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Spinefronteir Leader in Spine Surgeries

Spinefronteir Glassdoor, Spinefronteir, Spinefronteir CEO.

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Spinefronteir Leader in Spine Surgeries

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Spinefrontier, Spinefrontier CEO,Spinefrontier Glassdoor

  2. Spinefrontier Spinefrontierwas founded by surgeons who stand for the Less Exposure Surgery philosophy - the philosophy of achieving optimum surgical exposure while maximally preserving anatomy. Our technology optimizes surgical access and minimizes use of radiation, muscle dissection and anatomy removal into one pivotal focus: less exposure with optimal visualization.

  3. Spinefrontier Glassdoor Spinefrontier Glassdoor provides best & world class spine surgery using the newest LES( Less Exposure Surgery) technique.

  4. Spinefrontier CEO Spinefrontier creates the high quality LES(Less Exposure Surgery) instruments which are used in LES(Less Exposure Surgery).We have created more than 35 instruments which all are used in LES(Less Exposure Surgery). SpineFrontier CEObelieves Our Less Exposure Surgery Philosophy sets us apart from other providers.

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