to stories • Provide EAL children with opportunities to use home language. • Provide opportunities for talking about own families and friends • Listen to music/story telling CDs as a group • PSED • Key person – make parents and children aware of their nursery/reception key person • Work with parents - for a smooth transition for all children. • Introduce visual time table for use in the classroom (reception) • Discuss new classroom/ school rules and routines with the class • Introduce beginning and end of day routines • Introduce classroom behaviour reward chart (Reception class) • Teach children where toys and resources are kept (both inside and outside) • Teach children how to look after the toys and resources - so that they can do this independently • Introduce clear ‘tidy up time ‘routines • Introduce self-help systems i.e. lunch register • Star of the day – share achievements with the group • Children to get to know one another – circle time activity • Encourage children to communicate needs with adults • Set up specific learning areas and teach children how to use each area
M • Regularly sing number songs and rhymes as an oral starter to the maths session • Use pictures and props to illustrate counting rhymes • Play error games with puppet e.g. count same object twice, miss out an object etc. • Recite number names in order, continuing to count forwards or backwards from a given number • Count a set of objects (5, 10, 20) giving just one number name to each object • Recognise none and zero in stories, rhymes and when counting • Count sounds, movements, moving things, objects in a circle, blank number track • Count on fingers • Register – count number of children in class • Introduce shapes and discuss basic properties of shape • Numerals of personal significance – house numbers, ages, birthdays • Ask ‘how many?’ questions .. • Introduce some mathematical language i.e. big/small/biggest/smallest/more/fewer/most/least etc. • Sort cups, plates, knives and forks in home corner • Look at the similarities and differences of 2 groups of objects – how are they different, which group has more... • Sort groups by colour –primary colours • Sort/count sets of animals, compare bears, play people, shapes and other • Play counting games using fingers (and toes) • Encourage mathematical vocabulary during snack time – discuss sharing amounts of objects talk about 1 more, less, full, empty etc. • Provide number labels in the environment • Match number cards to numbers and/or amounts • Take children on a shape hunt on the school playground • Talk about the shapes they can see in the classroom i.e. windows How we set up the learning to teach children in the Foundation Stage Specific Areas… • L • Create an environment rich in literacy – i.e. labelled resources, signs, name labels, examples of children’s writing • Provide opportunities for children to retell familiar stories in role play and small world etc. • Encourage children to join in with group stories, rhymes and songs • Discuss books and stories during story time • Create new stories inspired by books, poems, pictures, music etc. • Discuss an author and begin to look at books by the same author • Introduce children to the book corner/encourage them to look at books alone and with others • Allow children to bring books into school and to take books home • Begin to distinguish sounds using Jolly Phonics and phase 1 & 2 Letters and sounds • Provide EAL children with opportunities to use home language. • Introduce reading books for taking home at the end of term 1 (reception) • Begin simple guided reading sessions at the end of term 1 (reception) • Use ‘name’ recognition self registration cards • Provide a variety of make marking opportunities in and around the setting i.e. in the role play area – home corner, outside area • Add labels for the specific play areas including the role-play area (where necessary) • Provide opportunities for writing in all areas of the classroom – clipboards, dry wipe boards etc. • Practice name writing at every opportunity • Practice forming letters using pens, pencils, crayons, chalks, paints, sand, play dough • Provide activities to develop fine motor skills – popping bubbles, threading activities, small construction • Provide opportunities for painting/drawing; sometimes giving meaning to marks • Form letters in name using pens, paints, sand, by labelling models • All children engage in regular phase 1 phonics ;exploring sounds, rhyme and alliteration
How we set up the learning to teach children in the Foundation Stage Specific Areas… • UW • Become familiar with regular journeys within the school premises e.g. class to hall, class to toilets etc. • Discuss changes, patterns, similarities and differences e.g. Observe and record the weather daily • Use small world and role play to explore other lives and environments • Use photographs and labels around the classroom to help children to familiarise with the setting • Set up activities that provide opportunities for asking why things happen and how they work • Talk about self and immediate family in circle time • Sharing news about our homes and cultures • Discuss special events such as birthdays • Spend time discussing living things in the environment – how do we care for them? • Talk about our homes, families and places that we go to, compare to other children and discuss • Find out about the world through looking at books, pictures, artefacts, talking to visitors • Walking in the local environment • Provide play maps and small world equipment for children to create their own environments • Discuss weather and changes through the term – I.e. autumn to winter • Provide children with wind up toys and toys with flaps and pulleys • IT sessions to focus on; using beebots , Ipads and cameras confidently • Regular use of IT resources i.e. Beebots and Ipads • Use ICT to support learning/topics in class • EAD • Introduce children to a wide variety of art materials and how to use them safely • Painting (finger, bubble, hand, splatter) with different sized brushes, different types of paints on different sized, shaped and textured paper. • Drawing with pencils, pens, crayons, chalks, charcoal on different sized, shaped and textured paper. • Modelling with junk, clay, dough, construction toys • Explore tools for painting; brushes, sponges, rags and fingers, use these tools to print patterns • Look at paintings and other forms of art and discuss content and style • Explore observational drawings/paintings of faces using mirrors, noting similarities and differences • Explore different materials/ textures • Make 3D structures with construction • Children to re-enact own experiences - Home corner role play • Explore sounds, songs and music • Names colours and experiment with them • Provide an area of the classroom specific for displaying models safely • Observe things closely, record through drawing and modelling • Provide good quality Role play corners
PSED Children get to know one another’s names Sharing classroom rules Show and tell - favourite object from home Talking about own interests, likes & dislikes Say one new thing you have learned about a new friend Egg activity – we are all the same inside Learn about our emotions Create a family tree display using family photos M How tall am I chart Number floor mats How do you get to school tally chart Sorting activities Number the children and order them Happy to share game Body counting Body bingo Race against time – do 5 star jumps before the timer runs out Measure body parts with unifix Hair/eye colour graph All about meTopic Web CL Sharing baby photos Who am I describing game Discussing own interests and favourite things Asking other questions about their interests Getting ready for school Make an all about me bag EAD Making faces with natural objects Who am I activity (photos of eyes display) Make clay faces Hand colour mixing activity Texture pictures Footprint patterns Paper plate self portrait display Family portrait display Create all about me bunting (faces) Playdough faces Make mirrors using foil L Mark making – talking about what they have drawn Drawing self-portraits Completing all about me posters Joining with rhymes about body parts Labelling body parts Drawing/recording memories Writing names on own work Make textured names I’m glad I’m me because My first day at school mark making PD Gym (reception class) Making faces with healthy food What foods do we like? Body movements Pencil control activities Looking after the dolls – washing Body dice game Design a healthy lunchbox • List of stories • Monkey Puzzle • Titch • Will you be my friend? • Starting school • Topsy and Tim start school • Peace at last • Harry & the Dinosaurs go to school • What’s it like to be a baby Elephant • My Day • Big can I can • Funny Bones • Your Amazing body • See, Hear, Touch, Taste, Smell • POR books: • Blue penguin • Blue chameleon • A bit lost • No dinner • The gigantic turnip UW Talking about past and future Discuss family pets Discuss routines at home Talk about our senses Children use magnifying glasses to study objects from home Body and people jigsaws Small world figures – people from around the world Taking selfies and decorating with pens Toys now and from the past Make Autumnal painting – finger paints Links with parents Stay and Play session - Friday 5th October
Links with parents Stay and play session – Friday 16th November Parent/family visitors discuss their cultures & special events International day Food tasting day – parents provide food from their cultures PSED Taking part in turn taking games Introduce Buddy the Elf – makes good/bad choices Sharing resources and toys with little support How do parties make us feel? Children’s own special events i.e. birthday We Love To Party Topic Web L Writing invitations Making banners Writing thank you cards Make Rama and Sita puppets for retelling the story Writing Christmas lists Retell/act out the Nativity story Story of Hanukkah with parent How to catch a reindeer Make and sign greeting cards Voice of the child speech bubbles CL Talk about the celebrations/festivals they keep Discuss the different sounds at a party Discuss different ways to celebrate Parents invited in to talk about family celebrations/festivals Play party games i.e. pass the parcel PD Dance (reception class) Discussing and making different party foods Working on letter formation/pencil control Make paper chains Children use sequins to create party patterns (fine motor) Carving/exploring inside pumpkins and other vegetables Provide children with rackets and small balls EAD Enjoy Halloween slime/making potions Create new dances Decorate party hats Dressing up role play – traditional clothes Make a variety of Christmas gifts Make a variety of Christmas decorations Mendhi prints - on hands Making rockets for bonfire night Making poppy card for remembrance cards Make Diwali candle holders Play party games i.e musical statues Tea party role play/Santa’s grotto Used beads/sequins to make Rangoli patterns Make Hanukkah candle pictures Cooking – Christmas biscuits UW Discussing our similarities and differences Learn about bonfire night - keeping safe Talk about remembrance Sunday Take part in the Harvest assembly Learn about Halloween Learn about Diwali Learn about Hanukkah Learn about Christmas Take part in the nativity play International day Small world – bonfire night Learn about Harvest – farmer vehicles Make pumpkin boats – floating and sinking How do we keep a snowman from melting? M Counting balloons How many guests Ordering numbered Christmas puddings Creating patterns on party banners/posters Make large Rangoli patterns Number snowmen Roll the dice – build a snowman Creating patterns to decorate Christmas trees Sorting Christmas decorations by size Estimating the number of snowballs in the pot • List of stories • The Nativity story • Hanukkah story • A range of non- fiction texts • Birds eye video – celebrations • Pumpkin soup • Rama and Sita • POR books: • Anna Hibiscus song • Stanley’s stick • The leopard’s drum • Tanka, tanka, skunk
UW Looking at similarities and differences in the houses around the world Igloos – how do they keep people warm? Materials used to build a home Car/transport – how do you get around? Small world – builders yard Materials table for exploring Animal homes Draw houses (specific to different countries) and link to a world map HomeTopic Web PSED Talking about our home/what our homes look like Who lives at home? Looking after our home/bedroom How do other children live? PD P.E apparatus (reception class) Looking after our home – how? Create obstacle courses in the garden Building walls & towers using outdoor bricks Different jobs around the house Provide children with large balls Building rockets to support role play L Write shopping lists Keep home diaries Reading newspapers Logos – home goods Label a home Write a list of what you will need to build a house My garden design activity Create maps 3 little pigs – focus on the houses What makes a good home? Voice of the child speech bubbles M Recognition of numbers in the environment Number walk in the local area Making number plates for the bikes Counting windows Make shape houses Making homes from numicon Post the numbered letters through the corresponding doors Homes and houses colour bingo Types of house pictogram Colour by number houses EAD Building different types of houses using construction toys Make box houses for display Use Ipads to design homes Space rocket role play corner – unique homes Family pictures Design dream homes Making large homes with outdoor materials Life in outer space – alien homes House building on the tuff tray House building using recyclable materials Make Hansel and Gretel houses using sweets Make houses using playdough • List of stories • Based on children’s choice/interest • Children’s stories from home • Beegu • Mr Wolf’s pancakes • POR books • Naughty bus • One sudden hill • A new house for mouse CL Cooking sessions Talking about the homes in familiar traditional tales Describing what houses look like Talking about unique home? Who could live here? Discuss photos of different houses – likes/dislikes Links with parents Stay and play session – Friday 1st February Parent readers to visit on a rota Team presentation – parent & child (things they like to do)
L Writing job specs Different story sacks- jobs of the characters When I grow up I want to be… Enjoy rhymes linked to jobs Write name badges Make teacher registers Write out incident forms i.e. fire fighters Create price list for hairdresser Make Opticians letter chart Writing up dental/doctor check up forms Superhero writing initiative Topic Web When We Grow Up M Measuring ourselves Capacity and length Syringes – water play Post office Shape drawing Create a shop (money) Bus stop game PSED Discuss own abilities – what are we good at? What would I like to be when I grow up and why? Safety at work CL Family links – parents invited to discuss their own occupations 999 lotto game Who am I? game Discuss the roles of each occupation Discuss what children would like to be when they grow up Discuss people who help us posters Occupation role play PD P.E – ball skills (reception class) Large brush and roller painting Washing up bottles to squirt water Acting out how to do different jobs Cleaning and scrubbing animal figures (vets)People who help us puzzles UW Gardening sessions. Who wants to be a gardener? Visit the allotment Childsview DVD – emergency services How do we change as we grow? Create a dental surgery with relevant resources; tools & books Create a hairdressers with relevant resources & books Transport themed table activity Linking jobs to transport EAD Hospital role play Painting with trains and other work vehicles X ray – pictures with straws Car wash/garage role play in the garden Painter decorator jobs, use paint brushes outside with water Occupation day – children dress up Black paint – finger prints (police) Make people who help us masks Making princess crowns Paint people at work Acting out different occupations When I grow up I want to be a superhero? Make super vegetables Make superhero mask and capes • List of stories • 999 emergency • Jobs people do • My Big Brother Boris • Sugar lump and the unicorn • Postman Pat stories • Fireman Sam • Octonauts • Super Tato • POR • Biscuit bear • Nursery stories Links with parents Stay and play session – Friday 8th March Parent/family visitors to read their favourite stories
PSED Link with and celebrate family culture Where would you like to visit? Where have you been? How do we look after our world? Recycling – green planet L Share the story ‘Children from around the world’ Share new stories from around the world (links with parents) Describing and labelling famous monuments Join in with lots of action songs Write postcard from around the world Write a list of clothes/items needed for a specific trip Write about habitats – what animals need We’re going on a bear hunt – different environments Topic WebWhat A Wonderful World PD P.E gym (reception class) Chopsticks Calligraphy Play games from around the world Create sensory habitats Dance from all over the world Carnivals CL Singing in different languages Numbers in different languages Greetings in different languages What would it be like to visit? Create a where in the world board (links with parents) M Foreign coins Counting in different languages Morning/night and time Sorting by habitats/animals etc. Animal patterns. Counting animals into pens Number fishing Under the sea water jugs – capacity Water towers EAD Play games from around the world Parents to teach games they know from home countries Lotto around the world Different people puzzles Role play – under the sea Make flags from around the world Create different small world – farm, arctic, jungle etc. Make animals using natural resources Make habitats inside shoe boxes Ocean in an egg carton Create small world garden for animals inside tyres Small world snow table Make your own nature paint brushes Leaf rubbings Still life drawings of plants • List of stories • Percy the Park Keeper • The snail and a whale • Octonauts • Barry the Fish with Fingers • Sharing a shell • TingaTinga stories • Non-fiction – cultural stories/countries • Balloon for grandad • The run away Chapatti • Handa’s surprise • Jolly postman • POR books • Bog baby • Yucky worms • Hooray for fish • Surprising sharks • Dogs • Argh spider UW Our community display board Discuss different countries Make and try food from around the world Parent visitors to talk about home countries Different environment Animal habitats Clothes from around the world Climate Natural wonders of the world Outer space Create an investigation area Mini beasts Make a bug hotel Match animals to habitats Comparisons – cities and countryside Links with parents Stay and play session – Friday 17th May
M Sorting balls (for the beach) Order items by size Shell sorting How long is the journey? Quicker/slower by… Prepositional language Adding & subtracting with shells Bureau de change How many people will fit in the boat? Seaside theme number cards for ordering Make ice-cream for sale posters L Share summer songs and rhymes Writing postcards Complete holiday booking form Write a list of what you need to take to the beach/Arctic Write a list of what to pack for your chosen holiday Café roleplay – writing orders/menus Voice of the child speech bubbles Provide holiday brochures Make own passport Topic WebSummer Holiday PSED Talk about how we keep safe in the sun/snow etc. Has anyone ever travelled by…? Talk about the importance of looking after the oceans The importance of staying with grown up during day trips Sharing – the rainbow fish CL Magic carpet ride activity – where would it take you? Memory game Where would your train take you? Talking about the different things there is to do on holiday Sell holidays at the travel agents (holiday brochures) Create Punch and Judy show using puppets PD P.E apparatus (reception class) Gross skills with buckets and spades Talk about sun safety Use tweezers to sort shells Make beach necklaces (threading) Playdough to make mermaids Glitter, brown playdough (sand) Day at the beach finger gym EAD Pass the passport game Painting sunsets/holiday scenes Making models of transport i.e. plane Ice cream parlor table activity Sunglasses beach drawing activity Seaside in a tuff tray Boats in the water tray Make boats from bottle lids Making ice-cream cones using cake cases Make light houses Sand and shaving foam – sensory Making fish from paper plates Blue spaghetti for under the sea small world Making sand castles with paper cups Make rock pets Make ice-cream rice Krispy cakes Make rainbow fishes • List of stories • Titch • Sharing a shelll • The tiny seed • The train ride • The hungry caterpillar • The ugly duckling • Charlie and Lola • The little princess stories • Non –fiction life cycle books • POR • Emily Brown and the thing • So much • Here’s a little poem • A great big cuddle UW Weather and seasons Make shadows in the big playground Ice play Harvest the garden Explore our grown plant with magnifying glasses Suitcase packing – what would you take? Learn about lighthouses and how they work Boat rescue Links with parents Reception assembly – date tbc Sports day – date tbc Transition events – date tbc