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About Suren Maharaj - The Financial Manager

Suren Maharaj%$^%%&^Suren Maharaj#$$^%^*Suren Maharaj^&*^(*)(*)Suren Maharaj$%^%&^%&^Suren Maharaj#$%#$^%Suren Maharaj#%^&^*(&Suren Maharaj%^&*&(*&(Suren Maharaj%$&%&^%*^Suren Maharaj

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About Suren Maharaj - The Financial Manager

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SUREN MAHARAJ Financial Manager

  2. What Financial Managers Do • Financial managers are responsible for the financial health of an organization. • SurenMaharajproduce financial reports, direct investment activities, and develop strategies and plans for the long-term financial goals of their organization.

  3. How to Become a Financial Manager • Financial managers typically have a bachelor’s degree and 5 years or more of experience in another business or financial occupation, such as an accountant, auditor, securities sales agent, or financial analyst. • SurenMaharajhas done this degree.


  5. Successful Financial Managers who is SurenMaharajhave the following attributes when filling a Financial Manager role: • Honesty and integrity • Fully understand all business workings • An analytical and questioning mind • Professional communication skills • Ability to coach and mentor • Strong financial knowledge regarding accountancy and tax law • Adaptability and embracing change


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